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A demographic check - Move topic if necessary.

  • Thread starter MoneyMaker
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Are you a female player or a male player?

  • Total voters


I read a article the other day, that stated that most MMORPGs are populated by at least 40% females and 60% males.
Lets just get a check on that!
Are you a male player or a Female player? (actual RL not your char)


Lore Keeper
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Nearly ancient (according to some)/Female (since birth!)/Texas, partner!:gun:


Lore Keeper
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Help me out here, guys. How can it be that 3 people have viewed this thread, but 10 people have voted? *confused*

Lord Gareth

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The None of your business votes are men that play Girl Characters hehehe


Seasoned Veteran
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Me? I an old man.
Not that it matters, I am also a grandfather, who plays video games.



Lore Master
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The truly interesting demographic would be how many of the females PvP ...

I always laugh when people go "You are a chick IRL?!" because every PvP guild I have been in has at least 2 and as many as 6 females, all of whom PvP. My current guild composition has 5 or 6 :)


Babbling Loonie
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I didn't vote, coz wife and I both play, so that's +1 male and +1 female.


Hmm, I set it up so that no one could vote more than once, might just be off on its refresh rate, or they are viewing them at the same time you are.
Got me, but it wouldn't be a true demographic if i let anyone vote multiple times.
Glad to hear that their is still alot of Females still PvPing (watch it, they can be vicious).


Crazed Zealot
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I didn't vote, coz wife and I both play, so that's +1 male and +1 female.
You vote on her behalf? :)

But it is a good point that the people who frequent stratics (and are willing to vote in a random poll) may not be very representative of the demographics of the player base.


I read a article the other day, that stated that most MMORPGs are populated by at least 40% females and 60% males.
Lets just get a check on that!
Are you a male player or a Female player? (actual RL not your char)
Your next poll will ask if the women are single.. then the PMs start. Or maybe they already have.


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Female! :heart:

I used to PvP a little around '99 or so, but haven't tried it out yet since returning....but that's not to say I wouldn't like to try again someday! :D


Nah, sweeney, I have no interest in Real Life PvP that would result in anything like that. ( In other words, my wife of 14 yrs. would kill me dead, dead, dead :gun:)
Besides there is a reason for the Mask, other than identity protection, Mwhahaha!


The truly interesting demographic would be how many of the females PvP ...

I always laugh when people go "You are a chick IRL?!" because every PvP guild I have been in has at least 2 and as many as 6 females, all of whom PvP. My current guild composition has 5 or 6 :)
Yeah, one of the best PVP'ers I've ever known is a woman.

Women can be fierce. :sword:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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whether this is on or off topic is a bit debatable I guess.
How do I vote? I'm female, but my hubby plays too.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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The None of your business votes are men that play Girl Characters hehehe

Well, I din't vote, but, since my wife quit playing.....and having accumulated alot, I use her account, all females.....basically crafters. I suppose I could soulstone skills and delete then add....just don't have time these days, and reraising stats is a pita(pain in the a.....)



Babbling Loonie
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Take a look at the average MMO player.

Having a pair of mammaries does not really answer the question.
Heh I know! Abiguity at it's best :D

I could even be a very smart gorilla that have been house-trained to use a computer!


Grand Poobah
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whether this is on or off topic is a bit debatable I guess.
How do I vote? I'm female, but my hubby plays too.
If you follow standard "ethic" for telephone polling, the person who answers the phone responds for him- or herself, not for the household.

In other words, you'd "read" as female for the poll.

-Galen's player


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She plays Chessy. I see her there every time I go to the bank.
Yep, I am at the bank quite often when I'm not doing an Ilshenar spawn, working on Taming, or some other random activity.

Sometimes I'm not always feeling well enough to do anything really involved, so I just chat with friends...also often afk as I maybe logged in at work or at home, but actually be busy doing other things.

I was away from the game for a few years, so it's taken me awhile to adjust to all the new additions, as well as pain issues that keep me down and out more often than I would like.

Guess that's why I said I would like to try again 'someday'. :D

Say hello next time you see me! :)


Stratics Veteran
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After 13 years of marriage....I gotta check with the wife.

Me; "Honey am I still a man?"

Her; "Barely"

Good enough!!

a slave girl

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Female but it ain't always easy to be in UO.

I recently had a guy attach himself to me that belonged to a guild that another guy was telling me possibly hacked people's accounts.

So, not being 100% sure attached guy was an account hacker, and NOT wishing to be mean to him if he was innocent and possibly get on his whole guild's badside ( he claimed to run the guild though he wasn't the named GM of it) I was kind of stuck with this guy for nearly two weeks.

I also didn't want attached potential hacker guy dissing me like he dissed his former female GM over on Pac forums...He wasn't very nice to her at all.

He wanted me to get ICQ, I refused.

When he saw I wouldn't he made a casual comment that he could get on my account and make me a pvp star.

In the end I grabbed at anything he said or did to have an excuse to be mean to him and it be HIS fault and make him go away, finally I think hearing him call his male GM 'babe' actually did the trick!

Was he after my account? I never really knew what he wanted since I told him I don't date in UO. (Not to be confused with getting married to another player and getting rings, I might do that!).

I am told he has a boyfriend ingame, so it looks pretty suspicious.

If I was a guy I wouldn't have had to worry about hurting his feelings at least.

That part of being female I could have lived without this past few weeks.

I certainly wouldn't recommend UO to any females under the age of 18.

Dor of Sonoma


You claim that you eschew uninvited male attention and yet...you choose a name such as 'a slave girl'?

Color me confused. :)


Its not that we don't have feelings, because we do, its because we just have fewer of them. (a short fuse in a situation like that kinda helps too.):D
Trust me, my wife would've taken care of that situation with a quickness...... and probably been banned immediately after.:yell:
But in all seriousness, if you suspect a thief (not a hacker, they just break through, where as this guy was trying to get you to tell him your password), avoid them at all costs! Don't worry bout their feelings because yours are gonna be hurt alot worse, if you did give him your password.

And now steering you back to the topic of this Thread - male? female? or don't want anyone to Know?
If your gonna view the thread, the least you could do is vote!
Thank You *stumbles off soapbox and into bed*

a slave girl

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You claim that you eschew uninvited male attention and yet...you choose a name such as 'a slave girl'?

Color me confused. :)

Oh you're not confused....

....You're just bemused and befuddled by images of long sheer veils and the undulating abdomen of belly dancing...

....Slave girls....?

(Woot, looks like I lassooed me another one!)


Actually the name was chosen by me because a certain broker who likes to advertise his Icq number here in the forums sometimes (who shall remain nameless) was sitting by my character (Luv) one day at Luna Bank.

A seemingly endless procession of guys kept stopping by to ask him to burn a runic for them.

The second or third time he was asked to burn a runic for someone I just had to say to broker guy:

"Ok, slave girl, get to work!"

Broker guy says: "Who me?"

I say: "Yeah you." :)

I think: Hey that would make a nice char name.


Guess I didn't realise at the time how intriguing that name might be to some guys...

But come on, do you really mean to imply that because my character's name is a slave girl I am forced to be a slave girl in game and do whatever any other player asks me to do?

Be serious lol.

Dor of Sonoma

...But come on, do you really mean to imply that because my character's name is a slave girl I am forced to be a slave girl in game and do whatever any other player asks me to do?

Be serious lol.
I was not implying that at all. (I am a female too, by the way :)

There is a basic law of attraction at work, with character names. Many players are aware of it (subliminally or otherwise) when they choose which traits to advertise to others, through the selection of a name. *shrugs*

Heh...given my druthers, I'd go the opposite route and opt for "Owned by No One" :D

a slave girl

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I was not implying that at all. (I am a female too, by the way :)

There is a basic law of attraction at work, with character names. Many players are aware of it (subliminally or otherwise) when they choose which traits to advertise to others, through the selection of a name. *shrugs*

Heh...given my druthers, I'd go the opposite route and opt for "Owned by No One" :D

Nice name!

The issue was never about my name though.

It was about some of the difficulties of being a female in UO.


Stupid Miner

Oh you're not confused....

....You're just bemused and befuddled by images of long sheer veils and the undulating abdomen of belly dancing...

....Slave girls....?

(Woot, looks like I lassooed me another one!)
HAH! the word abdomen made me think of dancing ants. :spider: :spider: I'd suggest a more seductive synonym. :p


Stratics Veteran
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Female, married , been playing UO for 11+ years and still haven't managed to convince my husband to play UO!