Things that could be changed that would benefit crafting and hinder scripting.
An increase in the weight of runebooks to 16 stone. (Don't panic you just got a reduction in gold weight so it won't hurt other classes that much).
A maximum of 4 large ore from a mining spot but an increase of ingots per large ore to 8. This would mean instead of needing over 7 pack animals full of large ore to fill a 20 piece large plate bod you could fit it in one but have to move around a lot more (no problem for a player).
Have a 2-4% chance to dig up a metal chest while mining, that spawns on the spot you are standing on. This chest would have nothing in and couldn't be opened. Call it 'an old rusted shut metal chest'. It would be useless to anyone but would block recall spots for a couple of hours unless moved.
Library donations.
2 iron = 1 point
1 dull copper = 1 point
1 shadow iron = 1 point
1 copper = 2 points
1 bronze = 3 points
1 gold = 4 points
1 agapite = 5 points
1 verite = 7 points
1 valorite = 9 points
Ok. So what would these changes do?
The miner/smith.
Less ore needed = Less traveling to and from a forge and more reason to go mining.
Less time needed gathering materials = More time to enjoy other things in the game.
The scripter.
More mining spots = more runebooks and a good chance to block recall spots.
More runebooks = less ore can be carried.
More time spent recalling = less ore over time.
More chance, with extra spots needed, to recall into danger or the spot be emptied already.
Other things you should think about.
You can get a barbed runic sewing kit from a 20x spined, exceptional, male leather armor set large bod which takes 20-30 minutes to gather materials (700 pieces of spined) from Despise, Wrong (bring back the jukas) or various other locations, which can make some very nice armor pieces.
For over 7 pack animals full of just iron you can fill a 20x iron plate armor large bod and get a copper hammer.
Which takes the longest to gather the materials for and which would you prefer to have?
Maybe a few little flaws need ironing out but there you have it. Oh, and before you reply reread it 3 or 4 times so you know what you're replying to.
An increase in the weight of runebooks to 16 stone. (Don't panic you just got a reduction in gold weight so it won't hurt other classes that much).
A maximum of 4 large ore from a mining spot but an increase of ingots per large ore to 8. This would mean instead of needing over 7 pack animals full of large ore to fill a 20 piece large plate bod you could fit it in one but have to move around a lot more (no problem for a player).
Have a 2-4% chance to dig up a metal chest while mining, that spawns on the spot you are standing on. This chest would have nothing in and couldn't be opened. Call it 'an old rusted shut metal chest'. It would be useless to anyone but would block recall spots for a couple of hours unless moved.
Library donations.
2 iron = 1 point
1 dull copper = 1 point
1 shadow iron = 1 point
1 copper = 2 points
1 bronze = 3 points
1 gold = 4 points
1 agapite = 5 points
1 verite = 7 points
1 valorite = 9 points
Ok. So what would these changes do?
The miner/smith.
Less ore needed = Less traveling to and from a forge and more reason to go mining.
Less time needed gathering materials = More time to enjoy other things in the game.
The scripter.
More mining spots = more runebooks and a good chance to block recall spots.
More runebooks = less ore can be carried.
More time spent recalling = less ore over time.
More chance, with extra spots needed, to recall into danger or the spot be emptied already.
Other things you should think about.
You can get a barbed runic sewing kit from a 20x spined, exceptional, male leather armor set large bod which takes 20-30 minutes to gather materials (700 pieces of spined) from Despise, Wrong (bring back the jukas) or various other locations, which can make some very nice armor pieces.
For over 7 pack animals full of just iron you can fill a 20x iron plate armor large bod and get a copper hammer.
Which takes the longest to gather the materials for and which would you prefer to have?
Maybe a few little flaws need ironing out but there you have it. Oh, and before you reply reread it 3 or 4 times so you know what you're replying to.