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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was just wondering if it would be possible to put the Darkfather on a timer reset?
Somthing like every server down?

As we all know, the Gauntlet is a ghost-town these days.
Now i can just about handle the minor bosses on my own, but the DF itself i just can't do (to many undead spawns) due to i'm a Mellee fighter.

The same DF has been in the Gauntlet on Europa for the past 4 days now.

I don't want it made any easier but it would be nice if it was actually usefull?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree, would be nice, if those would disappear in the void if not touched for 2 hours or so.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was just wondering if it would be possible to put the Darkfather on a timer reset?
Somthing like every server down?

As we all know, the Gauntlet is a ghost-town these days.
Now i can just about handle the minor bosses on my own, but the DF itself i just can't do (to many undead spawns) due to i'm a Mellee fighter.

The same DF has been in the Gauntlet on Europa for the past 4 days now.

I don't want it made any easier but it would be nice if it was actually usefull?
Hi Slavyvite,

If your able to solo the room bosses then the chances are your probably not all that far off being able to solo the DF. Its all about technique.

I would recommend going over to the warrior forum and digging up the thread that I started asking for tips on doing it solo, theres lots of good stuff in there.

Rather than getting them to change it so that you can farm the room bosses, you will find it much more rewarding if you can do the DF also and the loot you will get from the DF is worlds apart from that of the other monsters in doom.

PM me if you need any template, equipment or tactical advice.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I suppose i should have mentioned, I solo the room bosses in like an hour each one and a few OOooOoo's aswell.
Don't want people thinking i'm an Uber in l33t armour. :eyes:

I just get a feeling of satisfaction when i finally do kill them, only to be stopped at the Daddy spawn :twak: :drool:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What you do is get a mage with EI, med and a demon slayer spellbook. Then precast Explosion, run it, target the DF then bolt out of range and invis. Repeat.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What you do is get a mage with EI, med and a demon slayer spellbook. Then precast Explosion, run it, target the DF then bolt out of range and invis. Repeat.
Great, if your a mage but as i said.
I'm a mellee, swords bush/chiv to be exact and running thru and hitting just make's the DF throw spawn all over the place.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if you enjoy the place i suggest getting out investing some gold in a better outfit. Check out ways in warrior forum to solo and go back ready for a fight. If you lure the dark father up to near the secret passage to nix's room you can corner yourself in with him reduceing the bones he throws and tanking him till he dies i use a Sampire and she works very well 1 in 5 dark fathers i go oo oOOooo and thats usually due to me not paying atention for a moment.

Tips for dark father.

#1 Use dispel evil to dispel revanents at 65+ chiv they go poof
#2 corner yourself and the dark father in a good spot and you lessen the spawn
#3 Resist spells skill to lessen the duration and power of blood oath very nasty spell usually why i do die.
#4 Enchanted apples they are oh so handy to eat when your loaded up with curses and even more so when he blood oaths you.

You need to get out and find some gold and better your outfit if you do not want to go with a vampire template its still possible with a good healer though you will be seeing grey alot more often important to have a good weapon with life leech stamina leech if you can get a demon slayer with both them also on a fast weapon you will rock! The conjurers trinket tali is somthing to try and buy.

Try a suit with good defence chance increase and hit chance increase. 45/45 yeah you said your not l33t but that sounds like an excuse to me if you want to do doom be prepared for a tough fight and that means getting equiped for the fight. Ask around people are allways willing to help others get setup.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was just wondering if it would be possible to put the Darkfather on a timer reset?
Somthing like every server down?

As we all know, the Gauntlet is a ghost-town these days.
Now i can just about handle the minor bosses on my own, but the DF itself i just can't do (to many undead spawns) due to i'm a Mellee fighter.

The same DF has been in the Gauntlet on Europa for the past 4 days now.

I don't want it made any easier but it would be nice if it was actually usefull?

I vote no. It would make it to easy to farm the rooms, I can do them myself with my archer in about 20 minutes. He doesnt have all that great of a suit. I just use good tactics. I can solo the DF too, but it takes longer if alone.

What would be nice is to revamp the arties, with factions there is no real reason to go to Doom. If we had some new stuff, it would be full again.



What would be nice is to revamp the arties, with factions there is no real reason to go to Doom.
Sure there is. Only a VERY small minority of UO players are in Factions, or even participate in PvP, much less want to just to get what they want/need.


I vote no. It would make it to easy to farm the rooms, I can do them myself with my archer in about 20 minutes. He doesnt have all that great of a suit. I just use good tactics. I can solo the DF too, but it takes longer if alone.

What would be nice is to revamp the arties, with factions there is no real reason to go to Doom. If we had some new stuff, it would be full again.

They should add new arties.


Yeah I would have to vote NO...

Every boss drops artys, so begging off the Dark Father would be taking the easy way out by far, there are already several templates that can do the DF alone or with very little help... I dont think you should be able to skip out the "boss" simply due to your templates weakness against an enemy.

Make some friends and group up for the DF?

Change your template or make a gauntlet friendly character.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure there is. Only a VERY small minority of UO players are in Factions, or even participate in PvP, much less want to just to get what they want/need.

I agree that Only a VERY small minority of UO players even participate in PvP. But MORE then a small minority of them join factions for the arties. WE DO need to have the doom arties revamped. So there it is!!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure there is. Only a VERY small minority of UO players are in Factions, or even participate in PvP, much less want to just to get what they want/need.

I agree that Only a VERY small minority of UO players even participate in PvP. But MORE then a small minority of them join factions for the arties. WE DO need to have the doom arties revamped. So there it is!!

What is only a VERY small minority? There seem to be many VERY small minorities in UO. There is only a VERY small minority of players that script or cheat, and there is only a VERY small minority of players in Japan even though they have dedicated developers. LOL

Minerva Foxglove

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are still people in Doom and on Europa im one of them. The prob is people log in one by one and notice they are alone and log out. If we logged in at 7 , 8, 9, etc..we could get a group togeather any evening.

Me and two friends log in several times every week and sometimes we do a round on our own but most time people drop in and after a while we are a nice group..last night we were 1 bard 2 necromages 2 tamers and atleast 1 meelee char and i was just there for 1 round . Well it started and ended with Dark Fathers.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Myself and 3 guildies went to doom last night 3 Tamers and 1 Archer, Gaunlet had already been done apart from the DF....he now rests on the shore line with a nasty dragon bite in his ass! hehe:thumbsup: