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Vesper Stables Petition to UO Devs


Crazed Zealot
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Hello there my name is Escaflowne Guild Master of the Roleplay guild Vesper [-V-] on the Europa Shard. I am writing this thread in order to petition for the building of a stables in the city of Vesper. Vesper is a major city of the north and yet has no stables where as some other towns have two. This would greatly benefit the Roleplayers of Vesper on Europa and would hopefully benefit all the other people across all shards that enjoy visiting and hanging around the lovely City of Vesper.

I have found a prime spot within the guardzone that could house a nice little stables.

Please if you could back this motion by signing below that would be greatly appreciated and hopefully it will fall on the Devs ears.

I have also started a thread on the Vesper guild boards for those who do not have stratics accounts so more signatures can be found here hopefully:

Thank you for your time!


I have to agree with Escaflowne, i think the addition of a Stables to the city of Vesper would make such a big difference. I think it would greatly benefit the roleplayers there, being one myself.

I also think it fits in perfectly from a UO lore point of view. The fact that Vesper is the major port in the North of Britania, there's no reason why it wouldn't have one.


Crazed Zealot
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Stables seem to be an essential service of any village these days, although I wonder if they really should be built into the sides of mountains with all of "Mondain's thralls" packed in there.


Babbling Loonie
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So long as it doesn't bother the Britannian Games checkpoint that's there on LS.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stables in Vesper would be nice, but more Stable Slots is what we have been asking for going on a year now... Come on guys, you keep adding more & more tame able animals, give us more slots/room to stable them pls.


Hello there my name is Escaflowne Guild Master of the Roleplay guild Vesper [-V-] on the Europa Shard. I am writing this thread in order to petition for the building of a stables in the city of Vesper. Vesper is a major city of the north and yet has no stables where as some other towns have two. This would greatly benefit the Roleplayers of Vesper on Europa and would hopefully benefit all the other people across all shards that enjoy visiting and hanging around the lovely City of Vesper.

I have found a prime spot within the guardzone that could house a nice little stables.

Please if you could back this motion by signing below that would be greatly appreciated and hopefully it will fall on the Devs ears.

I have also started a thread on the Vesper guild boards for those who do not have stratics accounts so more signatures can be found here hopefully:

Thank you for your time!

Well if this happens tomorrow it still would be 10 years to late , Vesper should have had a stable from the begining , but this at least serves as an ongoing example of how obtuse UO dev's can be.


Well if this happens tomorrow it still would be 10 years to late , Vesper should have had a stable from the begining , but this at least serves as an ongoing example of how obtuse UO dev's can be.
Anyone who opposes this because of a house already placed needs to read up on eminent domain. And yes they are obtuse, I've been mentioning the same map bugs from the beta test.. they'll never get fixed.

Kal Shadowhand

Would be nice having a Stables near in vesper and near Cove and Minoc


The devs need to excersise eminent domain. Allow people a month to move and change the map. And fix the map glitches!


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
A sensible suggestion. Even the addition of a stable keeper at the inn in that clearing would be a help, as an interim stage.


signed. I mean, if even Cove has stables Vesper deserves one too ;)


Signed...My hosue is not far from Vesper would be nice to have a stables.

Where is the stables in cove??


Signed...My hosue is not far from Vesper would be nice to have a stables.

Where is the stables in cove??


now this comes from doing anything for a good line even ignoring the facts ;)

*feels very embarassed now*

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Is the area clear on all shards? Crysta has pointed out that there's something close by on LS.

Bevier de Fendcollin

Yes, that's sure, Vesper need a stable, it's one of the bigger towns of Britannia.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

While I generally agree with this proposal, I do ask this question;

Are there still characters having no access to recall, gate travel, sacred journey, and or charged runebooks? Reaching any and every stable in Britannia seems easily in the reach of every citizen.

So, I'm fine with adding more (including the new hitching posts) but not sure it is a need with any urgency.

Elladan of Baja

p.s. I do agree additional stable slots are needed, as are tamable Owls, a return of Silver Steeds and dread warhorses


Always Present
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I have often wondered why some towns got gyped of some things other towns had 1 or 2 of even.

Minoc also needs a Tailor shop yes it is a mining town but miners need clothing too. Why no tailor shop in Minoc ever ?

Ocllo needs a stable too or let us stable at the Inn.

Vesper too.

We can *stable* at the Inn in Moonglow ...we can not do so elsewhere, at the *Inns*, so it seems in towns missing a stable entirely or some other shop which is needed like tailor shop in Minoc.

In theory even *backwater cities* like Papua and Delucia have stables and both have tailor shops etc. Seems Vesper and Ocllo are missing stables or *tailor shops* in the case of .. Minoc.

We as citizens of the realm beseach some form of equality. :) We pay our taxes to EA every month. hehe


i support this,

But Esca is still a mammering lily-livered measle :p




now this comes from doing anything for a good line even ignoring the facts ;)

*feels very embarassed now*
LOL, Forgiven. I was interested..i have a soft spot for cove since it gave me my fave pet :)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Just roleplay that you are sneaking into the town. As long as the other players don't *pew pew pew* you, you should be safe...la


Since it appears from this thread that every city but Vesper has a stable, can someone please direct me to the location of the stables in Jhelom? I know that sounds stupid after playing 11+ years but I don't think I have never found the stables in Jhelom and I don't see it listed in UOAM.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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/Signed!... I used to live outside Vesper for years... Always hated the fact that it had no stable....

Minoc's stable is WAY too far north you have to travel all the way through town to get to it....

I would go through the gate to Skara Brae before I would go to Minoc!


Lore Keeper
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Hail Folks,

While I generally agree with this proposal, I do ask this question;

Are there still characters having no access to recall, gate travel, sacred journey, and or charged runebooks? Reaching any and every stable in Britannia seems easily in the reach of every citizen.
Well, you don't roleplay on Europa in Vesper, so you might not know how hard it is... There is two Vesper roleplaying guilds on Europa and they have a RP-Town right smack outside of it, a pretty good sizes one, right next to the bridge there they have the massive, Swaggers Inn, where most of their roleplaying takes place.. Most of them cannot recall, gate or use sacred journey because of the way Europa roleplaying is set up and we walk mostly everywhere we go.... I am in BoC (Baronship of Cove) and I believe we have no stables either, and it would sure come in handy, especially for Europa..



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since it appears from this thread that every city but Vesper has a stable, can someone please direct me to the location of the stables in Jhelom? I know that sounds stupid after playing 11+ years but I don't think I have never found the stables in Jhelom and I don't see it listed in UOAM.
It is true there are some other island towns out there without stables, but at no point in this thread has it ever been stated that Vesper is the only city without a stable. :)

And Vesper actually has 5 RP guilds roleplaying in it on Europa:
Vesper [-V-]
Vesper Trading Company [VTC]
Stirling and Kendall Trading Company [S&K]
Heath-Tearheart Tailor Company [HTTC]
The Church of Saint Greenie [Gre]



It is true there are some other island towns out there without stables, but at no point in this thread has it ever been stated that Vesper is the only city without a stable. :)
I didn't mean to imply that anyone in this thread said Vesper was the only city without a stable. I just thought from reading this thread and everyone was asking for a stable for Vesper that it was the only city without one.

So now I am terribly confused. Does Jhelom have a stable?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think so, if they could put a stable in every City/Town that would be great :) but im mainly after one in Vesper first hehe :D


Seasoned Veteran
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I would love to see the main inn just outside Vesper build a small stable. Perhaps a stable hand could reside within the inn or the innkeeper him/herself could stable pets.

A stable would make Vesper more 'worldly' as it should be considering it is such a large town.
I think the main inn would be best since it's on the actual road. T'would be quite inviting to the weary traveler.

"Innkeeper! Stable my horse and fetch me an ale!" :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have been playing this game as long as anyone else, and I never realized there was no stable in vesper.

I guess I never really looked because all my characters have ethereal horses. I have a tamer that I rarely use.


When I started playing Vesper was the second, maybe third, most populated town. I often wondered why a town so large wouldn't have a stable. Then again I also wondered why all the people that stand at WBB didn't do that in Vesper instead. Its got a much larger area outside the bank and the moongate is closer.