Well, we have Asty saying it takes minimal effort. We have you saying you can replace your entire suit of artifact plus quality items in 10 hours. I agree. You should stop posting. Unless of course you want to keep proving my point.
It hate o break this to you but factions isn't for uber PvPers, it isn't for tough guys. It is for people who rely on equipment over skills and need a shortcut to get there. When you are in factions and don't wear the gear, then you'll be a tough guy. I'm not holding my breath for that.
Scorn the only reason you do not like faction items is because you .. being the person you are, Are too afraid to go into factions.. meaning you do not have access to the gear (Risk v.s Reward).
"It hate o break this to you but factions isn't for uber PvPers, it isn't for tough guys. It is for people who rely on equipment over skills and need a shortcut to get there."
All of the skilled pvpers are in factions on siege.. Personally.. ive been factions since i was about 100+ Each skill, Long before these items. I enjoy factions for more pvp.. More oranges.
Now these items, only encourage this.
People see the items and think " Damn i'd like to use that " More faction players join.. More pvp occurs.
Also.. With regular armor you can still get some very nice mods.. You just have to be willing to run the suits..
Alot of people on siege, before the Faction Armor was introduced, still ran completely sick suits..
Rune beetle
Human/Elf Feys
*Cursed* Orny
Anci Sammi Helm
Crimson Centure
Quiver of Inf.
Heart Of the Lion
Vio Courage
Totem of the Void
You have access to the items as a Blue, Your suits will not be 100% As good as a faction suit, but you trade that for, Guardzone, Self Res, Compassion Res.. ect ect.
You run Sami Helm and Sometimes... Ok Runics, Why not run a better suit?
Is it because,
A) Faction Suits are better
B) You are afraid to lose a good suit because you are skillless as a pvper?
"When you are in factions and don't wear the gear, then you'll be a tough guy. I'm not holding my breath for that."
First Day i joined Com (With 0 Punkte) I used a Full non faction suit.. Mods were around
45% DCI
40% LMC
60 / 70 / 60 / 65 / 65
I pvped all day with that suit and did just fine.
All it comes down to is this..
You can be in factions, Farm for 10-20 Hours for Enough silver for 1 or 2 suits.
Or be Non Factions, Farm for 10-20 Hours for Enough Gold for prolly more than 2 suits.. Plus you can just Farm ish Named monsters / paragons for Gold + Arties like Aegis of Grace / Totem of the Void. AND! You will prolly be undisturbed because people check Silver Spots more than Swoop or Miasma.
Be in factions, wear the gear, and have the RISK of losing it anywhere outside of a house.
Be Non Factions, wear non faction gear, and Do Not have the RISK of losing it anywhere outside of a house, While Having.. Self Res incase something happens.. OR your personal favorite. Guardzone.