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Testing, testing(is this thing on?)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just curious, what do you all think it might take to get people actually interested in testing for QA onto test shards for actual bug reporting?

Some time ago a community rep made an announcement that people who turned in bugs without exploiting them for personal gain might receive something. Anyone want to chime in on whether or not that program is still in effect?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
anything they might offer as reward, Viq, would have to exceed the value of the exploit, yes? those that would actively seek cheats/exploits would not be swayed, I don't think, by a trinket or a month of gametime

just my opinion....


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Unfortunately DevilsOwn is correct. Though I fill out bug reports when I find bugs often times they are highly insignificant and definitely not the sort that folk exploit. Apparently I'm not into doing things that would cause me to do something of that nature even by accident... as a general rule. Either that or some folk have no idea that what they are doing is a bug or exploit... seeing as they are able to do it.

Those who know what they are doing ie the dupers and such aren't about to give that up to be repaired since they do it for the gain.... I've only ever known of one and before I could report it ... an announcement was made and it was fixed.

But as I said most of those who know about such exploits aren't going to say anything about them cause they are the ones who abuse them... All you have to do is look at the vendors to know who's doing what...

It's too bad that once they find someone who has say 20 Valorite Hammers on their vendor that they can't put some sort of "watch" or something on this persons account so they could see first hand where these hammers are coming from...

If it were up to me EA would hire someone to go around to each shard and check vendors.... if they see abnormal or exploited items... something that is duped then they would "watch" said vendor owners account...

This way they could see that ok.... "X" vendor is buying "Y" items in bulk from "Z" player..... and "Z" player creates them by doing "W+D".... and then fix the exploit and ban player "Z" and player "X's" accounts... wipe all their ill gotten loot and gold and move on...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
fair enough assessments.

And if I remember, the original program was probably looking for dupes and included a lifetime acct as reward for something really major like that.

However, things vets without exploit experience could be testing...

Just looking at the latest pub and thinking, "Hey you know we probably coulda, woulda, shoulda been of more help there..."


We have a lot of people that love the game, I'm just wondering how we get more muscle to the wheel, preferably before stuff gets weird.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'm thinking of the guy with a Crimson Dragon on his head.... "how did it get there?" he is asked, and in reply "there was a wall that highlighted, so I tried to wear it" says he

I understand what you're asking, Viquire, and wish that my brain worked that way so that I might help in finding potentially dangerous bugs, but it would simply never occur to me to sit a wall on my head

There are sites that go into detail about how and what can be manipulated, but I'm not about to go visit them and research this stuff... people like that simply cannot be trusted, can they? if what is needed is only "does this thing work as intended " sure, can do that, the other stuff? I'm not so good at :eek:


I'm thinking of the guy with a Crimson Dragon on his head.... "how did it get there?" he is asked, and in reply "there was a wall that highlighted, so I tried to wear it" says he

I saw this and immediately thought of the Talking Heads song Once in a Lifetime.... :hahaha:

"And you may find yourself with a Crimson Dragon on your head...
And you may ask yourself - well... How did that get here?"


Always Present
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I have turned in countless bugs, sent many emails and even private messages. I am not sure they always get the attention that *I* personally think they should. That doesn't mean that they aren't getting read, just that the team has other things on their schedual other than whatever bugs I/we send in.

I really don't think this last publish was tested at all though. This is like... a pre publish 16 patch.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have turned in countless bugs, sent many emails and even private messages. I am not sure they always get the attention that *I* personally think they should. That doesn't mean that they aren't getting read, just that the team has other things on their schedual other than whatever bugs I/we send in.

I really don't think this last publish was tested at all though. This is like... a pre publish 16 patch.
My point exactly, I mean there is a whole sticky thread up top and everything. How'd all this "stuff" manage to get through the cracks?


Always Present
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Idk but if they're giving stuff for bug reports I should get 3 lifetime subscriptions.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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My guess is I don't do much outside my normal realm.... which would be roleplay, design and deco....

I do a bit of hunting but nothing really serious just don't have time so likely since I'm not really doing a bunch of normal stuff and to be totally honest... I never have much time to spend on Test..... the only time I go there is to see or test a design or something..... like a new deco item..... otherwise I find test center to be a waste of my valuable UO time....

Kinda like playing other games and such.... I don't have the time... if I'm not here prowling the forums I'm in game, asleep or at work..... kinda sadly predictable....

but you can bet if I DO know about a bug I send a report.... What would be cool would be if you could somehow record the bug and send THAT to them......

Kinda a video.... here you go bug in action judge for yourself what you think and do it for yourself and then fix it
.... but maybe that's too much to ask.