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EM's are back and they are giving it away

Lord Frodo

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Thank You Oriana and Tina Small for your support. You do not give out event items to everyone by throwing them on the ground.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm fine with people getting items like that.. it happens.

I'm NOT fine with not being given any sort of notice the event had even started (we have twon criers, yaknow?) and not being given an explanation of what the hell was even going on (after I got there late because I was waiting for the criers to say something), even after the event. Hell, I wasn't even entirely sure if anyone WAS getting any items at the thing until they were bragging about it or trying to sell them afterwards. Sure as hell nothing fell near me and the only thing I was doing was standing off to the side in a daze asking what exactly was going on.

Tina Small

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I guess it could have been handled better, but I still think everyone getting an item is a stupid way to go about it. Like others above mentioned, people will come with multiple clients. Also how is it UO's fault if someone has a bad connection? That should not be an issue.
My connection was fine, thank you. It was just a stupid way to handle things if the intention was for everyone who was there to get something.

Again, I don't care if I got anything or not. I went because I wanted to see if anything has changed with these events so they're actually fun and meaningful. Doesn't appear that anything's changed one bit. It's all about the items and that's all it will ever be about. So I guess I'll probably continue my boycott of EM-run events and leave them to the collectors.


My connection was fine, thank you. It was just a stupid way to handle things if the intention was for everyone who was there to get something.

Again, I don't care if I got anything or not. I went because I wanted to see if anything has changed with these events so they're actually fun and meaningful. Doesn't appear that anything's changed one bit. It's all about the items and that's all it will ever be about. So I guess I'll probably continue my boycott of EM-run events and leave them to the collectors.
All about the items? Giving items to everyone so they stop crying is all about the items. I went because I wanted to see what would happen in the story line. I go for my own reasons. If I get something.... cool. Why boycott? That doesn't even make sense. It is no where near all about the items.

Tina Small

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Stratics Legend
All about the items? Giving items to everyone so they stop crying is all about the items. I went because I wanted to see what would happen in the story line. I go for my own reasons. If I get something.... cool. Why boycott? That doesn't even make sense. It is no where near all about the items.
When the EMs have the ability to squelch the audience, when they stop giving out items, and when they come up with an event that actually has a number of possible outcomes (not just one that is predetermined), maybe I'll believe you that these things aren't primarily geared toward satisfying the collectors.

Lord Frodo

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All about the items? Giving items to everyone so they stop crying is all about the items. I went because I wanted to see what would happen in the story line. I go for my own reasons. If I get something.... cool. Why boycott? That doesn't even make sense. It is no where near all about the items.
So let me see, you don't care about the items so why do you care if everybody gets something? I also went to see what was going on and at the end shards starting falling from the sky. UO stated that if items were to be given out that everybody would get one. You do not throw items on the ground and hope that people will only take one of them. If you are going to make a policy then you should stick to it. Again UO lies about thier promises is all I stated.


So let me see, you don't care about the items so why do you care if everybody gets something? I also went to see what was going on and at the end shards starting falling from the sky. UO stated that if items were to be given out that everybody would get one. You do not throw items on the ground and hope that people will only take one of them. If you are going to make a policy then you should stick to it. Again UO lies about thier promises is all I stated.
If they give items to everyone people will only go for the item. As it is now, there is always the chance an item may not be given away and if one is not everyone will get it.

Well I hope they change the policy.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I was also there on Baja. I got nothing from the event except death
robes. However you could have bought the event items right there in
the room for only...10 Mil each as they were being picked up.. I did
see one later in Luna for 5 Mil..

It sure is a good thing that its not about the items...:talktothehand::talktothehand:

I really don't care about the items I went to see what was going to
happen and keep up with the storyline..

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I was also there on Baja. I got nothing from the event except death
robes. However you could have bought the event items right there in
the room for only...10 Mil each as they were being picked up.. I did
see one later in Luna for 5 Mil..

It sure is a good thing that its not about the items...:talktothehand::talktothehand:

I really don't care about the items I went to see what was going to
happen and keep up with the storyline..
By the way, did you get one?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope I saw several on the ground but I couldn't move the mouse
quick enough to get one....

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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I guess a 27ms ping isn't good anymore because I didn't see any shards but I did collect 4 death robes. LOL

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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I guess my 80 ms connection to Baja was also too slow. I saw two on the ground, but nowhere close to where my character was.

Lord Frodo

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I was standing in the NE corner when it went and could see them falling, What I thought was the most interesting thing I saw was a steady line of them going down on the head of the player on the East wall about 2 steps from me. I held down shift/ctrl and got a lot of names on the left of my screen, but where I was and this other player all I saw was our names, no sharns.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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I played the event on several shards today, since Atlantics is tomorrow.

I got at least 4 crystals on each shard and after the event, I handed them out to people who said they didn't get one.

All I can say about people wanting things is this:

You saw what happened when people complained about the distribution of items and it was posted that because of FEEDBACK that it was being changed.

Get everyone you know that feels the same as you do and submit feedback on what you want.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I held up on my end of the bargain and ruined Oceania's event and had a script to pick up the crystals (I got 12 out of 40). I'll continue doing this until the EM's wake up. The funny thing was Messanna showed up and just said "please stop disrupting it" they didnt even jail me.

Oh and I got everybody killed numerous times thanks to a shadow fiend.


why would you ruin events?

I got quite a few crystals on Europa but yeah I thought they said everyone would receive a reward too.

Guess it depends on the event, maybe some events everyone will and others will be like this. It was a nice surprise, anyway.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why would you ruin events?

Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.



- So you are one of the cheating & disruptive donkeys. Good to know / I bet you're proud of yourself.

By the way, that stuff that you quoted said 'everyone that does the event should receive a reward'. But unfortunately there are punks that play too and they cheat in order to swipe as many rewards as possible...

*spoiler alert*

As well, this was not an EM giveaway, this was a raining of gifts like when the champ spawns end and shower gold in the area. I foolishly followed a moongate after the battle seemed to end because I purposefully avoid spoilers in order to better enjoy the unfolding of an event & all I knew was that they were using moongates to shuttle us around; so I did not even see the shower of stuff, nor get anything, aside from a loss of gold from insurance & the enjoyment of participating in a pretty good event.
And I don't care that I didn't get a reward either.
But I do care that some donkeys took it upon themselves to cheat &/or spoil the event for others; and I wish they were reprimanded for such antisocial behavior.


Well some comments from me, an ex-rares trader and long time player.

There are 2 types of rare traders.

1) Collectors. They mostly collect rare items, even those people don't find valuable. They will sell items if the price is right, but for the most part they try and find very rare items with history behind them, and usually keep them in sort of a "museum" or on display, or just hide them in a chest somewhere.

2) Traders. They really don't care about the history or uniqueness of an item, their job is to try and get the rares for cheap, and sell for more money. They don't worry about museums or displays for the most part.

And there are 2 types of rares that are out there. Valuable useful rares that can provide a benefit of some sort (items with mods, etc) or high gold value, and rares that are what many people consider "rares of personal taste".

Rares of personal taste are rares that aren't beneficial to the character by wearing them, but aren't really valuable except to select people, many of who are collectors.

But as a long time rares trader, any rare item can be valuable if you find the right person. So there are only 2 things you can do with these EM events. Give out rare items that are valuable and can be traded or sold, or give out alot of items that will make such items valueless for the most part.

Who cares if items are traded between players. Thats part of the game. Who cares what their price is. If someone thinks something is valuable they will pay, many people won't consider it valuable. Who cares how people spend their gold. Sadly the staff over the years cater to the masses of "we don't have one of those" people who complain. Such as with Doom rares.

This, along with x-shard trading has really damaged the uniqueness of each shard, along with their history as shard specific items get traded to other shards, as pieces of history get distroyed by disappearing. Many rares traders saw this happening and jumped ship long ago, really diminishing the shards in question. Heck when i quit catskills i think about 4 of us big collectors/traders jumped ship in the same month, getting rid of all the castles/rares, gold, etc.

What you need to do..

1) Ems hold their events. Have fun, don't hold the events to be "item givaways". If you want to give out items, sure. Just don't make them overpowering. Even if they are "valuable" items, as long as they aren't overpowering then the free market system will be as it may.

2) Any items that you can personal bless for that person should be done. That way items are reduced as "money items only" and are collector items for the event, not as the traders say "ebay-fodder".

3) Plan rewards for events that are not such item specific. There isn't any problem having events where you can get gold, or other already in-game items as rewards. monsters can hold taint, corruption, or crafting items. Pearls, what ever. And other posters had a bunch of great ideas, no rewards, but a community reward of sorts. Maybe a NPC animal rezzer will be left at a certain location to reward the community for helping.

Come on staff, use your imaginations. I know its hard, but I'm sure someone there has a little bit of fantasy imagination they can use instead of "ok, we are going to have an event at 5pm, first 10 people in line get a such and such I attended the event T-shirt", we will do this and this, and the event will end around 7pm. Hope you attend".

Yea, that sounds like fun.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- So you are one of the cheating & disruptive donkeys. Good to know / I bet you're proud of yourself.

By the way, that stuff that you quoted said 'everyone that does the event should receive a reward'. But unfortunately there are punks that play too and they cheat in order to swipe as many rewards as possible...
donkeys :D like that

fortunately, I don't play on his shard

sadly, he probably shows on them all


I was under the impression that this was part of the main story arc, there have always been unique objects attainable from the main story arcs and I do not think this should change, its one of the aspects that give a touch of history to uo. If everyone was to receive one it would take away a little bit of the air of "mystery" or call it what you will. I didn't get one of the fragments but have gotten things on other occasions and personally I like the fact that you don't always get one, or even at all! I feel sorry for those who feel they did not have a gnats chance in hell of getting anything but have little sympathy for those that feel they should have :( .

These type of unique items give no more of an advantage to those that received them than any other rare that is simply "rare" and can only be sold for money or collected. If your beef is that you didn't get to make money from something I fear you miss the point. For all we know they may even be used later in the event and those that sell them may end up kicking themselves.

In short, it makes no difference to you yourself if you did not get one other than what you perceive to have missed out on.


Another lie brought to you by UO.
03/21/09 Fire and Ice Event
Your event rewards have not changed. We just had an event on Baja and at the end of the event some crystal shards fell to the ground. Most people could not see them, so a few people got more than 1 shard while others got none. I thought you were going to fix this. Guess we can not believe you even when your senior people said they would. If this is the way your new events are going to be run (just like the old ones) then you can count me out. Events are supposed to be about community building, not who can get the best reward. If you are going to give out rewards then all, not a few, should get them.
You need to get a grip.


- So you are one of the cheating & disruptive donkeys. Good to know / I bet you're proud of yourself.

By the way, that stuff that you quoted said 'everyone that does the event should receive a reward'. But unfortunately there are punks that play too and they cheat in order to swipe as many rewards as possible...

I wonder if he also scripts at the champ spawns? And donkeys is to
polite. More like a complete a$$...

@Petrify- Why do you still play? You do nothing but whine and
complain and now it seems you have resorted to griefing and cheating.
I certainly hope that Draconi's rain of ban fire hits you.


Always Present
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Another lie brought to you by UO.
03/21/09 Fire and Ice Event
Your event rewards have not changed. We just had an event on Baja and at the end of the event some crystal shards fell to the ground. Most people could not see them, so a few people got more than 1 shard while others got none. I thought you were going to fix this. Guess we can not believe you even when your senior people said they would. If this is the way your new events are going to be run (just like the old ones) then you can count me out. Events are supposed to be about community building, not who can get the best reward. If you are going to give out rewards then all, not a few, should get them.
You need to get a grip.
There's quite a few in this thread that do actually.
I don't think Messena realized when he posts that some folks make a playstyle out of just these types of things and dumping 100 items out for "everyone who shows up" is more detrimental than good for EM events. It makes things less special and less special means less interesting. Think along the same lines as the rewards from the champ spawns. How come everyone doesn't get an item that participates there?

I can't believe the amount of crying and childishness going on in this thread with people saying "I DIDNT GET ANYTHING". Hell I was at the event yesterday evening on Catskills and I saw people actually spamming "Kasavian I didnt get an item!". I mean.. are you serious? Really?

If your biggest problem is that you didn't get a pixle at an EM event you attended then count your blessings. Seriously. If it's NOT the problem you're making it out to be (and it really isn't...) then stop crying on the forums making the dev team make stupid useless changes to the game that benefit no one. There are real issues in this game to complain about... game breaking ones. Every single person at the EM event not getting a toy isn't one of them.

Aww shucks you didn't get one this time... maybe next time. Gives you something to look forward to and try for if you really want one. Get over it. Move on.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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That's all I saw on LS for the Fire and Ice was a few getting a string of droppinging item. And if the EM didn't see what others did then ya it was my last, there is spine leather to collect then do an event. I was a history museum collector. Had to go to a castle to display all the items I've collected. But dupes, cross sharding and p*ss poor run events just made t to much a pain in the ass to worry about.

Those I seen getting the string of auto looted items had been none regulars of hunts and events wearing well, Sloppy seconds junk armor and cloths riding a horse. Just another reason in game GMs need to sneak around at gathering of large amounts of players and put an end to the BS. It's a no brainer for a GM to catch theese players if a regular character can see what's happening in game. It's just like the frost and val scripting before they made it random..........the dumb asses at EA new all the locations to monitor bad play to burn the abusers.


Warpig I think script programs cannot be detected. Actually I am pretty sure they cannot. If the person is there then they cannot be banned.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's quite a few in this thread that do actually.
I don't think Messena realized when he posts that some folks make a playstyle out of just these types of things and dumping 100 items out for "everyone who shows up" is more detrimental than good for EM events. It makes things less special and less special means less interesting. Think along the same lines as the rewards from the champ spawns. How come everyone doesn't get an item that participates there?

I can't believe the amount of crying and childishness going on in this thread with people saying "I DIDNT GET ANYTHING". Hell I was at the event yesterday evening on Catskills and I saw people actually spamming "Kasavian I didnt get an item!". I mean.. are you serious? Really?

If your biggest problem is that you didn't get a pixle at an EM event you attended then count your blessings. Seriously. If it's NOT the problem you're making it out to be (and it really isn't...) then stop crying on the forums making the dev team make stupid useless changes to the game that benefit no one. There are real issues in this game to complain about... game breaking ones. Every single person at the EM event not getting a toy isn't one of them.

Aww shucks you didn't get one this time... maybe next time. Gives you something to look forward to and try for if you really want one. Get over it. Move on.
This why the thread is running the way it is so read more before you put in your 2 cents. Players that have been at the game a long time can reconize the BS meter being pegged at game and just choose not to cheat. We also know there are better ways to do things in game then to repete what didn't work in the past.

Lore Keeper

Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 770 Re: EM's are back and they are giving it away


Well I held up on my end of the bargain and ruined Oceania's event and had a script to pick up the crystals (I got 12 out of 40). I'll continue doing this until the EM's wake up. The funny thing was Messanna showed up and just said "please stop disrupting it" they didnt even jail me.

Oh and I got everybody killed numerous times thanks to a shadow fiend.
Why am I the bad guy because you're an idiot?

I'm not going to deny human nature and that some plp will stoop under before trying or accepting jumping over an obstacle. What really makes me mad is that the same lame respect is also being desplayed by those that receive or monthly fees. And that is the simple reason UO is failing and the plp responsible just see it as another line in their resume. Same reason the big three auto companies are ttitts up. No respect for their consumers and the product they put out for the buyers needs.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Warpig I think script programs cannot be detected. Actually I am pretty sure they cannot. If the person is there then they cannot be banned.
All it would of taken was a sneaky GM hiding there and to see what most saw. A string of shards dropping on a few and to go verify by looking in there pack. The number of plp that was at the LS one and the few seconds it took to be collected..........only those knowing what was going to happen from another an earlier shard and had the loot script had the bag full. It's a no brainer if they just start POLICING the game and burning those that need it. That lame excuses of how hard it is to write code to fix anything. There is a reason roads don't have speed activated spikes to maintain speeding. People need a jacked boot in the ass to get the jist of whats expected of them. There is no need for a detect program when you can get rid of two code mages and hire five people to police random shards.


All it would of taken was a sneaky GM hiding there and to see what most saw. A string of shards dropping on a few and to go verify by looking in there pack. The number of plp that was at the LS one and the few seconds it took to be collected..........only those knowing what was going to happen from another an earlier shard and had the loot script had the bag full. It's a no brainer if they just start POLICING the game and burning those that need it. That lame excuses of how hard it is to write code to fix anything. There is a reason roads don't have speed activated spikes to maintain speeding. People need a jacked boot in the ass to get the jist of whats expected of them. There is no need for a detect program when you can get rid of two code mages and hire five people to police random shards.
They should have made a limit to how many a person could have picked up.....five maybe?

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The number gave out to the number that showed still would of had people not get a drop. The items should of been dropped in the pack by the EM like I seen items given at other events. The event could of went little longer for the EM to observe the playstyle at the event. The EM could of pulled lifebars of those that stood out as killers or those that took time out from the fighting to rez a fallen palyer. Then those could of had a off color item.


out of sheer morbid curiosity how did you know there were 40 fragments to get 12 out of?


The number gave out to the number that showed still would of had people not get a drop. The items should of been dropped in the pack by the EM like I seen items given at other events. The event could of went little longer for the EM to observe the playstyle at the event. The EM could of pulled lifebars of those that stood out as killers or those that took time out from the fighting to rez a fallen palyer. Then those could of had a off color item.
I do not agree every person at the event should get an item at every event items are given away. Everyone had a chance last night. That's where we differ.


*sigh* another lengthy post about pixel-trinkets :( The only "value" of a "rare" item is in the eyes of the ever-declining number of subscribers that equate a gold value to collectibility on them. In the same vein on a regular basis, there are retiring players walking away from IDOCS or are simply collapsing houses containing all manner of non-uber-template weapon rares from server birth items to legendary trinkets such as singing crystal balls!

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do not agree every person at the event should get an item at every event items are given away. Everyone had a chance last night. That's where we differ.
No everyone didn't have a fair chance with script looting. And I said nothing about everyone getting something. It is that tossing things on the ground didn't work with the Strangers so it didn't work at the event. If the distrobution was fair then I wouldn't mind buying what someone lucky wish to sell. But someone at the changing of the dragons spamming "selling shardS 5 mil a piece and to be under bid by another selling shardS for 3 mil" I can care less about collecting and have for sometime, its the fact they put ways to trap the cheats and don't use them to burn accounts that bothers me. Mace and Shield Glasses another fine missed trap.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I think everyone is missing the obvious issue. Petrify highlights it, but still its missed. If there were not people there from other shards who already knew what was going to happen and therefor had a script ready, or were standing in the most advantageous place, this would be a moot point.

There just isn't any way to truly address this.


I got one on Europa, last night.
I would have got more, but dying had closed my backpack, and a change in monitor resolution had left the backpack icon on my paperdoll off the bottom of the screen.
They were snapped up pretty fast, though, even with it being the first run of the event, once people realised they were lootable.
Even without the scripters, if everyone knows to snap up the shards, then the average player is still going to have a very little chance of getting any.

Perhaps not an ideal system, but you can't really cry favouritism ;)


Always Present
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I do not agree every person at the event should get an item at every event items are given away. Everyone had a chance last night. That's where we differ.
No everyone didn't have a fair chance with script looting.
Wow are you still going on about script looting? Give us a break already.
Most scripts have to have the item type recorded in order to loot something. If the script ran to pick up anything on the ground then everyone STILL had a fair chance because all the players were pushed out of the "event item spawn area" for a moment.
I personally used that uber control+shift hack myself, so did a few people and OMGOOSES... they got something without cheating.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I fail to see what the problem with handing out trinkets to preserve a unique UO memory is.

Who cares if some people sell them?

I don't. I do care when the person selling them is running round the crowd spamming 'SELLING CRYSTAL FRAGMENTS' or words to that effect. It's inconsiderate, it's annoying and the player who did it on Europa last night should be ashamed of herself. That and the 'CAN SOMEONE GATE ME TO LUNA BANK' were immensely annoying. I don't care what you're selling, and I don't care where you want to go. And I don't need to hear about it ad nauseum.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The EM Program Dies. Yet Again.

Seriously I can't possibly explain to you, in words, how stupid this system is. However I will *try*.

First of all, this system was put in place so people wouldn't care about items however all this system is doing is encouraging people to just show up on MULTIPLE accounts for more items (yes I will bring every account I own down to an event just to receive more items now on EVERY shard's event, and yes I will do it illegally).

Second of all, this system is NOT practical at all. People will be forced to queue up for HOURS before receiving and item and if they don't receive one they will inevitably pancake about it.

Third of all, you basically just killed the whole rare collector part of the game in a very, very swift and cruel blow.

Fourth, say one reward given out is a lamp post, for the winner it would be called something like this "A Lamp Post - 1st place Winner Petrify Loves Candle event 09". So you know what people like me will do (just to highlight how stupid this system is)? I am going to get a name change token on my character which wins most events and name it something like "qwokmlpolnadabsf", "useless Item", "Worst Event Ever" ect (im not in a creative mood at the moment but you get the gist).

Fifth, the people who were complaining about not receiving rewards or that everybody should get a reward are the people who do absolutely nothing in events, have never even come close to winning one and want everything handed to them on a silver platter. You may as well do what one prominent free shard does and just have a button to drop the items into the backpack of anybody within the region of the event. Seriously EA I really didn't think you could get any dumber but yet again you prove me wrong and yet again you fix something that wasn't broken and was probably one of the very best aspects of this game. It's a shame that Darkfall isn't going to be great for Australians for a very long time.

I'd try something like Communism Online .

Sounds like the schools system here right about now. Can't possibly have any of the little darlings think someone is better at running/jumping/maths/english than they are, quick, give em all a prize. And I kid you not - I've seen sports day where every single competitor in every single race has got a prize. Way to encourage new levels of mediocrity, and it has exactly the same effect in game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now I don't want to sound like i'm pointing out something that everyone should have looked at to begin with, however I think I will... This was not an EM event, even though the EM's are working at it, It is NOT under the EM selection at uo.com, MEANING this doesn't have to follow the rule for the EM Events (since as said, it isn't an EM Event) This appears to be a story arc, or something along those line, event. It seems to be an Pre-Arc-Event, style event, leaving on a cliffhanger as it did... Still not an EM event, since Mesenna didn't say we as Developers are no longer making items or helping story line, they, since it is their event, gave them out... well this is just mon opinion. Hrmm..


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Sapphirediablo is right. Our EM even told us that he had no control over the prizes at this event when they showed to chat with us immediately afterward. Not to mention that if you actually pay attention you would know that this was a story arc event, just like Moonglow, Magincia, etc.

They very obviously had a general "script" they had to follow; the actual wording was left to the EM's (as was stated when the EM program was announced).


Grand Poobah
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Hmm, I was under the impression that only Major EM run events was where everyone got an item. And it seems to me that this was NOT a major event nor was it an EM event. I saw this as simply a quick Pre-event event to a more major event later on. This event that was put together by Mythic to continue the story. This was Mythics event, not our EMs event. The EMs were just in charge of running it and couldn't make any changes to it.

The kind of items EMs are allowed to distribute are nothing more than clothing type items with different hues and titles. Events that THEY plan, not EA. And those events are where items are handed out to everyone.


Crazed Zealot
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You know what the funny thing is? The EM's created this system in an attempt to get rid of the uber items worth 150m that only one person gets (deserves),
You know what's funnier?

The EM's had nothing to do with the creation of the system.

Listen to the EM's talk on each shard, they want to be able to hand out items and such, but aren't allowed to.

If you are going to pancake/whine/moan/complain, at least get your story straight.


There's quite a few in this thread that do actually.
I don't think Messena realized when he posts that some folks make a playstyle out of just these types of things and dumping 100 items out for "everyone who shows up" is more detrimental than good for EM events. It makes things less special and less special means less interesting. Think along the same lines as the rewards from the champ spawns. How come everyone doesn't get an item that participates there?" end quote

I feel the need to address this comparison. First champ spawns cannot be compared to one time EM/Mythic events. I can do a champ spawn over and over until I get the reward I desire, so it does not make sense that you get a reward every time. However, a one time EM/Mythic event should result in the rewards for all who participate and not just the few who get lucky or cheat as admitted in this thread. I feel that is not right, and if pixels are so meaningless to you that is great, but that does not mean that others who are asking for fair distribution of rewards and all participating chars getting a reward need to get a grip. If I could do the EM event over and over until I got a reward then it would be a fair comparision.

To all those who will ask, yes I did manage to get a crystal without cheating, but many did not and far too many are bragging about having too many. I still believe that rewarding all who participate is the best way, it eliminates favoritism, eliminates scripting (cause one reward per char/account), and keeps the selling down because more items are out there although since not everyone can attend the events these items will always maintain a value. This is good for the game.

*steps off soapbox* :spider:


Yea Fire and Ice event must be a one from WoS, War of Shadows story arc.
Our EM didnt know how many crystals spawned, nor make shards originality.

Yesterday I picked up one shard fortunately. Item from event for me is a certificate/memorabilia of the fact I was there. So I am glad because of having one, not of market value.
If EMs hand out plenty of items for participants in the next event, there would be less scripter.
I believe this Mesanna's new way will decrease number of scripters and ME ME ME spammers, and will lead to increase of good participants.
Only by a few billion worth item can make people attend?


Always Present
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There's quite a few in this thread that do actually.
I don't think Messena realized when he posts that some folks make a playstyle out of just these types of things and dumping 100 items out for "everyone who shows up" is more detrimental than good for EM events. It makes things less special and less special means less interesting. Think along the same lines as the rewards from the champ spawns. How come everyone doesn't get an item that participates there?" end quote

I feel the need to address this comparison. First champ spawns cannot be compared to one time EM/Mythic events. I can do a champ spawn over and over until I get the reward I desire, so it does not make sense that you get a reward every time. However, a one time EM/Mythic event should result in the rewards for all who participate and not just the few who get lucky or cheat as admitted in this thread. I feel that is not right, and if pixels are so meaningless to you that is great, but that does not mean that others who are asking for fair distribution of rewards and all participating chars getting a reward need to get a grip. If I could do the EM event over and over until I got a reward then it would be a fair comparision.
You can attend em events over and over till you get a reward. It's what people did for years. It's how come they are desired in the first place. There are whole playstyles built around the collecting and buying and trading of these event items. It's what people have done and there's nothing wrong with leaving it alone.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Wow are you still going on about script looting? Give us a break already.
Most scripts have to have the item type recorded in order to loot something. If the script ran to pick up anything on the ground then everyone STILL had a fair chance because all the players were pushed out of the "event item spawn area" for a moment.
I personally used that uber control+shift hack myself, so did a few people and OMGOOSES... they got something without cheating.
Not if they set up the targeting from an earlier event on another shard. Then later ones got the hosage.


Crazed Zealot
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I'd point out that most playstyles don't have a paid staff of dedicated enablers. I think it's fair to hold events to a higher standard of inclusiveness.

I'm still attending my shard's events though, so I that must mean I'm still enjoying them.

Tina Small

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If the script ran to pick up anything on the ground then everyone STILL had a fair chance because all the players were pushed out of the "event item spawn area" for a moment.
While this may have been what was done on some shards, it isn't exactly what happened on Baja, one of the first shards to have the event. You saw some stuff floating down through the air after the explosion. Then you heard some people complaining they didn't get anything. Then all of a sudden, the folks in the middle were piled on top of the people in the back and a few more items rained down. If you weren't one of the people huddled in the middle, you couldn't see much of what was being said and if you hadn't previously attended a lot of these events and were there on your own, you really had no idea what was going on.

It's all fine though. The collectors and rares traders among us are, I'm sure, quite happy that they got what they did. The roleplayers got a chance to strut their stuff. The jerks got a chance to make asses of themselves. And EA finally showed off the platinum dragons. Everything is peachy keen in Sosaria. Long live the .....

Oh wait, I don't like the dude. I can't say that!