Today, I took my vendor out of business. I had a well-stocked vendor somewhere in Britannia. Runes had been layed out regularly to advertise the vendor. It sold very decent runic crafted armor and weapons, high-end jewelry, some artifacts. I sold items that are prized on Luna vendors for 200k for 5k. Jewelry others sell for 10k I sold for 1k. Still, the vendor hardly created any revenue. In some weeks, the vendor fees were higher than the income.
Problem is, having a vendor outside Luna hardly makes sense. Luna vendors are scanned by scripted characters and items are entered into a database. Finding items you need in Luna is a hundred times more easy than finding them on a "regular" vendor. The vendor system thus is very unbalanced.
I hope that the UO developers will some day come up with a solution for this. Meanwhile, I will cease all my vendor activities. And no, I will not place a vendor in Luna. That is out of question.
Problem is, having a vendor outside Luna hardly makes sense. Luna vendors are scanned by scripted characters and items are entered into a database. Finding items you need in Luna is a hundred times more easy than finding them on a "regular" vendor. The vendor system thus is very unbalanced.
I hope that the UO developers will some day come up with a solution for this. Meanwhile, I will cease all my vendor activities. And no, I will not place a vendor in Luna. That is out of question.