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spirit lacks cohesion......... (@*%&(*



Your spirit lacks the cohesion for gate travel at this time.

We all know that message.. WTH???? WHY? This has got to be THE most annoying thing in UO for the past few years since it came into being. Can anyone say why this is done? My only guess is that it was to "FIX" one of the duping bugs or something. I don't get this error message with the community gates, so why do I get it with casted gates? Seriously if this is a so called bug fix, can't you guys come up with a more elegant solution to the problem? Is there really a need for this?


Grand Poobah
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A fix for duping or maybe some other bug would be my guess. The message use to show up when using the community gates.

von Beck

Just wait for the casting sound to finish then step in the gate. Time it right, and I can usually get through a gate three or four times if I'm transporting stuff back and forward.

The current system, while not ideal, is infinitely preferable to reverting to the bugs that it fixed, which included dupes via blackholing.


Babbling Loonie
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While talking about gates, is it still possible to sometimes get gated to that tiny plank out in the middle of the ocean?


Always Present
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Yes it IS ANNOYING !!!

I got so I just cuss at it silently...then I wait a few moments and if the gate is still there that I just popped, I find I can GO thru it anyhow...all the while muttering to some etheral god...do not tell this old lady what she can or can not do my spirit is FINE let me go thru my own darn gate quit spamming text on my pixel world at me... also quit warning me I am going to FELUCCA when I pop a gate to my Brit home on Siege I think I know where I am going when I am the one popping my own gate on an all feluccan rule set shard... lol :)

Some of the in game stuff is just SILLY ! :) When not annoying us with our spirit lacking cohesion ! I checked I am no doctor, nor pixel shrink.. but my spirit is a ok. ! :)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Just wait for the casting sound to finish then step in the gate. Time it right, and I can usually get through a gate three or four times if I'm transporting stuff back and forward.

The current system, while not ideal, is infinitely preferable to reverting to the bugs that it fixed, which included dupes via blackholing.
Well the weird thing is that I've had people open gates, and I wont try to go though them form a decent amount of time, while everyone else is going through just fine, I will get the message. What is it that triggers this message is my question. Dragging objects? What?


Yes the warning message is annoying too. At least let me turn off the warning message when I step through a gate.


Well the weird thing is that I've had people open gates, and I wont try to go though them form a decent amount of time, while everyone else is going through just fine, I will get the message. What is it that triggers this message is my question. Dragging objects? What?
I've done quite a bit of research on what exactly causes this message, and my conclusion is that the probability of getting the error message is exponentially proportional to your need to go through the gate. If you are just casually gating, you will usually have no problem. If you are in a hurry, you will get the msg maybe 2 or 3 times, if you are running away from a PK or some insane monster trying to kill you, you pretty much have zero chance of making it through the gate.


Always Present
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Oh ye are so correct there Rockytriton...my spirit seemed to lack cohesion most nearly every time any VMP was anywhere near me...OOOooO lol :D


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Do NOT get rid of the warning gump.
I did not ask for it to be removed. IT IS NEEDED on all shards yet seems silly to even exist at all upon Siege. I mean seriously..it is ALL a feluccan ruleset there...why warn us we are entering felucca if we take that gate ?? IF it is red we are going to the *old world* if blueish we are going to umbra luna or zento lands...really not needed even then it is all felucca ruleset. who we warning that they are entering felucca when it is ALL felucca on Siege ?

I can see it as crucial on say Chesapeake and other shards cuz newer players need to know what facet a gate may be entering ...course they should not enter any strangers gates anyhow..but they DO need the warning that they are entering felucca there...we do NOT need that warning on Siege..it is ALL felucca on Siege...can be downtown Zento or Luna, other than those gates will pop blue...instead of red in theory...but ya stil in felucca.


I did not ask for it to be removed. IT IS NEEDED on all shards yet seems silly to even exist at all upon Siege. I mean seriously..it is ALL a feluccan ruleset there...why warn us we are entering felucca if we take that gate ?? IF it is red we are going to the *old world* if blueish we are going to umbra luna or zento lands...really not needed even then it is all felucca ruleset. who we warning that they are entering felucca when it is ALL felucca on Siege ?

I can see it as crucial on say Chesapeake and other shards cuz newer players need to know what facet a gate may be entering ...course they should not enter any strangers gates anyhow..but they DO need the warning that they are entering felucca there...we do NOT need that warning on Siege..it is ALL felucca on Siege...can be downtown Zento or Luna, other than those gates will pop blue...instead of red in theory...but ya stil in felucca.
I only play Siege. Do NOT get rid of it on Siege.


Always Present
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:D Alrighty then...but I wish they let it be *optional* on Siege I mean for crying out loud every time I go home I am WARNED I am entering felucca ... ! ENOUGH ALREADY NW BRIT and all of Siege is Felucca. hehe Give me the option NOT to be told my houses there in Brit on Siege are...gasp...in.......*felucca* :eek::D


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While talking about gates, is it still possible to sometimes get gated to that tiny plank out in the middle of the ocean?
Yip :D Went there about, heck a month or so ago, Suprized the heck outa me for I had not been there in years



I say its a good way to teach people not to go through red gates. Away with the warning! Its not needed past [young] and we all know it.


Seasoned Veteran
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I find it interesting that even though I get the "lacks cohesion" message, I am still able to use the gate, at least half of the time.

I would also like to know what causes you to "lack cohesion" in the first place....that way I can avoid doing it! :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Teleport resets alot of buggy things in UO. Blocked Paths (that should be open), One tile off glitch, and Gate Cohesion.
Of course what another poster mentioned.. wait for the sound trigger of the gate to end before you try to enter.

Green Meanie

Most annoying thing is game isnt cohesion even though gawd yes it is. Its crashing all the damn time esp when someone dies on my screen.


Hiram and Jubilum...

So if I said ... Is there no help for the widow's son... you would know what I was talking about??

Sorry totaly off topic.


what do you think i've been hit in the head or something?

come on DEVs, plz chime in on this one....


If they would just increase the size of the gate and let us get a context menu for something like "Enter gate" I would be happy. I seem to have terrible luck walking through, and it only seems to get worse in KR


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ding. Correct.

It was a temporary workaround for duping. Unfortunately since the dev team has so much attrition the implementers moved on and the noobs that took over probably think its a feature.


Crazed Zealot
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it was the means to prevent blackholing. a state of bugginess which allows for rampant duping in a very brief time frame. There is no way in hell anyone here wants this message removed.