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Magekiller Leafblade recipe bug


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can someone please look into this recipe for a coding error?

I've crafted many magekiller leafblades on TC at hopes of getting the extra 16% mana leech property in addition to the runic bonus mana leech and have found that the 16% property does NOT stack with runic bonuses, somehow either extremely bad RNG or there is a bug in the coding, but all runic leafblades I've made have only ever had the 16% mana leech property, none with additional bonuses, unlike the Twinkling Scimitar recipe with all the 21% DCI weapons I've seen.

I know mana leech property maximums are based off base weapon speed and any SSI associated with the weapon, so maybe there is a bug in the coding that prevents the additional 16% on top of a runic bonus b/c the system does not allow beyond maximum properties for a given speed & SSI level? Please help as this is the one weapon I deem worth crafting with a runic hammer for my dexxer and I've tested it numerous times on TC, also verified by friends that have tried as well.


Please help as this is the one weapon I deem worth crafting with a runic hammer for my dexxer
What? Can I have some of what you're smoking?

Twinkling Scimitar
Mage's Rune Blade
Leaf Blade of Ease
Silver Etched Mace

and they tell 2 friends, and they tell 2 friends, and so on, and so on.......


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Recipe weapon" by using "Runic tool"

faster cast 1(mage's runeblade)
damage increase
hit chance increase
defense chance insrease
swing speed increase
These properties can be selected as Runic Property, and added to Recipe Property.

spell channelling
use best weapon's skill
hit magic
hit mana leech
These properties are not selected as Runic Property.

mage's weapon(runesabre)
These properties can be selected as Runic Property, but not added to Recipe Property. Higher one is selected.
Runic's luck property is added to Recipe Property at Publish51 - 52.
I could craft luckblade more than 140 luck at that time.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are these intended changes or unintentional is what I'm trying to get at. Although I have crafted magekiller weapons with 22% Mana Leech, but that was the maximum I ever got. So that's an additional 6% on the 16% from the magekiller recipe...bugged/unintended?


Are these intended changes or unintentional is what I'm trying to get at. Although I have crafted magekiller weapons with 22% Mana Leech, but that was the maximum I ever got. So that's an additional 6% on the 16% from the magekiller recipe...bugged/unintended?
I recently burned almost an entire bronze runic on magekiller assassin spikes and not a single one of them had over 16% ML, though one did have 12% (wtf?). The ones that weren't magekiller though seemed to have ML pretty high, which I'm sure was a coincidence. I was under the impression that these bonuses stacked with the runic bonuses or I'd not have wasted the brilliant amber.

On a slightly related note, Can we please get a random slayer weapon for skills other than archery? I know mace fighting has the silver etched mace (which is undead only, and not what I'm asking for here), but... fencing? swords?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mana Leech of magekiller leafblade and magekiller assassin spike

These weapons add "Hit Mana leech intensity 8".
When writing with %.

ML starts --- 8 * 2% = 16%
Life and Mana Leech changes[Publish42] --- 8 * wep.speed
wep.speed = (base.wep.speed)/(1+SSI%)
wep.speed rounds down in 0.25 seconds.

magekiller assassin spike added SSI is less than 16% Mana Leech.