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List of Used vs Unused Weapons

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I was looking at this today and wanted to compare the number of used vs unused weapons were. Now you may see something you use on the unused list and that is fine. This is meant to be a general list of widely accepted useful items.

Further I left some equipment such as the Skinning Knife, Bone Harvester, Pitchfork, etc in the unused category because they are used only for getting off one special attack but are not used as a primary attack weapon. So if something only gets used for a special it goes in the unused category.


Ornate Axe

2 Handed Axe
Battle Axe
Bladed Staff
Bone Harvester
Crescent Blade
Butcher Knife
Double Axe
Executioner's Axe
Skinning Knife
Large Battle Axe
Long Sword
Radiant Scimitar
Viking Sword
Elven Machete
Rune Blade

Mace Figthing

Hammer Pick
War Axe
Diamond Mace

Black Staff
Gnarled Staff
Shepherd's Crook
Sledge Hammer
Smith's Hammer
War Hammer
War Mace
Wild Staff


War Fork

Double Bladed Staff
Short Spear
Assassin Spike
Elven Spellblade
War Cleaver

This list should have probably been broken up more with a semi-useful category. I definitely don't consider the Cutlass to be as useless as the Halberd. Maybe I'll do that later on. If I made a mistake on an item which should be considered used let me know.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know I use daggers.. thougth they'd end up in the "used" category.

Anyway if you want some REAL "unused" weapons, we can always bring up the monster ones again... :p


You need to work on your list. I spotted at least 5 on just a cursory glance that are far from being unused. Radiant Scimitar and Leafblade just to name a couple. Just because you don't use them doesn't mean others don't.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
My bushido dexor uses runeblades ALL the time, they are the 'only' one I craft for her now, I consider them the best two handed sword in the game, the second one she may use is the radiant scimitars.

My macer uses a lot of Tessen as well.


Seems all my preferred weapons are in the unused categories, even the ones I don't personally consider "oddball".

I'm wondering: what is the point of this list? Why are you compiling it?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uhm ...
mace - disarm and conc-blow? Unused? Dont believe that ...
halberd? At least several roleplayers use them. I like it the same as a war hammer only for its whirlwind attack.
Similyr with the butcher knive ... only reason why you dont see them often is that those cant be runic crafted. If you would loot one with good stats it would be worth a fortune (disarm and infecting).
My miner uses pickaxes a lot (especially the gargoyle ones).
to be continued ....


Let's see, I use butcher's knife (ubws), 2 handed axe sometimes, staves (though I like quarters best), dagger, assassin spike, leafblade.

And of course you didn't include made artifacts or bow weapons.



I think most of that list applies to PvP only and even then I don't find it particularly accurate.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I know I use daggers.. thougth they'd end up in the "used" category.
Daggers have very low damage and the Shadowstrike ability is useless. The Cleaver has higher damage and the highly sought Bleed attack.
Connor_Graham said:
Radiant Scimitar and Leafblade just to name a couple.
The only applications for these weapons I have seen for this is getting the Spell Channeling Mage Weapon for mages.
Fink said:
I'm wondering: what is the point of this list? Why are you compiling it?
I'm doing an analysis on equipment balancing.
Silverbird said:
mace - disarm and conc-blow? Unused? Dont believe that ...
Yes, I missed the Mace. Adding it to used list.
Silverbird said:
halberd? At least several roleplayers use them. I like it the same as a war hammer only for its whirlwind attack.
To be on the used list a weapon needs to be useful in PVP/PvM.
Jhym said:
And of course you didn't include made artifacts or bow weapons.
Bows are not included because they are pretty much all useful. Well, maybe the Bow isn't that great.


UO Forum Moderator
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Connor_Graham said:
Radiant Scimitar and Leafblade just to name a couple.
The only applications for these weapons I have seen for this is getting the Spell Channeling Mage Weapon for mages.
JC, you need to take your meds (or maybe reduce dosage if you are taking them.)

The most used PVM weapon in the game is the Soul Seeker, which is a Radiant Scimitar. Furthermore, the Twinkling Scimitar is a Radiant, and is probably the most-crafted recipe weapon in the swords category, for its 6% DCI (cumulative with runic property, to get up to 21% on the weapon).

Have no clue where you're getting SC Mage weapon from.....


"The only applications for these weapons I have seen for this is getting the Spell Channeling Mage Weapon for mages."

Radiant scimitars are the second highest DPS weapon that can reach the swing cap in it's class (one handed swords weps). It has Whirlwind.

Leafblades have the highest DPS of the weapons that can reach the swing cap in its class (one handed fencing weapons). It has Feint & AI.

Feint & Whirlwind are the best two PvM specials in the game. People solod shimmering & bedlam with Feint.

Your list seems to totally ignore the highest damage of what reaches the swing cap & use in PvM.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with your list apart from Radiant Scimitars and Bone Harvesters. Oh and leafblades.

Dor of Sonoma

You seem to be considering all weapons as suited to one particular style of play.

For instance:
Almost all of my characters are melee-only (zero magery on every one of 'em), and completely eschew special attacks. (That is because I happen to believe that mana on a warrior is like tits on a boar; inappropriate) Therefore, I neither know nor care which 'special moves' may be available on any given weapon.

What I DO care about is speed, effectiveness and ease of use and replacement. So...for Sword, my general weapon(s) of choice are usually a skinning knife (yes, to fight with), butcher knife and/or cleaver. Broadsword if I'm not in as much of a hurry...

Same goes for the other groups. Most of my oft-used favorites may not be highly regarded by others...but hey, that's fine with me! :)


Go to any bank, peerless or champ spawn. Check the swords dexxers. Eighty per cent or more will sport the Soul Seeker or Twinkling Scimitar.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Bardiche - Para/Dismount??
Battle Axe - Bleed/Conc??
Bone Harvester - Mortal/para
Butcher Knife - disarm/dp
Long Sword - AI/Conc
Rune Blade - high 2 handed DPS
Lance - Dismount/Conc
Leafblade - easier to cap AI dmg than a kryss

Bad list JC.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On the PvP field - I regularly see battle axes, bone harvester, and executioner's axe

Swords-dexers in champ spawns use Soulseeker or some form of Radiant/Twinkling Scimtar. I personally have a lovley hit-area Twinkling :)

Leafblades are commonly used for Peerless and/or Harrowers due to being one-handed, fairly quick, and has AI.

Mostly your list is on, but you definitely missed some common ones.

I have also seen a resurgence of Clubs for dismounting. A smart fencer would keep a pitchfork for the same reason, but they apparently are not so smart ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For pvm I choose depending on the balance between speed and mods to achieve the max dps.

From pure pvp stand point any weapon thats unable to achieve at least 1.5sec per swing is rarely used especially for 2 handers due to the inability to use potions. The list was acceptable to a point. 2 handers are mainly used mainly for unique specials or special combos. Bardiche is decent but No dachi is better. Both are sword weapons yet you are able to toggle dismount while mounted you can dismount before you take that swing and make it a dismount or simply do a double riding swipe. Riding swipe para has bonus damage added to it and decent para time makes it better than bardiche in many ways. kryss with 0ssi only require 90stam to cap out its swing speed. AI and Infectious are both popular specials.

Ssi mods sure throw some good weapons out of balance. But not as much as useless specials. There are so many underpowered specials, the majority of them making weapon choice very limited. Look like the best specials are mostly found on "classic" weapons.

Balance the specials or at least make them creative or at least more situational. Bladeweave is too random, armor pierce is simply crushing blow for ranged. Double shot = double strike with mounted requirement. Force of nature is a slightly stronger crushing blow (bruching gives 50% bonus dmg FoN gives 65%) but not worth it for the 20-30dmg you are taking when you use it. Block, defensive mastery are all pretty much useless. Psychic blow lowers around 5sdi for 5 seconds ect ect.

I know exactly how all specials works and their effects thru hours of testing on live server when I played on origin... and I can tell you most of the non-classic specials are pretty ****ty and pointless.

Balance specials will throw more twists to the game and of course fix pure mages also before you make dexers anymore powerful.


Bows are not included because they are pretty much all useful. Well, maybe the Bow isn't that great.
I gotta say, for PvP the bow is pretty decent, I have gotten alot of kills using the ParaBlow just when the "house" pvp'r is about to flee into thier house and low on HP's... Not so fast ehehe