(ooc) in RL skin,
I happen to play an Orc from time to time and he is an Orc Magi, so with the use of the polymorph spell, since UO changed it to permanent until killed or logged-out, this really is another race that is already recognized. For others that do not have the mage skill to run polymorph, there are always the masks, (well recognized), with some good abilities and stats on them.
My character uses the mask as well as the spell. Of course the trick is to (use the orcish slang,) in character to make it all work well. The book "Orcish Phoenyms," gives some good ideas for that.
I have to recheck my library to see if there is a Gargoyle primer of their language. I remember one for Wisps, but this could be new territory for "Gargie" roleplayers to assemble another language in the game.