In case anyone wants it, below is a list of the Pub 58 changes that were actually announced on March 11th when it went live on Test Center. Guess we should start checking out the changes on the production shards now and see what made it into this morning's publish.
Trial Accounts
Removed the 15 day character age requirement for house placement
Players are not allowed to place a house while on a trial account
Players are not allowed to co-own or be traded a house while on a trial account
Trial players have travel restrictions – they cannot visit Felucca dungeons or Felucca T2A
Trial players will only receive basic ores and logs (iron, plain logs) even if they'd otherwise qualify for better types
Trial players will not receive sand or stone when mining
Trial players will not receive ML rewards for resource gathering (jewels, ingredients, or white pearls while fishing)
Trial players will not receive rewards, monster kill points, or virtue points from champ spawns
Trial players will not get scrolls while doing champ Spawns
Trial players will not gain Justice virtue points for killing murderers
Trial players cannot join factions or faction aligned guilds
Trial players cannot remain in a guild that has aligned with a faction
Trial players cannot do any repeatable quests – even if they are normally repeatable
Trial players cannot participate in Community Collections
Trial players cannot Protect or be Protected by another player
Trial players cannot use the Valor or Justice virtues
Trial players cannot use Scrolls of Alacrity, Power Scrolls, Stat Scrolls, or Scrolls of Transcendence
Trial players cannot use Commodity Deeds
Trial players cannot use Soulstones or Soulstone fragments
Trial players cannot use Pet summoning balls
Trial players cannot use Bracelets of Binding
Trial players cannot use the Bag of Sending
Champ Spawns
Fixed an issue with SoT’s and Alacrity scrolls' effects stacking
Champ spawn bosses no longer accidentally spawn as Paragons
Dead players who receive a reward for killing the spawn will no longer see the reward deleted. It will be placed on their corpse.
Fixed an issue with the Champ Spawn altar getting stuck if the boss despawns or disappears
Fixed an issue with the drop rate in Trammel for SoT’s
Fixed an issue where the top attackers were not getting the right number of scrolls at a champ spawn
Fixed Mephitis small web attack – will no longer teleport players into the altar
Fixed an issue with champ spawn rewards appearing at the champ spawn instead of your backpack
Fixed an issue with static/unmovable items spawning at champ spawns
Tattered mummy wrappings will no longer stack with unhued bandages
Champ Spawn special rewards will no longer drop into your backpack if you are overweight or over the item limit
Gift of Life will now offer to resurrect you after death
Gem of Salvation will not longer delete itself if another player resurrects you
Added a Reuse timer of 15 seconds to faction bandages
Cupid will no longer block movement in Felucca
Players will no longer get multiple gumps with Cupid
Players completing the Naturalist quest should now get the correct type of seeds ( fire, white and black seeds)
Black and White seeds should only be peculiar plants
Fire Seeds should only be legacy plants plus the flowery cactus
Completing only 4 nests will continue to give the 4 rare colors on legacy plants only
Players can now use the Xmas Tree Deeds to place non decorated trees year round
Arcane power should now affect your summons/familiar, should give a 10% bonus for hit points for summons, necro animates, necro familiars, and necro revenants.
Immolating Weapon should now play a sound when the spell fades
Gift of Life should not be stripped from a player upon death
Gem of Salvation will no longer delete itself on death if the player is resurrected by another player
Added a profanity filter for Cupid and Barkeepers
Durability on certain items that started as 255 will be changed to 150 and are dyable
Players will no longer be able to inscribe locked down books
Removed the 3X player vendor costs on Siege/Mugen
Players can now trade Grizzled Mare Statues
Fixed an issue with durability not working on special items (such as faction equippables)
Mirror Images will now copy their summoner's alignment correctly
Re-enabled access to the top level in Wrong dungeon.