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Dermott of LS, The Man-The Myth


Seasoned Veteran
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HAHAHA! Dermott is a long haired hippie! He does have a dream job tho.


(No offense Dermott, all in good fun)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm quite comfortable with the long hair... it really freaks people out when I wear a tye dye t-shirt of a band I follow and then tell people I'm a Capitalist who supports the military. :D

As I stated in the other thread, the job is great, but it's not all the glamour it's made out to be. But I've had MUCH worse and I don't wake up in the morning dreading going to work.


Always Present
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I think the other guy is Kelmo... (I'm kidding)

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
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Too Funny! :thumbsup:

I was wondering where my pewter pin that came from my pre-order oh so may years ago went off to... now I know. May I place a claim along with the others to get it back?

I thought the series was very cool and hope it all works out for those involved.