I played on Pacific. In the recent months, I have been doing Trammel Champ Spawn like mad. Sleepy, Humanity, Spirit, I just keep looping between them. Weekends, I can do like 6-10 a day. I have gotten some replica and drop before pub 58.
Now, after pub 58, so far ... NONE. I have made a habit of asking people at the end of spawn if anyone got any drops. Those who answered me has not gotten any drops post pub 58. Now, I see others start to ask the same question at the end of the champ.
We know the spawn timer was broken by pub 58... is the drop as well ?
The drop rate should be 30%.... out of 20-30 champs which I have done post pub 58, no one got anything. It just seems weird.
Just want to check if it is just me, or the revert of the old champ rewarding system does not benefit my style of playing and character type.
ps. I used archer
I played on Pacific. In the recent months, I have been doing Trammel Champ Spawn like mad. Sleepy, Humanity, Spirit, I just keep looping between them. Weekends, I can do like 6-10 a day. I have gotten some replica and drop before pub 58.
Now, after pub 58, so far ... NONE. I have made a habit of asking people at the end of spawn if anyone got any drops. Those who answered me has not gotten any drops post pub 58. Now, I see others start to ask the same question at the end of the champ.
We know the spawn timer was broken by pub 58... is the drop as well ?
The drop rate should be 30%.... out of 20-30 champs which I have done post pub 58, no one got anything. It just seems weird.
Just want to check if it is just me, or the revert of the old champ rewarding system does not benefit my style of playing and character type.
ps. I used archer