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Barding/Musicianship changes


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really think this should happen.. One of the things that I love about Lord of the Rings Online is that when characters that reach level 5 can learn to play the lute and, depending on their class, other instruments. Minstrels can learn to play all of the instruments, including bagpipes and cowbells. Using macros, the instrument can be played in real time on three octaves and abc notation, with the music broadcast to nearby players who have not disabled hearing it. I have seen people play flutes, violins, harps and all kinds of things and from what I have experienced, when you equip the instrument, your chords are keys 1-8 for the macros. It is fun, easy and I think it would bring back bards in UO and bring more Ultima into Ultima Online. I have heard people play everything from Smashing Pumpkins, Bob Dylan, Star Wars Themes, the Mario theme, you name it.

This would be a wonderful little aspect to add into UO.


Only if you can turn off others music, that sounds absolutly horrible if you can't.

That said, I believe you can do this already somehow.


Only if you can turn off others music, that sounds absolutly horrible if you can't.

That said, I believe you can do this already somehow.

This very annoying to have someone reply on the first post and did not seem to even bother to read it. Are you brain dead or what?? I hate to troll but for lack of a better phrase ... "GOD-Hu" Did you even wake up before posting your reply?

I would kill for some bard love. Great idea. In fact I bought LoR a while back. Never even opened it yet. ** Looks over at shelves severing as condos for my collection of arachnids.**
Yet another cry out for the love of music.
I really hope we get some gargoyle gears for our music boxes, as well as some new instruments from the gargoyles.

Izzy MBC

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It'd be a miracle if it's ever implemented, but it's a great idea. I constantly hear only praise for it in LOTR Online.

Perhaps the ability to mute individuals with the on-screen character menu's, because I bet folks like the Guardsmen Militia won't appreciate someone attempting Through The Fire And The Flames on a lute when they wake up in the morning.

I wonder if there is a way to introduce specific simple tunes required to activate the skills associated with Musicianship? Similar to Ocarina of Time, playing various tunes to achieve different results; one would have to perform a certain tune to either Provoke, Discord or Peace.
This could get immensely complicated/frustrating in the heat of battle, I already give my hands a work out with Spell macro's.

Not to mention the keyboard is reserved for entering Characters first and foremost, so one would perhaps have to hit a Toggle key to enter musician mode, play the notes, then toggle out (Or auto toggle out if successful, or failed, I suppose).

Shame this is all but a big dream in my mind that will never be realised, but perhaps for the better anyway.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
It'd be a miracle if it's ever implemented, but it's a great idea. I constantly hear only praise for it in LOTR Online.

Perhaps the ability to mute individuals with the on-screen character menu's, because I bet folks like the Guardsmen Militia won't appreciate someone attempting Through The Fire And The Flames on a lute when they wake up in the morning.

I wonder if there is a way to introduce specific simple tunes required to activate the skills associated with Musicianship? Similar to Ocarina of Time, playing various tunes to achieve different results; one would have to perform a certain tune to either Provoke, Discord or Peace.
This could get immensely complicated/frustrating in the heat of battle, I already give my hands a work out with Spell macro's.

Not to mention the keyboard is reserved for entering Characters first and foremost, so one would perhaps have to hit a Toggle key to enter musician mode, play the notes, then toggle out (Or auto toggle out if successful, or failed, I suppose).

Shame this is all but a big dream in my mind that will never be realised, but perhaps for the better anyway.
Wow! I like this! a LOT! Bards would truly become fun and exciting, challenging to play and engaging to raise skill. Group play could allow for additional gains and more complex songs faster gains at higher levels.

Affect specific songs, an ability to do some "composition", and an ability to perform vis a vie guitar hero or rock band. Probably an absolute coding nightmare, but the idea sure is intriguing.

Izzy MBC

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Group play could allow for additional gains and more complex songs faster gains at higher levels.
Be interesting if it allowed group provocation techniques and such, to direct entire herds of Monsters (Taking an average of the monsters collective Prov. difficulty?), to direct them at another monster. I think the player who commands the herd to attack should be random though, entitling it to the highest Skilled character would be a bit boring, and give lesser skilled players less an opportunity to learn "Agro management", or whatever you call it.
Such player power in the game though, definately needs to be complex/difficult though.

The only thing getting in the way is connection Latency I bet, the server usually caters to it, and makes changes accordingly I think? Musical notes being collected at the wrong times due to someone playing somewhere else around the world or whatever, it'd be... impossible, to calculate properly?

Perhaps rather then fast, complex music, it should be sheer length of the song, a la a long "cast time".

Anyway, as usual, wouldn't keep my hopes up, heh. It's like making it so Meele characters can control there swing times, and how long they "charge there sword for between swings" to gain more power on hits - it's not UO's style - "Auto attack and targetting ftw!".

I digress.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
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I think UO would do rather well with real time combat and w/o targeting, it would be much, much more immersive and realistic and bring in more sand into a sandbox game!


UO is my only MMOG (dropped the RP on purpose since the Devs seemed to have dropped it in the grand scheme of things but there are encouraging signs) so I would probably never have been exposed to LotR musicianship (Xixx - thanks for the link).

When I restarted in UO (military had some plans for me that got in the way for several years), I started a mage character and a bard. While the bard had no actual UO bard skills to speak of, he was my moneymaker while I developed my other templates and primary roleplayer until I found the roleplay community on the shard.

It mostly amounted to me hiring myself out as entertainment for mall owners who would host open houses to improve business. I carried each instrument and attempted to carry a tune ingame (I'm an epic fail in music in RL) but it mostly was "singing" songs, telling stories, and telling jokes. I did a "juggling" routine that works in 2D and some simple interactive games. I play KR now and UOCurse does not work (if you know a way, I would love to know).

I totally agree that any love to bards that allowed them to make meaningful music would be awesome and add to the ambience in UO at a time that it is desperately needed for the sake of the RP in MMORPG.

Being able to equip instruments would be nice and being able to make runic instruments...runic tinkering has been mentioned by Draconi or one of the Devs...

With regard to the annoyance to other characters, it seems you could create a specific filter for "barding" music...currently in the KR client, it is the "Effects" filter that silences barding music. If you made such a filter, I think it would be nice to have a Music animation effect like the KR animations for Peace, Provo, and Disco so you knew when someone was playing music if you wanted to adjust your filter to hear what they were playing.

While I'm not satisfied with the role of the bard in PvP (or lack of meaningful role), I would be satisfied with some love that allowed a bard to play their own music even if it served little to no purpose in PvM or PvP. The addition of runic instruments or some sort of Imbuing for instruments would be fine IMO but I would be ecstatic if Devs felt inclined to tackle bardic PvP.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a really good idea, in my opinion. Yes, having the ability to mute bard tunes might be required. Can you imagine griefers at events playing discordant music just to be annoying? On the flip side, having bard characters trying to entertain crowds in-game with music they make up just sounds really cool. Remember, back in the old Ultima games you could actually play the pianos that were in-game. In fact, Lord British had a secret compartment in his quarters which only opened when you played stones on his piano. This was for Ultima 5 too and it was where you found that mysterious Sandalwood box.

Stupid Miner

This idea has been around before, and honestly it's one of the more disappointing to see ignored.

Personally i think it'd be better to be able to write sheet music than having to set up a macro for it.

Hmm... Music Paper: craftable by scribes, copy-able like books, able to be red-leafed, then you could sell them too.