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Faction Guild Alliances


Always Present
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Stratics Legend

I know you have the IQ to post concepts for fixes besides this idea of theirs, that 2min idea you posted up there ^^ was not a bad one.

But yall, just would rather cut me down. np no loss to yall.
*exit 4 accts. from Siege*

Siege looses it's 'aging geriatric' cheerleader. :cheerleader:

later man, enjoy the 'pvp only players permitted by pvpers on Siege shard' emptying out further.. take care, Sakie !



I know you have the IQ to post concepts for fixes besides this idea of theirs, that 2min idea you posted up there ^^ was not a bad one.

But yall, just would rather cut me down. np no loss to yall.
*exit 4 accts. from Siege*

Siege looses it's 'aging geriatric' cheerleader. :cheerleader:

later man, enjoy the 'pvp only players permitted by pvpers on Siege shard' emptying out further.. take care, Sakie !
You post all this like 'I' care? Nah, it's a matter of choice, and you're looking for a scapegoat to get out of this dying game. I'll be your scapegoat if that's what you want. Look to the Siege thread on this, I posted a better solution for communication problems.

Either way, *SHRUG*.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I know you have the IQ to post concepts for fixes besides this idea of theirs, that 2min idea you posted up there ^^ was not a bad one.

But yall, just would rather cut me down. np no loss to yall.
*exit 4 accts. from Siege*

Siege looses it's 'aging geriatric' cheerleader. :cheerleader:

later man, enjoy the 'pvp only players permitted by pvpers on Siege shard' emptying out further.. take care, Sakie !
Wow cry more? And the entire I'm closing 4 accts was a classic!

Ps. See you in a few weeks because me and everyone else knows you are not going to quit over something this silly.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great story! I'm sorry crutch-pvpers such as yourself, feel the need to have non-faction pvpers along side them, to have the edge over the situation.

Where in the FoF quote does he state two (same) factions cannot ally? It doesn't.

Sorry my points make sense, I'll try to tone it down next time I step into a UHall thread.


p.s. If you or someone were to propose that they allow alliances with non-faction guilds, but put in the "Friendly Fire", the bene acts on flagged non-factioners, etc, I wouldn't see a problem. In fact, PROBLEM SOLVED. But, crutch-pvpers will still cry.
O.M.G! YOU, of all people, crying about crutch PvPers! Hahaha Pot, meet kettle. In fact, there is not a big enough pot calling the kettle black joke in the world to cover that moronic statement.

I mean I've seen you say plenty of dumb crap before, but that one takes the prize.



O.M.G! YOU, of all people, crying about crutch PvPers! Hahaha Pot, meet kettle. In fact, there is not a big enough pot calling the kettle black joke in the world to cover that moronic statement.

I mean I've seen you say plenty of dumb crap before, but that one takes the prize.

Worship noted Kat.

The difference between your opinion and mine: I do not, and will not, care if this change happens. YOU will, because you are in that list of crutch-pvpers.

Hmm, for some reason, fanboi keeps coming to mind right now.


p.s. seriously!


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I am not assuming anything. You are making hypothetical situations which I haven't seen happen.

Right now we are the second largest faction guild on Atlantic (125), outnumbering the largest dedicated guild (113). If we did end up going all factions we would outnumber nearly all the faction guilds on the shard combined (373 of us vs 350 of top 5 guilds). And you want to complain about "zerg" then?

So either we drop out of Factions and activity plummets or we join completely and vastly outnumber the competition. Or we could keep things the way they are are have things sort of balanced.

If that's true then they need to put the Faction balancer back in.....So no Faction can greatly outnumber another....

Problem solved......


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
This is a much needed change. You want to "use the same communication tools" then have them join the faction then ally or guild them.
Anything else is just an excuse.

Before this becomes a violin playing Siege thread I think everyone needs to go back and realize what a faction means and why they have to be separate. I doubt the future plans for factions will allow anything but all or nothing for factions. I also doubt production time is going to be set aside for an exclusion is going to be made for Siege either. Factions will most likely be playing a larger role in UO in the future and this change will have to be completed before that happens.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
O.M.G! YOU, of all people, crying about crutch PvPers! Hahaha Pot, meet kettle. In fact, there is not a big enough pot calling the kettle black joke in the world to cover that moronic statement.

I mean I've seen you say plenty of dumb crap before, but that one takes the prize.

Worship noted Kat.

The difference between your opinion and mine: I do not, and will not, care if this change happens. YOU will, because you are in that list of crutch-pvpers.

Hmm, for some reason, fanboi keeps coming to mind right now.


p.s. seriously!

Well let me refresh your memory, Zippy!



I finally was able to get the video of a fight we had two days ago up. You can go to this Stratics topic if you want to view and comment. I would like you to point out where we brought in any non-faction players to be our "crutch". In contrast our main opponent (the Shadowlords) had several non-faction players helping them including a tamer with a Greater Dragon.

Trying to make this out as some lame attempt to keep an advantage isn't going to work because we don't use it in that manner.
I watched majority of it and it was a great battle. But, it was just that, one battle-many more to come and even if your guild doesn't use/need non-faction players to compete, others do and I think that's the point.

Basically, you're feeling penalized for others abuse, I get that. So simply put, keep non-faction alliances, but allow friendly fire to penalize the ones that DO try and abuse the faction system with; non-faction dismounters, tamers, gankers, meat shields, etc.

If a red/grey AoEs or throws up fields, it should flag (to take away the abuse) of faction and non-faction fighters along side one another. If the non-faction player enters combat in any way, you should not be able to heal/rez until the 2 minute combat timer goes away.

Those are simple suggestions that can try and keep everyone happy. The obvious ones not happy, will be the crutch-pvpers.

Now, how hard it would be to code it in so that non-faction and faction alliance players have friendly fire/benes once in combat, while keeping all the non-faction alliance members as is-Would be a different story.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Wow cry more? And the entire I'm closing 4 accts was a classic!

Ps. See you in a few weeks because me and everyone else knows you are not going to quit over something this silly.
Remember once I joked on Siege forum with you about not telling an old lady what to do and ya took my *walker*...

Kage, as a slower connected customer of EA, I am NOT in VENT with TNT or any of you, can not be. Alliance chat IS all I get on Siege...now EA UO is apparently DICTATING...that my allies and I can no longer be allied. This leaves myself and other EA customers like myself ...... isolated further. . telling us all whom we can or can not be allied to.

Good humor lady also tires of the insults, I do not pvp so I am thus LESS on Siege as yall make perfectly clear to us many a time, thus our concerns are irrelevant to yall. . our needs do not matter, since we do not pvp, nor in vent, nor are in factions.

I will probably miss hiding from ya tho. when ya didnt see my chrs to kill em...and enjoy my walker man. Ya may need it one day your self when YOU get geriatric & age !

As per the song I selected, comment regarding it on youtube is as follows:

'but if you limit yourself to one genre then you merely possess a closed mind and lack the capacity to think for yourself and will keep comparing bands to each other that are otherwise uncomparable... '

*waves* take care man.

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

p.s. If you or someone were to propose that they allow alliances with non-faction guilds, but put in the "Friendly Fire", the bene acts on flagged non-factioners, etc, I wouldn't see a problem. In fact, PROBLEM SOLVED. But, crutch-pvpers will still cry.
My idea of factions is controling the cities stealing sigils fighting at the base for that purpose.A fight at the gate does not help me obtain that goal .After the sigils are placed
on the town posts we are done for 6 hrs .So that being said i have the right to go play with my friends that are non faction at the gate, Despise wherever. If the devolpers said ok ok we will allow ally between non faction and faction but here is the down side while sigils are stealable you are subject to area effect and cant walk thru fields. I would pref no changes ,But this is better than nothing .

Side notes:

I also think that the uber arties should not be available unless you control the towns.It used to be like that ,when the blessed faction armour pieces were around.

For the Faction peeps that have never guarded a base or ran a sigil get out of faction your one of the guys that abuse it.

P.s Give me back my 12 hr timer on sigils and 3 days of city control ;)

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
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Even if they have to drop their alliance, they are still going to be allied!

No if they drop their alliance, they won't be allied. Everyone has explained it well enough, if you don't understand how its an advantage, well I'm not suprised you don't seem very sharp.

Ailish when sigs had a 3 day period where they couldn't be stolen and a fight breaks out in a dungeon or the lost lands between Minax and Com is it no longer a faction fight? You act as if faction fights ONLY occur in the base, what about down time? So when sigs had 3 day timers are you saying there was NO faction fighting at ALL? See how dumb you look when you claim if its not at a base then it's not a faction fight?

They shouldn’t be able to, this is a bug and will be squashed appropriately. If your faction guild is allied with a non-faction guild, please drop the alliance before we do.

No matter how much you and link cry this is going to happen. Everyone knows that Links guild Always fights with non-faction support and you can beat that when this change comes in they will drop out of factions because if it's all or nothing they will lose a lot more than they already do.

I didn't watch the video but I'm sure based on what I read it was one fight where for the video purpose Link had his guild come on all factioners instead of their lopsided split they always use. Congrats, it was a good try, but the devs see through this cute little ploy.

Also Link EQ only hit everyone on screen if a red casted it. Back in the day if a blue casted it, it only hit grey/red/factions(if the blue was in factions) not EVERYONE like you were saying. So get your facts straight please.


Teamwork between factioneers and nonfactioneers in PvP should be made as hard as possible... It's just frustrating when nonfactioneers intervene in factionfights.

Ppl who can be just ressed up and they are 100 % rdy for battle again in 3 seks should not be in faction fights.


So either we drop out of Factions and activity plummets or we join completely and vastly outnumber the competition. Or we could keep things the way they are are have things sort of balanced.
There is nothing balanced using 50 50 factioneer - nonfactioneers against 100 % factioneers group.

The team with 50 50 will always have 50 % of ppl in 100 % skills. So even thou they can't put enemy in loss, in long run the 50 % of factioneers (even in statloss) will get last hits making the other team being 100 % in statloss against 50 % ppl in statloss...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not all of us choose to PvP or be part of factions. We still though like to get together with our guildmates who are Red/ or Factions and go do a spawn together as a guild. That has nothing to do with Factions. That is PvM and a chance for all of us to play together doing something different. Factions is base defending and Seigel stealing. You can't have it that all fighting in every aspect of this game is "Factions" This change will not, unfortunately, stop Blues from interfering with your battles; but it will cause a division in alot of guilds and that is not fair. Fix the problems that need to be fixed. This is not a solution but just the creation of another problem. Seige will suffer greatly from this.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Also Link EQ only hit everyone on screen if a red casted it. Back in the day if a blue casted it, it only hit grey/red/factions(if the blue was in factions) not EVERYONE like you were saying. So get your facts straight please.
Area damaging spells used to target everything, including innocents. Your own Energy Vortex would attack you instead of the monster you were fighting if you cast it in the wrong spot. You had to play pre-Trammel to experience this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm with Draconi on this one.... FACTION guilds Should Not be allied with non-faction guilds. I fight a consistent group of people who run a 70% (Non) 30%(Faction) allied group and the whole purpose of this is to only risk Death on Non faction characters while only using the Faction group to STAT other factions when it's a Nearly assured Gank.... If you want the benefits of being in a FACTION (warhorse / items) then your TEAM should ALL face the consequences...... 7 Non-faction necro mages backed up by 3 Hiding stealthing Faction Stealthers is lame..... The stealthers should at least have to worry about the fields / Withers / Meteors etc....

Might makes Right.... & since Draconi Agrees..... :lick:


It is a BIG step backwards to before formal alliances were possible. Just one more part of EA's efforts to destroy the game and drive off customers.

Blessed spellbooks with properties on Siege - umbalancing
Special uber gear for faction players - Unbalancing
The removal of guard zones in 8 towns - can't do heartwood, can't do community collections, takes Siege to 4 accessable stables

Now they think that letting the faction branch of a guild communicate with the non-faction branch and be able to tell friend from foe in a fight is unbalancing? give me a break?

If they want to discontinue the game why not just pull the plug?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Splitting up the alliances on Siege will be a big blow. Particularly when we have some people who have only one account. Factions already split up guilds, why prevent guild families from being able to communicate?

Not everyone has vent or is able to use vent or an equivalent.

Please don't screw Siege again. There are so many other things that could be fixed that would have a much more positive impact for us.


Lore Master
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I guess I am looking at it from a different perspective than some others. The new faction arties have brought people into factions who are NOT factioneers. They don't give a hoot who has the sigs, who has the cities, etc. I never heard anyone complain about this issue before that change with the exception of non-factioneers interfereing with faction fights (and the definition of those was a fight in a town or base that had to do with city control). Yes, sometimes a "faction fight" would break out in the down time, but the ONLY reason for the fighting was that two groups of factioneers came upon eachother.

But lets get real here. Yew gate is a free-for-all. I dont care HOW many OJ's are there, it is NEVER going to be a "faction fight" by definition. Too many other people who couldnt give a rip about factions. Same thing for Champ Spawns. Just because one or two guilds has factioneers there, does not make it a "faction fight". Why? Because another 3 guilds that have nothing to do with factions can easily come in and join the fray and because you are fighting for control of a CHAMP SPAWN (which is in no way related to factions!), in a free-for-all area.

Whatever. This change wont really change anything. The change that WOULD make a difference it putting the timers back the way they should be and making faction arties only available for purchase to those who own a town. That is the way faction armor was intended to be, and that is the way it needs to be now. I am SICK of seeing all the fake factioneers!


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
The best part of this whole thread is the use of this alliance system by JC's guilds in game. Hot/Heat fighting right outside faction bases, non faction members acting to protect sigil holders in transport and his insistence that factions are limited to a few cities and bases despite the lore making it quite clear factions are a war for the world.

The faction war thus encompasses champ spawns, dungeons, the middle of nowhere, the seas, your house, our house, your moms house and everywhere in between.


Basically, you're feeling penalized for others abuse, I get that. So simply put, keep non-faction alliances, but allow friendly fire to penalize the ones that DO try and abuse the faction system with; non-faction dismounters, tamers, gankers, meat shields, etc.

If a red/grey AoEs or throws up fields, it should flag (to take away the abuse) of faction and non-faction fighters along side one another. If the non-faction player enters combat in any way, you should not be able to heal/rez until the 2 minute combat timer goes away.

Those are simple suggestions that can try and keep everyone happy. The obvious ones not happy, will be the crutch-pvpers.

Now, how hard it would be to code it in so that non-faction and faction alliance players have friendly fire/benes once in combat, while keeping all the non-faction alliance members as is-Would be a different story.

IMO this would be something the DEVs could look into. Why not try to keep everyone happy? Drac will solve the imbalance issue with non-faction and faction fighting along side one another without any penalties, and people will still be able to have their alliance chat.

If anything, make all non-faction alliance members 100% bene acts to faction members while in Fel. Once in combat, whether you are the aggressor or not, field spells and AoE will hit your faction alliance members no matter if they're; green, blue, red, grey, yellow, pink, purple, etc! It will solve this PvP issue, with anyone abusing it.



Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Um, so you are suggesting, rather than NO penalty OR advantage, that an alliance of this sort suffer an EXTRA penalty?? I was pretty much with ya (as in, sure I could live with that, no issue) until you got to adding EXTRA FLAGGING inside an alliance. No, I dont think so.

A benefit that no one has mentioned that IS a big one of an alliance of any sort is seeing green and knowing they are on your team, don't attack that person. That and alliance chat alone could easily suffice for people who truly are allied simply because they found themselves to be fighting on the same side all the time anyway and became friends.


Ailish, make more sense please. The alliance doesn't suffer if they aren't trying to PvP along side Faction alliance members, which was the point of FoF.

They want to fight along side one another, GREAT! Just be weary of AoEs and field spells. Also, make sure that non-faction player has someone to assist them, cross heal them, etc.

Good day carebear!


Site Support
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Are you crazy? So now not only do you want to prevent faction and non-faction alliances, you directly want to limit guild size by how many can be in a faction.

Yep, Come to think of it I think there should be about a 50 member hard cap on guild size anyways.

But as far as factions why should any one faction have more members on some shards than the other factions combined? How does this promote a working faction system....

Factions is BROKE still period if they can't fix it them maybe they should just take them out...Just because you don't like what would be a step towards a real means to balance and fix factions doesn't mean it's not a good thing to do.

Then again I stated months ago that I don't think Guilds should be allowed into factions PERIOD. You join a faction that is your guild...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All I can say is that keeping a faction/non-faction guild from allying will NOT do a damn thing to keep non-factioners from participating in faction battles, but it will DAMN SURE serve to alienate one part of the guild from the other. Unfortunately, those that will get alienated are those who DO NOT participate in faction battles and those who do not use Vent.

I'll be the first to admit that it irks me to see blues interfering in a faction battle, but I urge the devs to find some other way to minimize this, rather than force an alienation of guild members.

Or at least find another alternative for us Siege folks. The guild chat feature is what we want/need to preserve.
Kat if your concern is the chat system tell your guild members to log into map and use the map chat,its just as effective in chatting with non faction people. i for one would think siege needs this change. Field spells would effect the non faction/faction poeple which would help keep the non faction poeple outta the faction fights.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend

IMO this would be something the DEVs could look into. Why not try to keep everyone happy? Drac will solve the imbalance issue with non-faction and faction fighting along side one another without any penalties, and people will still be able to have their alliance chat.

If anything, make all non-faction alliance members 100% bene acts to faction members while in Fel. Once in combat, whether you are the aggressor or not, field spells and AoE will hit your faction alliance members no matter if they're; green, blue, red, grey, yellow, pink, purple, etc! It will solve this PvP issue, with anyone abusing it.

THIS (the highlighted part) is where you crossed the line into adding EXTRA penalty to alliances of this sort. The NORMAL noto rules should apply in such a case as is being proposed (an alliance that does not benefit from non-hitting AoE and fields). When two guilds who are not allied work together, faction or non, a blues fields and AoE DO NOT work on other blues. You are propsing that people in such an alliance have the ADDED PENALTY of having blue flag blue.

So yes, I made perfect sense. As for calling me carebear? Think what you will, I dont play a faction char unless I am fighting in a base or running sigs (only exception was when all my non-faction chars went red and I needed someone to kill a champ). When I play a faction char, it is to do faction-related things, not have pissing contests at Yew gate.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Area damaging spells used to target everything, including innocents. Your own Energy Vortex would attack you instead of the monster you were fighting if you cast it in the wrong spot. You had to play pre-Trammel to experience this.
Wrong I use to kill people in houses pre aos with Exp EQ, and only the people flagged took damage other blues were fine. I just started posting but when I use to read you use to make mistakes like this constantly where you don't know the old game mechanics.

I've been around since the first day, I know what happened.
Also EVs and EQs are two completely different things, I know what they use to do, unlike you with your EQs.

PS sorry your guild is going to drop out of factions because you know I'm right and with out the faction-non faction ally you will lose a lot more than you already do. So rather than try to stick it out we'll be seeing your guild leave shortly. You won't be missed, bye! : )

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
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*Begins to cry because this player can no longer abuse this system when the change goes in*
There there ailish. You have many points that are absolute garbage. It's just pathetic how you think no one is abusing this system when really its a large majority of zergs.

You've said it many times that this change won't change anything. If that's the case stop complaining everyone knows that it WILL make a big difference so stop acting like they are making some random change with no rhyme or reason to it.

On the topic of factions, I think everyone would be okay with the 10hour capture timer and 3 days of the towns when ever you devs could get a chance to put it back, thanks.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
This is a good change.

To Alish who obviously cant read posts correctly.
No one is asking for extra penalty to faction players rather asking for NORMAL penalties to apply when the allied group isnt in faction.

In the case of your "non-faction" faction fight crew, blues field still dont hit blue factioneers. Your red nonfaction AoE and fields WILL affect nonfaction and faction red/blue/gray as long as they ARENT in the same non-faction guild.

Yes this is the normal noto rules like you suggested. Currently their is no counter for using mixed noto team (blue/red/orange) and they do grant some absolute advantages.

Assuming a 3 hours harry fight thats started by a pure faction guild with 16 people against another group with 8 faction and 8 non-faction allied group assuming both side has equal player skill and good match up. Both sides are pushing both sides and soon or later pure faction group will have many players in stat while the other has half of their 8 factioneer in stat while the other 8 nonfaction still in full power. If the mix noto guild played smart, they can let their faction guys get the kill shots for points and stat, even their stated players can be protected by the fields thrown by their "nonfaction" faction fight crew.

I cant believe people still trying to deny the advantages mixed-noto alliance side has against a real pvp pure straight up faction guild.

Oh yea last time we went into Minax base and stole their sigils our arch enemy zerging guild that sports mix noto groups had 5 blue tamers with super dragons and red/blue dismount archers, nonfaction red fields EVERYWHERE sitting right outside minax base (they have a house there too)... with their faction crew stronghold rune and pushing us from inside the minax base... Saying faction fights only happens INSIDE faction bases are nothing but ignorance.


Lore Master
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You know what? You can think as you will. Yes, I currently run a NON faction guild that is allied with a faction guild. They have been allied via game mechanics for about 3 weeks. They have been playing together as a cohesive unit for 3 months ... you figure it out. This change won't change these people playing and fighting together in the same way we did for a few months before we allied.

I dont really do the faction thing on my home shard. Factions on Napa are non-existent as what they are intended to be; its just a bunch of people using faction arties, nothing more. When I want a faction fix, I go to GL, where the only guilds the guild I am in is allied to is other Minax faction guilds.

To WarUltima: Only Unforsaken was suggesting extra penalties. The rest who suggested the change suggested as you say. Honestly, I can live with it as no alliance or as you all propose, tho no alliance would be a royal pain for the people who dont or cant do vent.

And you have my sympathies for having non-faction people interfering in your faction fight. I dont agree with such behavior, never have, never will ... in fact, they could extend out the faction base areas another few screens and you wouldnt hear me complain ;)


People talk of "faction fights" as tho they don't involve non faction players. In an ideal world this might be true - UO isn't that world tho. For as long as I've been in contact with faction players on Siege (7 years maybe - could be more) many in factions have used their perks to hunt down and murder non-faction players.

They used the monster ingnore to enable them to hunt people who are then put in a position of not only having to deal with monsters but also trying to fend off the pk.

They used the faction bless on runic armor to have a set of BLESSED uber armor to do their hunting against folks with at most 1 or two blessed items. (their PBD if they were lucky enough to have one and an item that had a CBD on it)

EA takes away 8 of our towns with one of them turned into a useless pile of trash.

Now EA in their infinate wisdom has given faction players uber items not even available to non-faction players and wants to split the families of faction and non-faction groups apart. Breaking the lines of communication provided by alliance chat and the ability to easily identify friendlies by color.

It is like EA is telling us that non-combatants should go play another game since if one isn't faction one doesn't belong on Siege. Some may say that EA is right - we don't belong here but who makes the potions, makes the armor and weapons, repairs equipment, cooks the eggs and apples. Who enhances? who will embue?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
Wrong I use to kill people in houses pre aos with Exp EQ, and only the people flagged took damage other blues were fine. I just started posting but when I use to read you use to make mistakes like this constantly where you don't know the old game mechanics.
Publish 16 said:
Changes to the conditions of the “Criminal” status

Innocents (blues) will no longer be able to negatively affect other innocents through the following area effects indirectly: purple potions, mass curse, meteor swarm, chain lightning, earthquake, fire field, poison field, paralyze field, blade spirits, or energy vortex. This applies to all of Felucca.

I thought this changed happened much earlier. I must be thinking of a different change. For some reason the UO.com search is broken. Probably due to them adding that other search for the playguide.


Grand Poobah
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If you are in factions, you declare allegiance to that group.

How could you be allied to someone that doesn't share the same allegiance? I can't believe that anyone is dumb enough to think that faction/non-faction guilds should be able to be allied.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
In a fiction-pure world, that would be true Lynk; but UO is low on RP and high on free will. When two guilds find themselves constantly fighting side by side against the same enemies, what is the natural progression? Not all shards have actual faction play ... many are like Napa where being in a faction is just a means to get arties and sigils be damned ...

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
If you are in factions, you declare allegiance to that group.

How could you be allied to someone that doesn't share the same allegiance? I can't believe that anyone is dumb enough to think that faction/non-faction guilds should be able to be allied.
You can be a murderer yet still join the True Britannian faction. Those two alignments are more at odds than one guilld supporting a specific Faction but not officially joining.

Before alliances were implemented officially, they were still there in principle. There were/are faction and non-faction guild alliances. There is no social or roleplay reason that the official alliance system has to be restricted in this way.


I think I read somewhere...

"drop it or we do it"... Draconi said that if I am not mistaken...


The few things that got me before i got bored of the posts was the stupidity in the first post...Allied non-faction members cant enter the faction base, No one cares about this...there not meant to be...the issue is when they take the faction arties and use them in a field fight unrelated to factions while allied with another non-faction guild thus creating imbalance to a "normal" guild.

The other bit that made me laugh was the comment, allied non-faction guilds still have to deal with guard zones in faction towns...NO THEY DONT THE GUARDS ARENT THERE!!!

The other thing the should change is that factions guilds should "auto ally" other same faction guilds they shouldnt hurt each other in faction fights.

Anyways i aint gna get drawn into it really, all im gna say is...

It was an Exploit...Therefore it is illegal...Therefore it MUST be fixed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow you all need to stop whining. Ailish especially you. First off you offer condolenses to someone because ppl not in factions are intereing with them. Then you say you fight next to them so the natural thing would be to ally them.

Also i love the we been allied for 3 weeks under game mechanics. Can you explain how you did it. Because anything other then a faction guild asking a non faction guild to ally is abusing the game to get around something not ment to happen. Or are you ok with dupers who just used game mechanics as well?

Another question you say ur allied to see oh looky hes green must be good guy. What happens when people are red? They arent green how do you tell then? OMG LOOK AT THE ****ING GUILD TITLE. If your pathetic alliance cant still be friends and fight together just because your not allied anymore then this so called alliance was never ment to be.

My guild on GL has a faction stone and a non faction stone we arent allied. We bring stealthers to fights to stat ppl abusing these so called game mechanics you speak of. We use map and vent and guess what we never kill our stealthers yet we fight side by side. How hard is that for your alliance to do?

All of you allied are using a BUG as stated by Draconi. So stop exploiting the game drop your bs alliance and play the game like its ment to be played.

For the crybaby saying shes quitting cause of this all i have to say is can i have ur stuff?


My guild on GL has a faction stone and a non faction stone we arent allied. We bring stealthers to fights to stat ppl abusing these so called game mechanics you speak of. We use map and vent and guess what we never kill our stealthers yet we fight side by side. How hard is that for your alliance to do?

All of you allied are using a BUG as stated by Draconi. So stop exploiting the game drop your bs alliance and play the game like its ment to be played.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My guild on GL has a faction stone and a non faction stone we arent allied. We bring stealthers to fights to stat ppl abusing these so called game mechanics you speak of. We use map and vent and guess what we never kill our stealthers yet we fight side by side. How hard is that for your alliance to do?

All of you allied are using a BUG as stated by Draconi. So stop exploiting the game drop your bs alliance and play the game like its ment to be played.

You made a good point in the part that I highlighted above. Breaking up faction and non faction alliances won't change a thing. They'll still be fighting together.. perhaps at a little more risk, but it won't stop them. In the meantime, for this tiny benefit, the guild as a whole will suffer.

More needs to be done than simply making it impossible to ally.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You made a good point in the part that I highlighted above. Breaking up faction and non faction alliances won't change a thing. They'll still be fighting together.. perhaps at a little more risk, but it won't stop them. In the meantime, for this tiny benefit, the guild as a whole will suffer.

More needs to be done than simply making it impossible to ally.
Exactly. . .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So your saying your alliance uses no type of program to communicate other then alliance chat? mirc is free use it.

The only people having a problem with this are the ppl abusing this. You know damn well you didnt just Ally ur guilds u had to join factions ally then quit factions thats a bug. I dont care what way you spin it its a bug. Your guilds should never have been allied. If your in the same guild as ailish then drop it you have been allied for 3 weeks. Who gives a ****. Theres guilds that have been allied almost since factions have been out and not a single one of them are here whining about it.

Why doesnt your other guild do factions? From what ive heard they are nothing but crafters cooks etc. They can be in factions and hide in there house all day. Other then that if you dont want to be factions you should not get the benefit of a guild in factions with there arties etc. Post all you want this is the way its supposed to be so they are doing nothing but fixing what your guild and others found a way around.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still care. Just that people on Siege don't use the faction/non-faction alliance as a way to screw others like they do on Prodo shards.

I really hope this doesn't get busted up on Siege. Bad news for the guild families and aliiances