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Doom Dead???


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Recently joined UO again in Feb. Loved doing Doom in the past and what not. But now that I've returned and checked Doom out, I got a few questions.

1. Where the hell is everyone? Every time I go to Doom, absolutely no one is there. If there is, its one or two people at the very most.

2. Have drop rates increased in the past 1-2 years? I've been told they have increased but I've also been told they're exactly the same.

Old Man of UO

This was an unintended consequence of Faction changes. It's easier to get better arties through Factions... why spend hours in Doom?

Marcus Blackwell

Recently joined UO again in Feb. Loved doing Doom in the past and what not. But now that I've returned and checked Doom out, I got a few questions.

1. Where the hell is everyone? Every time I go to Doom, absolutely no one is there. If there is, its one or two people at the very most.

2. Have drop rates increased in the past 1-2 years? I've been told they have increased but I've also been told they're exactly the same.

Doom is still pretty active on Catskills least on Wednesdays when the alliance Im in does doom runs, not sure on other shards though. Id say the lack of people is two fold the fact you can now get better arties mod wise by joining factions and farming silver even though they decay over time and the fact new arties havent been introduced in doom in ages.
One thing Id like to see is that they add new arties to the system really think this is overdue. The drop rate in doom has changed as well it uses the same system that was used during the Tokuno Treasures Quest/storlyine or whatever you call it.. Much easier to get an arty these days in doom your points build up and if you stay in there long enough and are in the top 16 tier wise you bound to get one sooner or later..


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
I believe Doom has fallen into the been there done that catagory...

Lord Drakelord

Recently joined UO again in Feb. Loved doing Doom in the past and what not. But now that I've returned and checked Doom out, I got a few questions.

1. Where the hell is everyone? Every time I go to Doom, absolutely no one is there. If there is, its one or two people at the very most.

2. Have drop rates increased in the past 1-2 years? I've been told they have increased but I've also been told they're exactly the same.

Well what shard are you on? Our Guild goes to Doom almost weekly, and we normally get 4-5 drops [within the guild] during the two runs we normally do. You might ask at your shard forum when folks go to the Gauntlet.

As for Drop rates they are a lot better now then they were a few years back and I am very please at the ones I have gotten during my visits to Doom.

Of course that Holy knight, Bone Crusher & Dragon lance are a joke compared to the other arties we can get in Doom and also while doing paragons. I normally give them away or sell real cheap on my vendors. But so far I have had good odds with getting some really nice arties.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe Doom has fallen into the been there done that catagory...
Yeah. I like to go there though, I just don't get the opportunity that often. Although from the last time I was there it really seems like one tamer and one archer with an undead slayer bow (to pick off the DF spawn) could pretty much run the circuit indefinitely.

Or maybe just a really handy tamer bard.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Between Player events and EM events I've been busy, would like to go more.

Lord Drakelord

I believe Doom has fallen into the been there done that catagory...
"Been there, done that", well I will be sure to not go to Doom on my Siege character. :p On Sonoma I look forward to our trips and we sometimes also have shard events where we gate and escort non PAS members to Doom gauntlet, normally a good turn out when we do this.

So for the OP, do not give up with having fun in Doom, look around, ask people on your home shard when they go to Doom, if they go, if not ask why, maybe they not aware of how easy the Gauntlet is and the fun you can have there.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I went to Doom yesterday, and this is on Baja. Eventually, three other people joined me (including a greater dragon) and finished the entire circuit. I was on the third room when the others had arrived. We decided to do another circuit, and everyone really worked well together as I've met some of them in the past. Still fun. Nice loot. Two out of the four received Artifacts; I got the Midnight Bracers and the Bard got Leggings of Bane. Sure, Doom isn't as busy as it once was, but then again, I still see people there on a consistent frequency.

Lord Drakelord

You'd just be afraid of getting killed by a player as opposed to the monsters...la
Back when we had more houses on one account I played on Siege, but the one character only and having to push thru everything got really tired. The only thing I really like about Siege is being able to bless one item any time I wish. That came in handy a few times.

Besides PVP is for the young pups, and I am getting to old, to slow to do PVP any more. So no, I am not afraid just more careful where I am playing today. ...la


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back.

On LS, Doom appears to be the "victim" of the introduction of Champion Spawn Artifacts. That's the current "gold rush." And, may I add, Hell of a lot of fun.

I have little doubt that Doom will rise again, though I would not expect it to ever return to its former heights. It has the advantage, however, of producing the Ornament of the Magician (and other powerful artifacts), in a form that is not character- or Faction-bound and will never wear out. By contrast, both Faction Artifacts and Champ Spawn Artifacts will wear out sooner or later, and have other disadvantages.

-Galen's player


Its not very worth it anymore. When they first changed the drop rates (as always) they over did it and for about a week they were being farmed so easily that a lot of people got more than they'd ever need. They toned it down a bit but the interest just isn't there anymore.

If you still want to go the only thing I can suggest is to build something that can solo it all without dying. At least that way it doesn't matter if no ones there.


We have a regular Doom train that leaves every Sunday from Delucia bank.. 2pm EST/11am PST. BAJA shard.. just another reason we are a great shard! Hosted by afk/UTB. They have done so for years! Its not unusual to see 10-25 peeps going at that time.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We have a regular Doom train that leaves every Sunday from Delucia bank.. 2pm EST/11am PST. BAJA shard.. just another reason we are a great shard! Hosted by afk/UTB. They have done so for years! Its not unusual to see 10-25 peeps going at that time.
Man, I always miss that time. It'd be good to see old faces, meet new ones, and have some good times in Doom. I think part of the reason why I miss that time is I'm usually on mimosa number eleventy-hundred so any semblance of coherency on my part is out the window. :shots: I'm hoping I can roll with you folks one day if I haven't already done so!


Well I was away from the game in Doom's heyday and I'm lovin' it now! On ATL, there are almost always people logged in, running the gauntlet (at least at peak hours). I just got an Armor of Fortune yesterday !!! I feel like I struck gold lol


Take away the golden skulls stuff to get there and then it is worth while dropping in and out my opinion only


Take away the golden skulls stuff to get there and then it is worth while dropping in and out my opinion only
Eh, gold skulls are easy to come by, and take very little time to acquire. I look at it as the price of admission to obtain some of the most sought after artifacts in the game.


They increased the drop rate of the arties too much to the point where most of them are valueless. So people have no desire to hunt there.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Revamp some of the arties. So much time has passed since Doom was introduced that some of the arties are really, really worthless compared to items people have gotten from runics / loot.

Weight: 8 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Self Repair 5
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 90
Durability: 255 / 255

The Berserker's Maul
Weight: 8 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Swing Speed Increase 75%
Damage Increase 50%
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 14 - 16
Weapon Speed 3.5s
Strength Requirement 45
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting
Durability: 255 / 255

Blade Of Insanity
Weight: 6 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Stamina Leech 100%
Hit Harm 50%
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Damage Increase 50%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11 - 13
Weapon Speed 2.5s
Strength Requirement 25
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255

Divine Countenance
Weight: 2 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Intelligence Bonus 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 9%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 25%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255 / 255

Breath Of The Dead
Weight: 3 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Defense Chance Increase 25%
Hit Life Leech 100%
Damage Increase 50%
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13 - 15
Weapon Speed 3s
Strength Requirement 25
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Swordsmanship
Durability: 255 / 255

Holy Knight's Breastplate
Weight: 10 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Hit Point Increase 10
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Hit Point Regeneration 5

Physical Resist 35%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 2%
Strength Requirement 95
Durability: 255 / 255

The Dragon Slayer
Weight: 12 Stones
Artifact Rarity 11
Dragon Slayer
Luck 110
Damage Increase 50%
Fire Resist 20%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Cold Damage 100%
Swing Speed Increase 50%

Weapon Damage 17 - 18
Weapon Speed 4.5s
Strength Requirement 95
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability: 255 / 255

These are just a few examples how the arties that most consider to be non-useful/trash could be revamped to make them desirable without making them go over the top. If EA at some point decides to revamp some of the arties the changes SHOULD NOT affect already existing arties.

This would make Doom a bit more crowded for at least a while as new players, collectors and merchants would hunt for these 'new' artifacts for a few weeks at least.

Another thing that would make Doom a bit more lively would be to just add completely new artifacts to drop from Doom bosses or add a completely new dungeon with new artifacts.

Just my 2 cents.