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On siege faction items need a look


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Stratics Legend
since this would only matter in siege because everywhere else people just insure there items, but anyway we need a turn in system so poeple may turn in others looted items maybe for half price in silver/credits that would eliminate the problems we are havin with everyone complaining about loosing there items and not getting fair sell back prices. This would just eliminate sellbacks all together.


Just get rid of faction items on Siege all together. The people with non-faction orni's are fools now.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aye, it's ruined the Siege economy. There's no market now for doom farmed items or specials from peerless or even library turn-ins for glasses.

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wouldn't mind seeing these faction arties go bye bye all together. It's bad enough that we've all but lost any need for crafters on our shard. Now this just puts the nail in the coffin. Why enhance good items, just go get a faction arty. Why use BoD's for months and months, just go get a faction arty. Way to fail EA, way to fail :-(


they did ask the whole shard before the gave them to us. That being said I agree they should go away. The armor is one thing but being able to tele to the base just using a rune is LAME.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Aye, it's ruined the Siege economy. There's no market now for doom farmed items or specials from peerless or even library turn-ins for glasses.
Thats because it's so ridiculously hard to get artifacts, ML artifacts, ingredients or whatever else we'd like to use.

Get rid of the "owned by" crap on the faction gear and allow us to inter-change it. If I kill someone wearing it... I should be allowed to wear it. We have the evil/hero system and can dye our gear anyway... why not allow us to continue using that aspect of the game instead of forcing us to use character-specific gear (which we never needed in the first place.)

the faction items are great. The problem is-is that monster loot is terrible and too much risk for any rewards.

And I have a doom orny (one of the few on our shard) and I can tell you... it is still one of my most useful items as a mage.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.


they did ask the whole shard before the gave them to us. That being said I agree they should go away. The armor is one thing but being able to tele to the base just using a rune is LAME.
They seriously asked the shard if we wanted faction artifacts and we said yes!??!?!?!??!??

Faction artifacts NEED TO GO. An easy way to fix them, just make them cost 1,000,000 silver each, then no one can buy them and eventually all the current ones will be lost.


Babbling Loonie
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They seem to cause more problems than they are worth. The only positive imo is the action created at the silver spots. I see too many people just log out after dying on all sides of the field, and too many arguments over sell backs. I would not mind seeing them go away at all.

Cali is absolutley correct about the faction runes. This shard was created without recall and it was one of the integral differences from the other shards at it's inception. This really needs to be done away with.


Grand Poobah
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Faction items should have never been put on Seige. :thumbdown:
I have to agree as well! Get rid of faction items on Siege. They do not belong here!
Yup, what they said!

Who came up with the idea of putting overpowered, easy to get artifacts on Siege anyways? :coco:

Devs, the PVPers have had their fun, now it´s time to change the shard back to normal...


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Stratics Legend
Well, They asked us, sure, but I don't think anyone could have predicted the troubles it would cause us. Now that we've got em, most of us would rather not have em


Keep Faction Items, lower the prices, or make a turn in so you can get 50% of the silver the item was worth..

Most of the people in this thread opposing Faction items do not pvp. :twak:

Faction Items are fine on siege.. the prices and the time it takes to farm silver.. isnt.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Keep Faction Items, lower the prices, or make a turn in so you can get 50% of the silver the item was worth..

Most of the people in this thread opposing Faction items do not pvp. :twak:

Faction Items are fine on siege.. the prices and the time it takes to farm silver.. isnt.
Most of the people in favor of them have no idea how it's affected crafters and PVM'ers :twak:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Keep Faction Items, lower the prices, or make a turn in so you can get 50% of the silver the item was worth..

Most of the people in this thread opposing Faction items do not pvp. :twak:

Faction Items are fine on siege.. the prices and the time it takes to farm silver.. isnt.

Lowering the prices is a good idea. I also think making similar items available to non-faction people with gold purchases and negating the faction tie in may be a good way to go for a shard like siege as well. I honestly would rather see them eliminated all together and some serious changes made for crafters that would allow for regular production of suits. Make dci and HCI properties available on armour. Allow the crafter to choose what properties to put on armour. Make all the runic kits easier to get, maybe even have them as drops on monsters. I can not honsetly believe anyone actually enjoys running BODs or doing heartwood; they may enjoy the end result but I am sure they do not enjoy the tedium. I do enjoy crafting my own armour with runic items and would probably like it even more if it were not random.


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Stratics Legend
The faction arties are just fine but they need to re-add the cursed arties that would make it more fair to the non faction people.
I think the silver prices are fair i think they should just add a turn in for looted items. Or just replace the OWNED BY tag and give it a FACTION tag that way the are usable by ayone in factions.


Grand Poobah
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Faction Items are fine on siege.. the prices and the time it takes to farm silver.. isnt.
Or they could just add a "Give arties"-command like on TC...



Stratics Legend
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The faction arties are just fine but they need to re-add the cursed arties that would make it more fair to the non faction people.
I think the silver prices are fair i think they should just add a turn in for looted items. Or just replace the OWNED BY tag and give it a FACTION tag that way the are usable by ayone in factions.
If you wanna keep um I say they need to do some combo of these things:

1) Make silver farmable by anyone.
2) Just make them cursed, not owned by anyone. That way you get them when you win, or they cant be looted and sold.
3) Turn in for silver/gold by anyone.
4) Let people be able to craft them with silver, in factions or not.
5) Remove them.

Why? I know I for one hate these items because it makes the items I have to sell useless. I've even been directly told that people don't shop at my vendors anymore because of faction items fulfilling their needs. I know it sounds selfish, but I really do think one of the best things about siege is that you can be useful by selling things to people.
Making them available to everyone would only make the situation worse.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
For all you vaginas out there thats pancakes and crying about these faction arties. lets just remove them and start using the cursed ones again. Oh wait....only the rich are going to be able to run that gear. So your ****ed again.

(cursed) Spirit of totem before faction arties came out - 500k
After faction arties came out - 150k-200k

Totem of Void - 500k or more
After - around 350k (somewhat kept there value)

Ornament of Magician - 20miliish
After - around 8mill

No one runs gm-leather gear....why? because its ****. Its a different game now, if you dont like it...stop playing and stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us that like it.

The faction arties give everyone the oppertunity to have nice gear at a relatively fair price. All you have to do is man up and join factions. It also gives massive diversity to play stye and templates.

- Skwiz and Sprago, i absolutely agree with the need to have a faction turn in....that would be awesome. Or as others have stated, drop the "owned by" tag on it and make it faction dependent....say "evil" tagged or "hero" tagged.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
The faction arties are just fine but they need to re-add the cursed arties that would make it more fair to the non faction people.
I think the silver prices are fair i think they should just add a turn in for looted items. Or just replace the OWNED BY tag and give it a FACTION tag that way the are usable by ayone in factions.
I could live with all of that, but I do think silver prices on the artis should be 3x normal shards just like npc vendor costs are. I never could figure out where they came up with the 5x since almost everything else on siege has been done 3x. I still would rather see artis available to everyone not just factions. Freesly is right, removing the faction gear altogether would just widen the gap between the haves and have nots. If they made cursed artis spawn again and fairly easy to obtain it would solve alot of problems as well. It would also give us more hot spots away from the Luna fighting.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I could live with all of that, but I do think silver prices on the artis should be 3x normal shards just like npc vendor costs are. I never could figure out where they came up with the 5x since almost everything else on siege has been done 3x. I still would rather see artis available to everyone not just factions. Freesly is right, removing the faction gear altogether would just widen the gap between the haves and have nots. If they made cursed artis spawn again and fairly easy to obtain it would solve alot of problems as well. It would also give us more hot spots away from the Luna fighting.
I agree i never understood where they got the 5x price tag


Non Pvpers crying that everyone will be using the items.. is where the X5 came from.


Or they could just add a "Give arties"-command like on TC...

OR! you could realize that faction arties are a great way to get new people (Pvpers) Up to speed with the rest of us.. *INSTEAD* of.. The Vets Running fully cursed Artied suited (Before faction items) And the new guys running only GM armor and getting stomped..

Now Good suits are easy to get for EVERYONE as long as you are willing to be in factions.


Stratics Legend
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OR! you could realize that faction arties are a great way to get new people (Pvpers) Up to speed with the rest of us.. *INSTEAD* of.. The Vets Running fully cursed Artied suited (Before faction items) And the new guys running only GM armor and getting stomped..

Now Good suits are easy to get for EVERYONE as long as you are willing to be in factions.
I for one think its good to get good gear for everyone, but non faction people need to at least have the option to get involved, be it the ability to craft items like that, or be at least be able to farm silver.

Lots of merchants are losing out big time, maybe you don't care, but its an important part of the shard.

In other words, the easy access to cheap stuff should come from players not from a box in the faction stronghold, that way both parties are happy, and considered.


I for one think its good to get good gear for everyone, but non faction people need to at least have the option to get involved, be it the ability to craft items like that, or be at least be able to farm silver.
For Non Faction people..You can Do treasure Maps for Heart of the Lion and Vio Courage. Do swoops or Ish Named Monsters for Aegis of Grace and Totem of the Void. 1 Heart + Aegis + Totem.. 30% DCI 10% LMC Add good jewels and Runics From a Horned Kit (400K) You have an alright Siege Suit.. Not Faction Good.. but able to "Get involved".

Lots of merchants are losing out big time, maybe you don't care, but its an important part of the shard.
No matter what.. Dexxers are going to be Buying High End Runic Kits.. There are no artie/faction items better than thoes burned from High end Blacksmith, Fletching, and Carpentry.

All Pvpers will be burning Bronze+/Horned+ for Runic pieces where they dont run faction gear.. Or.. Non faction people since they have a few more slots to fill.

Potions / apples / smoke bombs / bolas / leather / ore / wood.. ect ect...
Are in demand for Pvpers.

In other words, the easy access to cheap stuff should come from players not from a box in the faction stronghold, that way both parties are happy, and considered.

10 Hours of farming sliver for like.. 1 Level 10 Item..


Farming Gold for 10 Hours ( To buy arties with ) Most likely left completely alone With.. Possible ish arties.. Somewhat good loot like rings/brace.. Armor to enchance..

Which is perfect for non faction players...

Mook Chessy

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I was only on Siege for a short time before the Faction items came out, and IMHO nothing has changed. The people I saw pvping all had unber suits on anyway. The person that is outmatched now was outmatched then, no biggie!

I think Skilz put it the best... plenty of items for crafters to make, they need to adapt a bit, go with the flow. Make what people need and don't try to force the issue.

As far as the actual items, I agree with the PVPers and say the only problem with the faction items is the cost and being char bound.

That being said, certain people could do a much better job of selling back and that alone would end alot of the posts you see here.


Grand Poobah
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I also think making similar items available to non-faction people with gold purchases and negating the faction tie in may be a good way to go for a shard like siege as well.
I've been trying for over a year now to get the shard to support my suggestion of beefing up PvM loot on Siege. Now you guys want to constantly complain about a problem which has a solution none of you were willing to support?

If [cursed] Doom arties dropped regularly... if Crimson Cintures and ML arties dropped regularly... if there were easier ways to obtain runics (for our crafters) and artifacts, ML arties, ToTs, marties and so on...

everyone would use them!!! and there wouldn't be this HUGE divide between the poor/not so good at PvPers and the elite PvPers.

Those of us who are good at PvP and/or really wealthy in this game suit up like this (and always have) because we can and want to.

Try supporting a revamp of the way our loot drops so that non-factioners can compete. (Its not like they don't take similar risks out in Felucca hunting monsters... anyway.)

And this would be in line with Risk vs Reward. Stat loss is a big enough risk to justify having access to items that are better than the 'regular' items.

FIX PvM and runics and this issue is resolved.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been trying for over a year now to get the shard to support my suggestion of beefing up PvM loot on Siege. Now you guys want to constantly complain about a problem which has a solution none of you were willing to support?

If [cursed] Doom arties dropped regularly... if Crimson Cintures and ML arties dropped regularly... if there were easier ways to obtain runics (for our crafters) and artifacts, ML arties, ToTs, marties and so on...

everyone would use them!!! and there wouldn't be this HUGE divide between the poor/not so good at PvPers and the elite PvPers.

Those of us who are good at PvP and/or really wealthy in this game suit up like this (and always have) because we can and want to.

Try supporting a revamp of the way our loot drops so that non-factioners can compete. (Its not like they don't take similar risks out in Felucca hunting monsters... anyway.)

And this would be in line with Risk vs Reward. Stat loss is a big enough risk to justify having access to items that are better than the 'regular' items.

FIX PvM and runics and this issue is resolved.
Well stated


I've been trying for over a year now to get the shard to support my suggestion of beefing up PvM loot on Siege. Now you guys want to constantly complain about a problem which has a solution none of you were willing to support?

If [cursed] Doom arties dropped regularly... if Crimson Cintures and ML arties dropped regularly... if there were easier ways to obtain runics (for our crafters) and artifacts, ML arties, ToTs, marties and so on...

everyone would use them!!! and there wouldn't be this HUGE divide between the poor/not so good at PvPers and the elite PvPers.

Those of us who are good at PvP and/or really wealthy in this game suit up like this (and always have) because we can and want to.

Try supporting a revamp of the way our loot drops so that non-factioners can compete. (Its not like they don't take similar risks out in Felucca hunting monsters... anyway.)

And this would be in line with Risk vs Reward. Stat loss is a big enough risk to justify having access to items that are better than the 'regular' items.

FIX PvM and runics and this issue is resolved.
I don't mind having high end items. If you are willing to risk them, you should be able to use them. However, if they are too easy to replace, i.e. faction items, then there really isn't any risk.

That is very un-Siege like in my opinion.

The additional problems that these items have introduced are 1. No one wants to fight because they are too scared to lose their gear 2. This has forced many people to factions and stat loss is too long (one or two deaths means the end of fighting, sometimes for the rest of the night.)


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I don't mind having high end items. If you are willing to risk them, you should be able to use them. However, if they are too easy to replace, i.e. faction items, then there really isn't any risk.

That is very un-Siege like in my opinion.
It's very un-Siege like to make items easily replaceable?

How? You mean it's not worth it unless the risk is soooo freaking high that it almost makes you want to quit if you die? No... I just can't agree with you on that.

PvMers will be out hunting for those items regularly... because they will ALWAYS be useful. PKers will be looking for those PvMers. Noto-Pkers will be looking for those PKers and every death will restock the killer supply of items that ALLOW them to play this game in a fun manner.

Right now you have to make millions to replace a decent suit... that's just ridiculous and un-Ultima Online as if I've ever seen anything.

This game should be fun... and it could be for everyone, not just the elite/wealthy PvPers

The additional problems that these items have introduced are 1. No one wants to fight because they are too scared to lose their gear 2. This has forced many people to factions and stat loss is too long (one or two deaths means the end of fighting, sometimes for the rest of the night.)
Beefing up PvM loot will fix both these problems.

Factions will still yield the best gear and have the higher risk, while PvM will be fun (and rewarding) to all... instead of being the current sub-game in UO that no one on Siege really wants to do anymore because they are sick of sifting through mountains of crap in hopes of 1 decently useful item.


It's very un-Siege like to make items easily replaceable?

How? You mean it's not worth it unless the risk is soooo freaking high that it almost makes you want to quit if you die? No... I just can't agree with you on that.

PvMers will be out hunting for those items regularly... because they will ALWAYS be useful. PKers will be looking for those PvMers. Noto-Pkers will be looking for those PKers and every death will restock the killer supply of items that ALLOW them to play this game in a fun manner.

Right now you have to make millions to replace a decent suit... that's just ridiculous and un-Ultima Online as if I've ever seen anything.

This game should be fun... and it could be for everyone, not just the elite/wealthy PvPers

Beefing up PvM loot will fix both these problems.

Factions will still yield the best gear and have the higher risk, while PvM will be fun (and rewarding) to all... instead of being the current sub-game in UO that no one on Siege really wants to do anymore because they are sick of sifting through mountains of crap in hopes of 1 decently useful item.
Items should be easily replaceable. Uber items shouldn't. I PvP in a suit made from spined kits with jewels I've farmed or purchased from vendors and a weapon I made from a bronze hammer, and you know what? I do just fine.

If dieing makes you want to quit, maybe you should wear something else. Siege isn't trammel. It is risk versus reward. If you don't want to risk it, don't wear it.

If you can't play without those uber items, then you should probably spend more time on shards with insurance.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Items should be easily replaceable. Uber items shouldn't. I PvP in a suit made from spined kits with jewels I've farmed or purchased from vendors and a weapon I made from a bronze hammer, and you know what? I do just fine.

If dieing makes you want to quit, maybe you should wear something else. Siege isn't trammel. It is risk versus reward. If you don't want to risk it, don't wear it.

If you can't play without those uber items, then you should probably spend more time on shards with insurance.
You can't spin this on me. I'm sorry that you have no valid points in this argument, but maybe if what you say resembled something even remotely close to the truth... you'd have some credibility.

My guild and I run Siege. We have the wealthiest players, best PvPers, best items, best of everything on Siege. We steam-roll the competition and I have no problems rolling with uber gear. My guild and I even rolled with uber gear before these faction items even appeared on siege... and I can't tell you how many corpses of GM armor I've sifted through after a 2 second kill. Now, I can't tell you how many people are crying to me and my guildies about selling back their faction items because it's ridiculous the way this game is right now.

So what now that we've established that I, am one of those who has no problem running or losing uber gear?

Are you going to respond with more pointless crap because I'm opposed to your beyond stupid argument?

and for the record... you don't "do fine in PvP," in fact... you aren't even squat diddly dookie in PvP.

But, I'm done with you regarding this. You haven't offered up one reason why this would be a bad thing. I've offered up a slue of reasons why this would enhance peoples game-play who not only hunt monsters, but also pvp outside of factions.



You can't spin this on me. I'm sorry that you have no valid points in this argument, but maybe if what you say resembled something even remotely close to the truth... you'd have some credibility.

My guild and I run Siege. We have the wealthiest players, best PvPers, best items, best of everything on Siege. We steam-roll the competition and I have no problems rolling with uber gear. My guild and I even rolled with uber gear before these faction items even appeared on siege... and I can't tell you how many corpses of GM armor I've sifted through after a 2 second kill. Now, I can't tell you how many people are crying to me and my guildies about selling back their faction items because it's ridiculous the way this game is right now.

So what now that we've established that I, am one of those who has no problem running or losing uber gear?

Are you going to respond with more pointless crap because I'm opposed to your beyond stupid argument?

and for the record... you don't "do fine in PvP," in fact... you aren't even squat diddly dookie in PvP.

But, I'm done with you regarding this. You haven't offered up one reason why this would be a bad thing. I've offered up a slue of reasons why this would enhance peoples game-play who not only hunt monsters, but also pvp outside of factions.

All i can say is LOL.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been trying for over a year now to get the shard to support my suggestion of beefing up PvM loot on Siege. Now you guys want to constantly complain about a problem which has a solution none of you were willing to support?

If [cursed] Doom arties dropped regularly... if Crimson Cintures and ML arties dropped regularly... if there were easier ways to obtain runics (for our crafters) and artifacts, ML arties, ToTs, marties and so on...

everyone would use them!!! and there wouldn't be this HUGE divide between the poor/not so good at PvPers and the elite PvPers.

Those of us who are good at PvP and/or really wealthy in this game suit up like this (and always have) because we can and want to.

Try supporting a revamp of the way our loot drops so that non-factioners can compete. (Its not like they don't take similar risks out in Felucca hunting monsters... anyway.)

And this would be in line with Risk vs Reward. Stat loss is a big enough risk to justify having access to items that are better than the 'regular' items.

FIX PvM and runics and this issue is resolved.

Read some of my other posts; I have suggested some of the very same things you have for the exact same reasons. I would also like to see dci and HCI as craftable properties on armour pieces. That would fix alot of imbalances as well.


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For Non Faction people..You can Do treasure Maps for Heart of the Lion and Vio Courage. Do swoops or Ish Named Monsters for Aegis of Grace and Totem of the Void. 1 Heart + Aegis + Totem.. 30% DCI 10% LMC Add good jewels and Runics From a Horned Kit (400K) You have an alright Siege Suit.. Not Faction Good.. but able to "Get involved".

No matter what.. Dexxers are going to be Buying High End Runic Kits.. There are no artie/faction items better than thoes burned from High end Blacksmith, Fletching, and Carpentry.

All Pvpers will be burning Bronze+/Horned+ for Runic pieces where they dont run faction gear.. Or.. Non faction people since they have a few more slots to fill.

Potions / apples / smoke bombs / bolas / leather / ore / wood.. ect ect...
Are in demand for Pvpers.

10 Hours of farming sliver for like.. 1 Level 10 Item..


Farming Gold for 10 Hours ( To buy arties with ) Most likely left completely alone With.. Possible ish arties.. Somewhat good loot like rings/brace.. Armor to enchance..

Which is perfect for non faction players...
I don't think you understand what i was getting at. Its not that I was complaining that I cant get faction gear, it was more a matter that a large chunk of things in equipment slots are now basically unsellable to the general pvp crowd. I'm ALL for more easy access to better equipment, but I think its a mistake to make that better access a box in the strongholds. It completely cuts out a large portion of the population that enjoy supplying people with gear.

If one could collect silver or get these items some other way without being in faction to SELL to factioners THAT would be much better than the system we have now.

Some thing like DR was saying, make kits easier to get, make cursed artis still drop like crazy like they did in mag during the event... it would make these items readily available, but everyone would have a chance to profit off of them, not just the people who want to use them.

I'm not complaining for myself so much, though I have lost business, but just for the shard in general, because I don't like it when crafters and hunters and other merchants get the screw job because the dev team puts in lazy game additions.

Both the pvpers and the pvp gear suppliers can be appeased. Just not in this system.


Grand Poobah
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I don't mind having high end items. If you are willing to risk them, you should be able to use them. However, if they are too easy to replace, i.e. faction items, then there really isn't any risk.

That is very un-Siege like in my opinion.
It's very un-Siege like to make items easily replaceable?


That´s what makes it un-Siege like.

As long as you have silver on Siege you never lose your suit.

As long as you have gold on prodo shards you never lose your suit...




That´s what makes it un-Siege like.

As long as you have silver on Siege you never lose your suit.

As long as you have gold on prodo shards you never lose your suit...

Faction Items Decay overtime.. And can only be repaired for an item Costing silver.. They also lose 25 Durability on each repair meaning they do not last forever.

As long as you have gold on siege you can just buy another suit.
As long as you have silver on siege you can just buy another suit.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't mind having high end items. If you are willing to risk them, you should be able to use them. However, if they are too easy to replace, i.e. faction items, then there really isn't any risk.

That is very un-Siege like in my opinion.
It's very un-Siege like to make items easily replaceable?


That´s what makes it un-Siege like.

As long as you have silver on Siege you never lose your suit.

As long as you have gold on prodo shards you never lose your suit...

That makes no sense.

See, the thing is-is that Siege (no item insurance) is supposed to be set up in a way that the items and things we use to play this game are inter-change-able... if I kill you, I get your loot and I then use the loot I got off of you.

The biggest problem with our shard is that the Devs have the item faucet turned on sooooo low, because of prodoshards and item insurance. They have to have it that way otherwise everyone would get all the items they wanted, insure those items and then be bored because there would be nothing left to do. Trammel players get enjoyment from running the item treadmill... they want to kill 1000000 lady mels before they get that 1 crimson cincture because they feel special when they get it (cause not everyone can kill 1000000 lady mels)

On Siege... we get enjoyment from playing and interacting with each-other. People on Siege make crafters so they can sell PvMers and PvPers stocks... PvMers, hunt monsters so they can sell the loot... PvPers kill other players so they can loot the corpses.

WHY... oh in gods name WHY... do we have our shard set up like prodo? Where doom arty drops are the same as those? It just doesn't make sense.

We should have treasure chests that drop cursed arties, ML bosses that drop lots of ingredients, ML arties and high intensity items... a doom gauntlet that if you go there and kill 1 boss... you should get good loot. Treasure of Tokuno should be turned on ALL the time... and further more, runic kits should be easier to obtain rather than what we currently have.

if people are worried about the value of their Doom arties... them make cursed arties drop frequently and keep the regular artys going as they are. But right now... people don't use the assassins armor, greymist armor, any of the cool ML stuff because its geared to those who play Prodo and that's sad. We on siege can't even enjoy the things this game has to offer because no one understands or even pays attention to the type of shard we have...

well im going to hold my breathe on this issue, like I have been for the past year and a half. I'm sick and tired of hearing the cries and whines about faction armor when the simplist solution to fix the shard for ALL of us is right in front of our faces.



Faction Items Decay overtime.. And can only be repaired for an item Costing silver.. They also lose 25 Durability on each repair meaning they do not last forever.

As long as you have gold on siege you can just buy another suit.
As long as you have silver on siege you can just buy another suit.

Have you ever lost a faction item to decay?

That is a weak argument.

Yes, with gold you can buy another suit. But, if you wear a really nice suit, it should take a lot of gold. Risk versus reward. If uber gear is too easy to replace (i.e. with faction silver), then there is no risk. If you don't want risk, then Siege is not for you.


Grand Poobah
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I don't mind having high end items. If you are willing to risk them, you should be able to use them. However, if they are too easy to replace, i.e. faction items, then there really isn't any risk.

That is very un-Siege like in my opinion.
It's very un-Siege like to make items easily replaceable?


That´s what makes it un-Siege like.

As long as you have silver on Siege you never lose your suit.

As long as you have gold on prodo shards you never lose your suit...

See, the thing is-is that Siege (no item insurance) is supposed to be set up in a way that the items and things we use to play this game are inter-change-able... if I kill you, I get your loot and I then use the loot I got off of you.
You´re right about that.

On Siege... we get enjoyment from playing and interacting with each-other. People on Siege make crafters so they can sell PvMers and PvPers stocks... PvMers, hunt monsters so they can sell the loot... PvPers kill other players so they can loot the corpses.

WHY... oh in gods name WHY... do we have our shard set up like prodo? Where doom arty drops are the same as those? It just doesn't make sense.

We should have treasure chests that drop cursed arties, ML bosses that drop lots of ingredients, ML arties and high intensity items... a doom gauntlet that if you go there and kill 1 boss... you should get good loot. Treasure of Tokuno should be turned on ALL the time... and further more, runic kits should be easier to obtain rather than what we currently have.
Here´s where our opinions differ.

Things shouldn´t be falling from the sky for people to pick up. Just because we can´t insure stuff doesn´t mean that it should be easier for us to get stuff. Good stuff should be hard to get.

And cursed arties should definitely not be turned on again.

What´s the point in looting stuff if you know the guy is just gonna replace it to an equally good suit after each death?

To me(!) that´s not what Siege should be about.

Let´s just say they removed faction arties and cursed arties. Then the good stuff would be some marties and runic armour. If you die a couple of times you run out of stock and you´re depending on the market to be able to replace it. If you don´t find a seller (no matter how rich you are) you can´t equip that good stuff and will have to suit up in GM armour and some decent jewelry.

You should be looting people. And if you kill them enough # of times you will have all their good stuff. You would own them.

If things were easily replacable anyone would be able to get anything anytime. Death would mean nothing.

if people are worried about the value of their Doom arties... them make cursed arties drop frequently and keep the regular artys going as they are. But right now... people don't use the assassins armor, greymist armor, any of the cool ML stuff because its geared to those who play Prodo and that's sad. We on siege can't even enjoy the things this game has to offer because no one understands or even pays attention to the type of shard we have....
People should be worried about using high-end stuff. Cursed arties should not be re-activated to remove that concern.

Don´t get me wrong. Your posts are creative and offers suggestions and I respect that.

I just don´t agree with it...


Have you ever lost a faction item to decay?

That is a weak argument.

Yes, with gold you can buy another suit. But, if you wear a really nice suit, it should take a lot of gold. Risk versus reward. If uber gear is too easy to replace (i.e. with faction silver), then there is no risk. If you don't want risk, then Siege is not for you.
It cost me like 2 mil every time I die, about the same prices in cursed arties and marties....

To me its really all the same, only difference is now everyone IS NOT running a tamer/stealther because with decent gear, those all reward/ no risk templates arnt that good.

The problem is that you guys are relating one thing to another,

Your relating item based combat to faction arties and they are not one in the same.

Half of you hate item based combat, the others are arguing FOR faction arties, faction arties ARE NOT the cause of this, only its newest form.

People like myself, BR and the other better pvpers on Siege are saying that even before faction arties we ran very similar suits. Yeah the suits are better, and cheaper but thats THE POINT!

Before, you had people like astynex who ran a stealth bokker whose entire suit consisted of cursed arties, and even peerless crimson cintures and just the best of the best, probably would cost 5-10 mil to replace.

Then you had other pvpers who ran gm armor just getting murdered by people who could offord these suits, ever looked at Nyms or shaks castle? They have like 100+ of the best arties there are, ready to be used.

I used to sit at miasma all day trying to get just one artie for my suit. Now I can farm silver and am guarenteed to get something.

To sum it up folks, these faction items lessoned a problem we already had, item combat, and its not a Siege problem, its a UO problem. If you get rid of faction arties, you go back to only the millionaires running uber suits and the rest of us being slaughted in GM armor.

And that my friends is trammel at its finest, "The richest person wins UO"


It cost me like 2 mil every time I die, about the same prices in cursed arties and marties....

To me its really all the same, only difference is now everyone IS NOT running a tamer/stealther because with decent gear, those all reward/ no risk templates arnt that good.

The problem is that you guys are relating one thing to another,

Your relating item based combat to faction arties and they are not one in the same.

Half of you hate item based combat, the others are arguing FOR faction arties, faction arties ARE NOT the cause of this, only its newest form.

People like myself, BR and the other better pvpers on Siege are saying that even before faction arties we ran very similar suits. Yeah the suits are better, and cheaper but thats THE POINT!

Before, you had people like astynex who ran a stealth bokker whose entire suit consisted of cursed arties, and even peerless crimson cintures and just the best of the best, probably would cost 5-10 mil to replace.

Then you had other pvpers who ran gm armor just getting murdered by people who could offord these suits, ever looked at Nyms or shaks castle? They have like 100+ of the best arties there are, ready to be used.

I used to sit at miasma all day trying to get just one artie for my suit. Now I can farm silver and am guarenteed to get something.

To sum it up folks, these faction items lessoned a problem we already had, item combat, and its not a Siege problem, its a UO problem. If you get rid of faction arties, you go back to only the millionaires running uber suits and the rest of us being slaughted in GM armor.

And that my friends is trammel at its finest, "The richest person wins UO"
How did they get all those cursed arties? Oh yeah. They afk farmed as ghost 24/7 for weeks with overpowered dragons and had them pop into their bank box. As long as EA can avoid huge blunders like that again, those items will be in short supply.


I agree that arties are easily farmed, though I suggest your edit your post as those accusations are against the ROC.

But now your asking for too much, now way will they just up and remove all those ill gotten arties, they exist and thats all there is to it.

If you wont remove all the duped hammers and other crap on prodo, no way would they remove items on Siege.

So there we go, were back to square one.

If faction arties went bye bye, those who " have ways of obtaining arties" either though farming or buying with their massive amount of cash will have a significant advantage.

And then you will see an influx of the crap that comes from people not wanting to lose their stuff, IE the entire shard puts stealth back on, tamer gank squads and bokkers.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I agree that arties are easily farmed, though I suggest your edit your post as those accusations are against the ROC.

But now your asking for too much, now way will they just up and remove all those ill gotten arties, they exist and thats all there is to it.

If you wont remove all the duped hammers and other crap on prodo, no way would they remove items on Siege.

So there we go, were back to square one.

If faction arties went bye bye, those who " have ways of obtaining arties" either though farming or buying with their massive amount of cash will have a significant advantage.

And then you will see an influx of the crap that comes from people not wanting to lose their stuff, IE the entire shard puts stealth back on, tamer gank squads and bokkers.
Again, I for one, speaking for the few dedicated merchants that are still around, have zero problem with good gear being more accessible. My only problem is that now a lot of people are out of the loop. People not in factions have no way to participate. I know lots of people say who cares? If you want it then join factions.

The problem is that many of us don't want to actively participate in pvp, not that we are against pvp mind you, but we just enjoy other aspects of the open pvp setting. I don't consider the shard a "pvp" shard, I just consider it the most free and open shard. And as such I don't think its wise to push people out of the loop in any situation.
So, if they don't want to have a better option than faction box items, then they should just let anyone farm silver, so that everyone can be involved.


It cost me like 2 mil every time I die, about the same prices in cursed arties and marties....

To me its really all the same, only difference is now everyone IS NOT running a tamer/stealther because with decent gear, those all reward/ no risk templates arnt that good.

The problem is that you guys are relating one thing to another,

Your relating item based combat to faction arties and they are not one in the same.

Half of you hate item based combat, the others are arguing FOR faction arties, faction arties ARE NOT the cause of this, only its newest form.

People like myself, BR and the other better pvpers on Siege are saying that even before faction arties we ran very similar suits. Yeah the suits are better, and cheaper but thats THE POINT!

Before, you had people like astynex who ran a stealth bokker whose entire suit consisted of cursed arties, and even peerless crimson cintures and just the best of the best, probably would cost 5-10 mil to replace.

Then you had other pvpers who ran gm armor just getting murdered by people who could offord these suits, ever looked at Nyms or shaks castle? They have like 100+ of the best arties there are, ready to be used.

I used to sit at miasma all day trying to get just one artie for my suit. Now I can farm silver and am guarenteed to get something.

To sum it up folks, these faction items lessoned a problem we already had, item combat, and its not a Siege problem, its a UO problem. If you get rid of faction arties, you go back to only the millionaires running uber suits and the rest of us being slaughted in GM armor.

And that my friends is trammel at its finest, "The richest person wins UO"
Cash makes some VERY good points here.

I am going to speak from my OPINION only, and how it relates to how I play. You only get 1 character per account on Siege. Typically this means you can be a crafter, OR good pvm'er OR good pvp'er. You can't have it all (unless of course you spend MORE MONEY/GOLD on soulstones and such) but I at least am trying to get away from that.

Years ago I built up Bruin as a nox fencer, because i enjoyed fencing and poison was good in pvp, and I enjoyed pvp. Now Bruin the character template was good at pvp, but sucked in pvm. Therefore I couldn't farm for hours on end and make millions and millions of gold. Besides the fact that I dislike gold farming, I'm not very good at it. After being on Siege for 5+ years, the current gold across all my characters is close to 300k.

Cash says he runs a 2 million gold suit. I can't afford that. I will never be able to afford that. And lets be honest here, I can't compete in pvp anymore. I run basic GM armor and jewels that give me 20 HCI. People in factions now run 65+ DCI and 45+ HCI. That means effectively, they have an 80% chance to hit me and I have a 40% chance to hit them (on top of MR 6 or whatever they have). How will I ever kill someone who can hit me twice as often as I can hit them and basically has a mana pool double than I do - ALL BECAUSE OF ITEMS, NOT BECAUSE OF SKILL.

But lets say one day I do - lets say one day I build Bruin to be a tamer, farm for 20 hours, and buy my first 2 mil pvp suit. Yay, one death and it's over. I'm sorry, that's too high a price to pay. 20 hours of farming for effectively 2 fights, assuming I win one and lose one? Not worth it. And I consider myself decent at PVP, how about those that aren't good or just learning, and only win 10% of the time? For every 10 fights they gain a 2 mil suit to resell, and lose 20 mil gold worth of gear, how are we ever going to teach them the joy's of PVP?

However, even today if I run around in GM gear and kill someone in a full artied suit, guess what? It's either faction gear or evil dyed 99% of the time so I can't do anything with it. How's that Siege like? It'd be different if at LEAST I could wear it. At least that way I could wear GM gear, get into 50 fights, lose 45, win 5, and now have 5 good suits to pvp with - but that's not happening.

Truthfully, there are two ways of dealing with this - both points have been made. The basis of both of these is to take away the ability of those who have money to acquire the best gear, and reduce the disparity between the haves and have nots:

1. You make good gear EASILY available to everyone. Then a good suit doesn't cost 2 mil, it costs 20k, I can afford that. This is what the purpose of faction artifacts were on prodo shards, great idea for them, bad idea for us. It means good gear is only available to factions because you can't run basic arties on siege. If everyone is running around in great gear because everyone can afford it, there are no haves and have nots.

2. You make good gear available to no one, no cursed arties, no awesome gear, no faction artifacts. If everyone is running around in GM gear, there are no haves and have nots.

So, do you prefer a world of item based combat? Then you prefer option 1. If you prefer a world without item based combat, then you prefer option 2.

Some people still prefer a world of haves and have nots, where there is great gear that only the rich can use. I understand that, I disagree with that. ESPECIALLY ON SIEGE WHERE SUCH GEAR IS FACTION ONLY OR BECOMES FACTION ONLY VIA HERO/EVIL DYE. All the best non-faction gear becomes faction only gear on Siege because of the Hero/Evil dye system. I've seen and owned plenty of cursed orny's in my life, they've all been evil dyed so I can never use them. This on Siege again creates a class of haves (factions) and have nots (non-faction).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On Siege... we get enjoyment from playing and interacting with each-other. People on Siege make crafters so they can sell PvMers and PvPers stocks... PvMers, hunt monsters so they can sell the loot... PvPers kill other players so they can loot the corpses.

WHY... oh in gods name WHY... do we have our shard set up like prodo? Where doom arty drops are the same as those? It just doesn't make sense.

We should have treasure chests that drop cursed arties, ML bosses that drop lots of ingredients, ML arties and high intensity items... a doom gauntlet that if you go there and kill 1 boss... you should get good loot. Treasure of Tokuno should be turned on ALL the time... and further more, runic kits should be easier to obtain rather than what we currently have.
Here´s where our opinions differ.

Things shouldn´t be falling from the sky for people to pick up. Just because we can´t insure stuff doesn´t mean that it should be easier for us to get stuff. Good stuff should be hard to get.

And cursed arties should definitely not be turned on again.

What´s the point in looting stuff if you know the guy is just gonna replace it to an equally good suit after each death?

To me(!) that´s not what Siege should be about.
I'm content with you not agreeing with me because I'm comfortable with the points I've made and what players like Cash have pointed out.

But, you asked a question.

"What's the point in looting stuff if you know the guy is just gonna replace it to an equally good suit after each death?"
The answer is so simple... the point is to use the items that I just looted to replace my suit should I ever die.

Most people currently don't use the good items they loot. They just lock them down on the floor of their homes or they tuck them away in a secure.

This is not how the game is supposed to be experienced... where only the super rich/super good get to use the uber equipment.

Cash pointed out the obvious... there were plenty of us already using this uber gear before these faction arties ever came about. Now, the shard is getting a taste of a more level playing field and realizing that it is still super expensive to run at a competitive level if you aren't extremely good at PvP.

If good gear is more affordable to average players, they will be more willing to fight, die and just go out and have fun rather than stealthing around because they are scared of dying and losing their precious gear. Getting creamed by PvPers just because they are richer than you and can afford suits that allow them to do things you can't... isn't very fun.

So I'm comfortable with you disagreeing with me... because this game should be fun for all PvP skill levels.


Cash makes some VERY good points here.

I am going to speak from my OPINION only, and how it relates to how I play. You only get 1 character per account on Siege. Typically this means you can be a crafter, OR good pvm'er OR good pvp'er. You can't have it all (unless of course you spend MORE MONEY/GOLD on soulstones and such) but I at least am trying to get away from that.

Years ago I built up Bruin as a nox fencer, because i enjoyed fencing and poison was good in pvp, and I enjoyed pvp. Now Bruin the character template was good at pvp, but sucked in pvm. Therefore I couldn't farm for hours on end and make millions and millions of gold. Besides the fact that I dislike gold farming, I'm not very good at it. After being on Siege for 5+ years, the current gold across all my characters is close to 300k.

Cash says he runs a 2 million gold suit. I can't afford that. I will never be able to afford that. And lets be honest here, I can't compete in pvp anymore. I run basic GM armor and jewels that give me 20 HCI. People in factions now run 65+ DCI and 45+ HCI. That means effectively, they have an 80% chance to hit me and I have a 40% chance to hit them (on top of MR 6 or whatever they have). How will I ever kill someone who can hit me twice as often as I can hit them and basically has a mana pool double than I do - ALL BECAUSE OF ITEMS, NOT BECAUSE OF SKILL.

But lets say one day I do - lets say one day I build Bruin to be a tamer, farm for 20 hours, and buy my first 2 mil pvp suit. Yay, one death and it's over. I'm sorry, that's too high a price to pay. 20 hours of farming for effectively 2 fights, assuming I win one and lose one? Not worth it. And I consider myself decent at PVP, how about those that aren't good or just learning, and only win 10% of the time? For every 10 fights they gain a 2 mil suit to resell, and lose 20 mil gold worth of gear, how are we ever going to teach them the joy's of PVP?

However, even today if I run around in GM gear and kill someone in a full artied suit, guess what? It's either faction gear or evil dyed 99% of the time so I can't do anything with it. How's that Siege like? It'd be different if at LEAST I could wear it. At least that way I could wear GM gear, get into 50 fights, lose 45, win 5, and now have 5 good suits to pvp with - but that's not happening.

Truthfully, there are two ways of dealing with this - both points have been made. The basis of both of these is to take away the ability of those who have money to acquire the best gear, and reduce the disparity between the haves and have nots:

1. You make good gear EASILY available to everyone. Then a good suit doesn't cost 2 mil, it costs 20k, I can afford that. This is what the purpose of faction artifacts were on prodo shards, great idea for them, bad idea for us. It means good gear is only available to factions because you can't run basic arties on siege. If everyone is running around in great gear because everyone can afford it, there are no haves and have nots.

2. You make good gear available to no one, no cursed arties, no awesome gear, no faction artifacts. If everyone is running around in GM gear, there are no haves and have nots.

So, do you prefer a world of item based combat? Then you prefer option 1. If you prefer a world without item based combat, then you prefer option 2.

Some people still prefer a world of haves and have nots, where there is great gear that only the rich can use. I understand that, I disagree with that. ESPECIALLY ON SIEGE WHERE SUCH GEAR IS FACTION ONLY OR BECOMES FACTION ONLY VIA HERO/EVIL DYE. All the best non-faction gear becomes faction only gear on Siege because of the Hero/Evil dye system. I've seen and owned plenty of cursed orny's in my life, they've all been evil dyed so I can never use them. This on Siege again creates a class of haves (factions) and have nots (non-faction).
Strategically speaking, if uber gear is readily available to everyone then we all might as well move to Lake Superior or Atlantic or someplace where the gear can be insured. Because, by making uber gear readily available, you are essentially insuring it.

I don't agree that the two choices are everyone has it or no one has it because I am fine with some people having better gear than I do. I don't want to do BOD's, I don't want to farm for days. So, someone who is willing to do that can have those items. I'm not going to complain. But, they should have to work their butts of to get that stuff, and that is where I am going to complain.

Faction items are too easy to get. When you can park yourself afk someplace and have your Greater Dragon farm for you and have hundreds of thousands of silver simply pop in your pack, that is too easy. When half the shard is running around in suits made of artifact plus quality gear, they are too easy to get.

Tactically speaking, Cash isn't any harder to kill in his uber suit than he has ever been. Three or four mages with flamestrike pre-cast can still drop him or anyone else. The unfortunate thing for dexxers is that 70 DCI basically eliminates fencers and macers and swordsmen and archers as viable PvP templates. As worried as EA has been about nerfing tamers, they just eliminated dexxers in one publish.