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UO Chat System- Why dont people use it?

  • Thread starter Rowdydude
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


In the beginning it had issues but people didnt use it mostly because computer and connection was too slow (i started playing on a Pentium II 300 with 256 megs of ram) but why dont people use it now?


Because it makes a huge black screen fill your computerin 2d?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Right, and if you resize the window the text goes all wonky and doesn't wrap correctly. It takes up too much space. If I had a super big stretch limo monitor it would be fine, but I don't, and no one else uses it so I don't want it to take up real estate for no reason.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Quite easily, people were already using external chat programs to handle communications and had adapted to the UO concept of non-global communication inside the game (i.e. you didn't stand in Britain and talk to people in Moonglow) that it was always a completely redundant system.


vent, roger wilco, teamspeak etc.

why type when you can listen to your nerd buddys drueling on themselves.


Seasoned Veteran
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The sad thing is, 3D's chat system was great - didn't have any of the sizing issues of 2D and looked and acted like a true IRC client. Though ofcourse not perfect.



Well, I got trained (away) from it, since it did not work when I started, and simply found other options. When 3d came out, I like many others did not have the processor and memory to work that memory hog. So again, the UO chat system was not on my menu - already had other communications going.

After over 10 years of working the other communication systems and having all my contacts elsewhere, why would I bother whether they finally got UO chat system working? I really don't give a rip.


Grand Poobah
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vent, roger wilco, teamspeak etc.

why type when you can listen to your nerd buddys drueling on themselves.
I always wanted to listen in to a vent/teamspeak nerdfest. I can hear it now, a mixture of South Park kids, with 1 or 2 Rosanne Barrs and a Sam Eliott...*snort*


I always wanted to listen in to a vent/teamspeak nerdfest. I can hear it now, a mixture of South Park kids, with 1 or 2 Rosanne Barrs and a Sam Eliott...*snort*
hehe, yah - like I want that noise in my ears. I'll pass on that, as funny as it might be. Gosh, that would be like watching Monte Python while playing UO.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Ventrilo/ Trilian.... no need to say anything more.


I always wanted to listen in to a vent/teamspeak nerdfest. I can hear it now, a mixture of South Park kids, with 1 or 2 Rosanne Barrs and a Sam Eliott...*snort*
Its usually more like, " Im afk to get another beer."
"Im back, Who killed me?"


Babbling Loonie
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Back in the day on Pacific, we used to use it all the time to catch up with friends in-game. There was quite a community there and we'd often just hop on UO Chat to be social with our friends. Guild and Alliance chat have sort of replaced it, however.


Lore Master
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*snatches docking icons from screenie* Gimme those!!

The sad thing is, 3D's chat system was great - didn't have any of the sizing issues of 2D and looked and acted like a true IRC client. Though ofcourse not perfect.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Right, and if you resize the window the text goes all wonky
The font sizing when you shrink the window is a huge Deterrent. I don't get why the default font is the larger fancy font (I think the first font in the list).

Change your font to the smallest plainest font (the third font in the list) and you will not have this issue.

Why they don't make it the default for players I have no idea its # 7 on my stupid things they don't fix list. #8 is why they have a room called "General-Trammel" on Siege......

#6 is making it so you can use multiple channels while in the chat. If you could join General-default whatever, and general-trade, and a group private room..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The font sizing when you shrink the window is a huge Deterrent. I don't get why the default font is the larger fancy font (I think the first font in the list).

Change your font to the smallest plainest font (the third font in the list) and you will not have this issue.
Ah, right, I didn't even know you could change the font, that's about how much I fooled with it.

Zyon Rockler

You could not leave a chat active if you logged out, so that meant for there to be an open channel the host would have to be online. So, that meant you had to make a new chat every time.

There should of been channels already created that remained open all the time, like for selling things, help topics, general chat.

You should of been able to make a channel of your own and leave it open, so even if you were not there others could leave messages, so when you reopened the game you were already in chat.

Also, you can't talk through it and that makes it worthless if your trying to play a game and type in a chat room at the same time, you're probably going to end up dead.

UO should have introduced talk to type program accessibility and allowed a server for live voice chat. You just create a channel and anyone with the password that has a mic can pop in or just listen.

I think now that other programs offer live chat, text, website, forum space, room for pics, movies, etc...etc...and so on that it's probably easier to just use a side program.

From a developer stand point though it's a mistake not to have an internal system of communication to allow for talking in parties, not typing but talking. I do believe that eventually something like this will be intergrated.