All I can say is that it is actually 'wonderful' to be able to hunt and LOOT again. I haven't been hunting in MONTHS due to the bos nerf and the fact that some of my chars could only hold 7-9k gold when 'full' so all enjoyment and benefit to actually 'hunt' didn't exist.
Today I actually went and hunted for about 2 hrs, and was able to not only loot the gold (about 45k for the session) but also looted all the mage and necro scrolls, and some items for enhancing as well, and didn't need to 'leave' the hunt area once.
It finally became a pleasure to hunt again. For the past year the only 'hunting' I have done was 'fishing', as at least with my bug along and the ship hold it was 'worth' going out and I could actually 'loot' the items as well as the small amount of gold, but seeing I ran out of mibs/sos a while ago and I would 'only' fish when I had about 30 or more to 'fish' up, or it wasn't worth getting the boat 'wet', then even that had ground to a halt for the past few months.
Being able to 'loot' is NOT hurting the UO economy, the way it has been would of been hurting more, seeing as how a lot of players basically gave up with hunting and turned to 'boredom' instead. In any game 'boredom' is the quickest way to 'kill' subscriptions. In this sort of game where pvm is the majority, when you took away the 'reason' to pvm, then you may as well of shut down the game. No other game made it so hard/tedious/worthless to actually loot your kills by hindering the ability to do so.
Sure you can 'farm' gold if you want, but the majority do not 'do' this unless they are really 'saving' up for something or do it in stints when they run low of funds. This is a 'good' thing, knowing if you need the odd mil with a bit of time and effort it is not impossible to do it in a day or so rather than doing it by going to the bank carrying loads of 15-20k at a time, which gets OLD really quickly and is certainly not 'fun'.
The cheaters hurt the economy, and they will cheat whether or not the 'normal' players loot as their agenda is to 'sell gold' and make 'real life' dollars. The way it was actually did MORE to encourage and promote cheating as people would 'buy' gold off the cheaters rather than spend hours of tedium going backwards and forwards to the bank for such a minimal 'reward'.