Before you open your mouth to reply to this thread, take a minute to read the title: TWEAKING THE CURRENT MURDER SYSTEM Please try to keep all replies to methods to tweak the current system and not rants about the current system or complete overhauls.
I don't think anyone would argue that the current system is perfect but it does partially succeed at what a murder system should do: identify people who go and kill blue characters, punish them, and allow people someway to maintain blue status in the event they opsied to go red.
Let us establish that a murderer is one who kills a blue character no matter the reason: raiding spawns, defending a spawn, macroer killer, whatever. Discussion for why a red killed should be in another thread.
As mentioned earlier, there are three parts to the murder system(current system identified in parenthesis):
FLAW #1The murder count removal system allows people to ping pong going red to blue. The issue with this ping ponging is the system would fail to identify habitual killers who won't keep the char red. There are two potential fixes on this:
FLAW #2aBarring from Fel and not buying from vendors. With the availability of four or more other character slots, this is almost trivial. Add in guildmates, the not buying from vendors is a worthless punishment. To this end, I'd propose an additional punishment:
FLAW #2bBarring a red from going to Tram. The biggest complaint by reds I've seen about this is "my best character can't get to the Tram style events". I could see allowing the following tweak to appease those:
Flaw #3Unattended 40 hour murder count removal. This is not a penalty especially for those who have multiple account. This system has been complained about by both murderers and blues. Plus removal of murder counts should be considered a penalty. I can see removing this system entirely and inserting two systems:
In parting, please try to keep replies on the topic of tweaking the current system and not ranting about it nor saying it needs to be removed entirely.
I don't think anyone would argue that the current system is perfect but it does partially succeed at what a murder system should do: identify people who go and kill blue characters, punish them, and allow people someway to maintain blue status in the event they opsied to go red.
Let us establish that a murderer is one who kills a blue character no matter the reason: raiding spawns, defending a spawn, macroer killer, whatever. Discussion for why a red killed should be in another thread.
As mentioned earlier, there are three parts to the murder system(current system identified in parenthesis):
- Identify who is killing blues (turn them red after five murder counts)
- Punish them for killing blues (bar from Tram and no buying from vendors)
- Allow a way to remove counts (sit for 40 hours... attended or not)
FLAW #1The murder count removal system allows people to ping pong going red to blue. The issue with this ping ponging is the system would fail to identify habitual killers who won't keep the char red. There are two potential fixes on this:
- Establish a permanent ping pong counter. This would simply be a counter that keeps track of the number of times a player goes red and will NEVER decrement. After the ping pong counter hits ten(random number), the character is permanently red.
- Establish a permanent total murder counter. This would simply be a counter that keeps track of the number of murders and will NEVER decrement. After the permanent murder counter hit 500(random number), the character is permanently red.
FLAW #2aBarring from Fel and not buying from vendors. With the availability of four or more other character slots, this is almost trivial. Add in guildmates, the not buying from vendors is a worthless punishment. To this end, I'd propose an additional punishment:
- Raising insurance costs and payouts to double. This would be a bit more of an inconvenience for the reds. It would also create an incentive to attack reds. Kill a red, get 600 gold per item instead of 300 gold.
FLAW #2bBarring a red from going to Tram. The biggest complaint by reds I've seen about this is "my best character can't get to the Tram style events". I could see allowing the following tweak to appease those:
- Allow reds in Tram but they get half gold and no luck bonus for any loot rolled on. They stay red and no beneficial acts may be performed on them(ie heals and rezzes) Maybe this is not harsh enough. I'm not sure but seems like a good will gesture for those potential returning reds.
Flaw #3Unattended 40 hour murder count removal. This is not a penalty especially for those who have multiple account. This system has been complained about by both murderers and blues. Plus removal of murder counts should be considered a penalty. I can see removing this system entirely and inserting two systems:
- Murder count removal quest... this would be quest chain that would not involve anything that could be bought. I think something as "complex" as the human to elf or elf to human quests would be almost prime. It should have multiple start points as well as having all the parts be random. The random start points would prevent people camping and killing reds. The random parts would prevent scripting of the quest. This would be a once a day quest but should take between 30 minutes to an hour to complete. The murderer should not gain anything from the quest aside from removal of one murder count. If this was implemented with a permanent murder counter or ping pong counter as proposed above, these would NOT be decreased.
- Murderer reprieve quest.. this would be a HUGE quest chain to remove all murder counts. It should be only doable once per account. It should be only doable by the character in question. Any help would nullify any work done on that particular chain. In addition to removing all counts, it should further penalize the murderer. Something like cut 20 points out per skill and 30% out of stats(roughly 75 points worth) Once the quest is started, soul stones would not be usable.
In parting, please try to keep replies on the topic of tweaking the current system and not ranting about it nor saying it needs to be removed entirely.