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Thoughts on Marti Hunting



I realize that the majority of players have "been there, done that" with regards to Marti's in Ilshenar. I would like to collect a full set still. Any opinions on the quickest spawn rates to increase my chances? if not fast spawns, maybe just solid places to hunt. I have a Legendary Archer and a Mage. Thanks


Regular Ilsh marties you can hunt Blood Ele's or Succubi with good results. For ML marties Miasma, Coil, Thrasher, or the named ML creatures in Bedlam would be your best bet.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I realize that the majority of players have "been there, done that" with regards to Marti's in Ilshenar. I would like to collect a full set still. Any opinions on the quickest spawn rates to increase my chances? if not fast spawns, maybe just solid places to hunt. I have a Legendary Archer and a Mage. Thanks
The last I was told by anyone, the odds of getting an Ilshenar Artifact (I frankly think the major/minor distinction is pointless except when it comes to Tokuno Artifacts, where it has a specific meaning), are 1 in 7 from a paragon balron.

That's the best odds I've ever heard quoted. And when these items were new, that was the most commonly farmed monster.

So I'd say there.

There are of course a small number of treasure chest-only "minor" artifacts. Given that you can get the Ilshenar Artifacts from treasure chests too, chests might seem like an efficient route....except that level 6 chests are a MAJOR pain in the ass.

And I'm not sure if you even want the treasure chest stuff or just the Ilshenar stuff.

-Galen's player


Thank you all for the input. I am after everything really. lol

First though the old Marti's. Alchemists Baubble, Wooden Steed etc. etc.

I don't know (or lack the confidence) that my Archer could handle a Paragon Balron or even a BE. Not sure.

I do have a GM Treasure Hunter and quite a few level 6's. But death by chest although expected, could be much worse with a level 6 chest. I would need backup.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all for the input. I am after everything really. lol

First though the old Marti's. Alchemists Baubble, Wooden Steed etc. etc.

I don't know (or lack the confidence) that my Archer could handle a Paragon Balron or even a BE. Not sure.

I do have a GM Treasure Hunter and quite a few level 6's. But death by chest although expected, could be much worse with a level 6 chest. I would need backup.
With practice, your archer can likely handle a paragon blood elemental with comparative ease, and a paragon balron with.....less ease. And, potentially, a lot of deaths.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For Marties do the champ spawns in Ilsh. Take out the paragons whenever they appear.

For the ML Marties, imo the best spot is Thrasher, although either a tamer or dexer would be better there.


Chiv Archer...Throw on a darkwood suit (bloodwood), bracelet of health, Crimmy if you got one, Totem of void or primer, demon slayer bow...or even just a good bow with some life leech, hit spell, and SSI and you can handle a paragon Balron no problem as long as keep on the move to heal...I take em out pretty easy with mine...


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Lvl 6 chests only give a certain range of marties and not all of them.

Luck increases the chances to get them dramatically. If you are serious about getting some then luck suits are a must.

My suggestion is to get a buddy or two and head to where the succubus spawns in the blood dungeon. A few mages casting nothing but EV's will rack up marties very easily. Unlike doom, illshenar arties will drop multiples. Each person has a chance to get one if they do enough damage not just 1 person.

If you are needing to solo I would suggest lich lords using your archer.


Leviathans give a 1 in 4 change for martie (if you threw the white net and have 100 fishing skill). I've gotten just about every martie from these.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
phantus said:
Lvl 6 chests only give a certain range of marties and not all of them.
It's true that chests don't give the full range of martis, but the same can be said of paragons.

To get "all" of them, you need to farm all three sources - the leviathan, chests, and paragons.

You can choose a creature/luck combo here in order to see the odds are getting an arti off a given paragon.

If you do decide to "get them all", I'd recommend searching for fabled nets as soon as you can. It's not actually that hard to kill the leviathan, most of the difficulty lays in summoning it. Many of the non-leviathan specific items can be bought pretty cheap if you search enough vendors, but the leviathan ones are truly rare.

Stupid Miner

hm... perhaps the devs could boost marti chance a bit, and add the ML set items to the marti drops as well.

Does anyone actually use the original set items except possibly the Assassin's set?


Best way I know to get ML Marties (not paragon ones) is to get a mage, go to the Twisted Weald, stand on top of the cliff and throw EVs at Lady Lissith and Lady Sabrix (the spiders).

If you clean up the odd roaming changeling first you can stand there and do this all day with zero risk and the marties drop into your pack.

Also if your lucky you'll encounter a Paragon Changeling which have a good chance to drop Paragon Marties.

Chloe la Mare

i do champ spawn regulary and pretty much get a Martie everytime... and a chance at a relic :D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For Marties do the champ spawns in Ilsh. Take out the paragons whenever they appear.

For the ML Marties, imo the best spot is Thrasher, although either a tamer or dexer would be better there.
There's the answer.

Champ spawns and Thrasher. My constant source of Ilshenar marties is the Oaks (Spirituality) champ spawn. Since nobody else wants to take the 10 minutes it takes to bring karma back up, they leave half of the paragons alone, so during or after any given Oaks spawn, it's easy to pick off the paragons one by one, and you always have a paragon something to kill.

After a champ spawn is done, kill Trasher or Miasma for a few minutes to get your karma back up (and a chance at ML marties). Repeat as often as you like.