I really do not know. But it maybe also due to THEM ...the murdered one, may rapidly log off after being killed and find the gump pop up whenever they log back in again. I know one time only ONE time, one of the times I got killed pkd that is, got ticked off temporarily, knew I had nothing left on my dead self to try to reclaim, logged off before any gump had a chance to even pop up mostly for myself to just cool down..did not log back in for a couple of days and the GUMP showed up.
like um ok weird 2 days later but, yes I will report them for murdering me, now. So maybe some times it is more to do with THEIR timer...if they logged out (or disconnected) before the gump came up for THEM, when they got killed...maybe that gump just auto pops up for them...to report their murderer whenever or within a couple days later when ...they log back in again. Dunno. Maybe with someone unattended thus scripting, thus not even there...they *can not* answer yes or no to the gump so it stays there auto like ...till they DO respond one way or the other ?? That gump does not go away till we *clear it* yes or no responding to it, I think.
I do know that happened to me ONCE...got killed, was ticked off for some reason due more to whom it was, than the act itself, and rapidly I logged out, just ticked off ...and I got the gump a couple days later. maybe it is not supposed to happen but I know it did once for this murdered soul to get that gump a couple days ....after the fact.