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Silver steeds



Just a few general questions about these,

Does any1 know what the stats of these creatures where when they spawned and why were they made extinct and deemed illegal??

Id love to have these back!!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know what they had, but Catskills Trammel Steed has the following stats:
str 272
dex 89
int 131

hits 167

resists: 40/23/26/21/24

100% physical damage, 13-17 points

91.7 wrestling
99.4 tactics
110.1 resist


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if you have a silver steed, keep it in the stables until 2011 when it will likely become legal.


Always Present
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I actually remember seeing a silver steed in game 99 or 98 maybe even but I am thinking 99 cuz that is when they made Siege, an my being awestruck by my own very first sighting of one. *had same reaction to nightmares when I first saw those put in game, although I got fried at the very first sighting of the nightmare was put into the game* :) with the then new lost lands.

I was on Chesapeake back then, when I saw the first silver steed, but if memory serves it was supposed to be a Siege Perilous only sort of thing..ie hero good evil system silver steeds were the GOOD dark wisps (that still kill me on Siege) were EVIL being creatures if I recall. They made the steeds go extinct..maybe cuz they bled thru to other shards or... and were not supposed to be on the other shards, or cuz they knew then there were gonna make nightmares and unicorns yet, dunno. The hue of the silver steed kinda matches some of the old *hero* armor ye see still on Siege now and then which also can not be made *nor worn by any but *heros* any longer.

Here is a Stratics link for you for the extinct silver steeds, created on Siege part of Hero system, but no updates & stats missing. I think any of us whom ever saw one in game EVER like myself still remember them with some awe they were special, though. Pity they did away with them *yet they did not do away with them nasty Siege only, darn dark wisps* !



Always Present
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You can find Dark Wisps in Ilshenar on production shards.

I do not mean *shadow wisps* I know those are in Ilshener, the Dark Wisps on Siege and sometimes thrown into story lines by the dev. like the rift in Moonglow that time...are a different breed they MEAN FAST NASTY AND ATTACK us all. I HATE THEM lol. they speed haxxors. hehe If true dark wisps are in Ilshener on reg. shards I wont be near em. . haha I AVOID places they hang out on Siege(or anywhere) on purpose they kill my crafters more than any pk ever does. :) Distant kin to the pretty white wisps and shadow wisps but Dark Wisps are just NASTY ! VILE EVIL critters !

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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Always Present
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ahhhhhhhhh shows ya how much I pay attention to new scenarios and new more monsters to kill us storylines...

cuz mostly those just have me MOVE away from the mess, till it goes back to NORMAL again. I had a nice lil home on Moonglow back then ...the RIFT ...and after having the solen ants and every thing else hit glow and our spring festival cancelled on Chesapeake due to that rift story line messing up Moonglow last year.and the town still not really fixed up since depression there still.........or me NOT choppin wood in downtown BRIT NOW on any shards, cuz of faction random spawning monsters ie I avoid faction towns till that/this mess if ever ends...yep guess I would not GO to Dark Wisps anywhere ....they HATE ME. haha.

Once someone on Siege could not find them on that part of Ocllo, where they normally hung out on Siege. He thought they went instinct or something posted it on forum he could not find them any more lately, and I posted let me go to Ocllo they will FIND ME and thus you will find them again...and I went was instantly slain on that side of the isle where they hang out on Siege, just to help someone FIND THEM. See they have some auto insta target on my chrs. no matter WHAT shard I may be on...first dark wisp to slaughter me off of Siege ever, was the rift on Moonglow TRAMMEL haha they hate me I tell ya ! HAHA Thus I do NOT go lookin for them...they FIND ME ! *mutters*