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Why have the NEW books been removed?


Old Man of UO

So we can't post it here? When did you start dicating what can and cannot be posted on UHall?...la
Go away, Troll... you don't want to fix the problem, you just want to get threads locked.

I did not say not to post here, I am saying if you want to get it fixed there are better ways than just posting about it here. The EM probably dmay not read UHall.


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Sorry Old Man, I'm a bit defensive. . .

Thank you for the suggestion, but most of us haven't seen the new EM in awhile. . .


Slightly Crazed
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Come shut it down yerself... *sniffs* ;)
I don't think you guys need my help. I logged on there the other day to see if I could find anyone. Only people I saw were at the Yew gate. lol.
Come shut it down yerself... *sniffs* ;)
I don't think you guys need my help. I logged on there the other day to see if I could find anyone. Only people I saw were at the Yew gate. lol.
Well, then we're waiting for you. . . Come find us.
We are here. Do you have what it takes to make it on the "hard shard?"
The players on siege support NEW and want the books there to help people who get tired of candyland UO get started.
It's pretty tiring reading continuous insults from Siege players who somehow think they are special or better than the rest of UO. Most of the "rest of us" have characters on Siege, just like most of you dedicated Siege players have characters on other shards. It's still UO.

I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.That would depend on your play style and how long you've played. So do try to be a bit more considerate to other people.
I find this hard to believe since Yew gate is not one of our common "hot spots"...la
Whew! Good thing I am not dependent on your belief in me. I would be crushed.
It's pretty tiring reading continuous insults from Siege players who somehow think they are special or better than the rest of UO. Most of the "rest of us" have characters on Siege, just like most of you dedicated Siege players have characters on other shards. It's still UO.

I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.That would depend on your play style and how long you've played. So do try to be a bit more considerate to other people.
Elitist is the the word and it's the number one reason I won't play that shard, no matter how hard any SP player tries to convince me otherwise.

And just so there is no confusion.

#2. Limited game play, and I don't want to waste my time on an empty shard and yes, you are empty. I just hit every bank on SP and only saw three people at Luna bank, two who were NEW.

#3. Consensual PvP. It does not exist in UO. Being in a rule set should not = "hey come murder my crafter!"

#4. One character per shard. Sorry, I didn't spend ten years making characters to have to not only start again, but choose only one.

#5. Kelmo. He smells funny.:hahaha:
I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.
Guess that shows how little you have played on Siege. We all know Siege isn't for everyone. To us, that's a good thing. We really don't want the shard teaming with trammies, scripters and dupers...la
Guess that shows how little you have played on Siege. We all know Siege isn't for everyone. To us, that's a good thing. We really don't want the shard teaming with trammies, scripters and dupers...la
Say it with me folks, E-L-I-T-I-S-T...la

Can we respectfully keep this on topic?

If you don't like Siege that's fine, but open a different topic for the Siege bashing please. We just want our books back.
Then take it where it belongs, because UHall isn't necessarily the place. While a Dev might read this post, it is not a guarantee. Submit it as feedback through the UO site and you won't open yourself up to other people's opinions.

And I find the topic relevant. To fix your issue, someone's time is going to be takean way from a prodo shard. As a prodo shard player, I say I don't want that to happen...la
Then take it where it belongs, because UHall isn't necessarily the place. While a Dev might read this post, it is not a guarantee. Submit it as feedback through the UO site and you won't open yourself up to other people's opinions.
In that case, then just get rid of UHall, and in fact why don't you submit your bard question through feedback so we don't have to read it.

See how ridiculous that sounds?

Bring back the books!

It's time for a big group hug and a chorus of "Kumbaya" while we wait for the books to be put back.


Seasoned Veteran
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In that case, then just get rid of UHall, and in fact why don't you submit your bard question through feedback so we don't have to read it.

See how ridiculous that sounds?

Bring back the books!
Because my thread is to generate discussion, whereas yours it to complain and whine for something that is debatable for you to have in the first place. Also, if it was unintentionally wiped, the people who need to see it, devs that is, might not unless you submit it through the proper channels.

Complaining here is like going to Blockbuster Video and complaining that the floors of your local movie theater are dirty.

Oh and ...la


Old and in the way
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Settle down folks.


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Well before you assume anything, it was submitted through the proper channel several hours ago. We are posting here to find out WHY it happened and HOW it happened and to show the DEVS that the shard has support for the books.

That being said. Thank you for all the Siegers who have posted in support.


As a Co-Leader of NEW, I would like to say that the NEW books that were previously locked down by the EM were a positive influence for helping the population of NEW and therefore the shard. I sincerely hope this was a mistake and the books were unintentionally removed and will be put back.

It is possible those who need to know, do not know what NEW is or its purpose. As Siege is a shard like no other, many newcomers find it difficult to understand the rule differences between the production shards and Siege. The purpose of NEW really is threefold:
1. To help new people to the shard understand these rules.
2. To help new people to the shard train their character and give advice on character builds. Because Siege is quite different, character templates here are different than on other shards.
3. To give new people a place to hang out amongst other new people to develop friendships and so that your time on siege isn't just lonely training.

NEW membership is only temporary. New people are allowed into NEW if their character is not trained up, and for a period of about 30 days. After the 30 day period, the person then leaves NEW to join their permanent guild, if any.

NEW is truely neutral, we help people train up to be thieves, crafters, murderers, or heroic knights - we don't care what you will become, just help you to gain a foothold on Siege to help you enjoy your time while you are here.

You can read more about NEW at www.siegeperilous.net .

I sincerely hope that the devs or whoever realize that NEW is truely a positive influence on the shard and game as a whole, and will correct what most of Siege sees as a mistake when those books were removed.


Instead of posting here in UHall... has anyone actually ASKED your EM if he/she would put them back? That should have been the first thing to do!
Somehow, I don't expect to see you or the others trolling the Missing EM Yamadon on Sonoma thread. I suggest you all check your shards' EM items and make sure nothing's recently gone poof. Perhaps you can reccomend a way from the Sonomans to get in touch with their EM, I'm not aware of any way to do such a thing personally.


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By reading other Threads here, it seems that there may be books missing on other shards as well.

Egads, maybe there has been a book burning.

Save the books!

Tina Small

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Origin and Baja's EMs have started online newsletters ( http://www.emfainemorgan.com/ and http://goldenbrewtavern.com/ ). The Origin newsletter has a feedback link, but there's nothing similar on the Baja newsletter. Perhaps the EMs for the other shards are also planning newsletters and some might include feedback links or other information to use to contact the EMs.

I would also assume that the shard news reporters here on Stratics at the least have some minimal information they use or have received for purposes of communicating with the EMs. Maybe you should check with the Siege news reporter. Or maybe send a PM to Mesanna, who seems to be in charge of the EMs (http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=117000).


Old and in the way
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As posted by Stupid Miner (an at large reporter) on the Siege Forum...

I've noticed the NEW books have caused quite a stir, I'm willing to give an explanation to their disappearance. At one point there was an issue concerning Colored books locked down by EM's. I brought the fact there were several books of this nature to the attention of our boss, to insure the issue had been fixed. As it turns out it was fine for us to lock down books for EM related reasons, it was considered to be in poor tastes to basically stick down a recruitment ad for any guild. While I understand the importance of NEW to Siege Perilous, it is not proper for any of us to do any action(s) that can be condoned as favoritism towards any one group of individuals, on any shard not even on Siege. It was requested that they be removed, and so they have been. I know that there had already been some conflict from members of the Siege community asking "If NEW Can have them why can't we?", it only goes to show that yes it is in fact a show of favoritism and needed corrected.

As an alternative, I suggest that those interested, post on the Message Board I placed in the wedding office next door to the Counselors Guild Hall, specifically for this purpose. Yes Siege has no New Haven, but every Non-Asian based shard has EM's and an office there, I doubt it will be all that hard for people to find.

Posted by EM Quantum

Dunno if this is posted somewhere else or not.

And since I had trouble with this on the Sonoma Forums. No, I'm not an EM, I'm just in contact with them. *points to title above Avatar*


Stratics Legend
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That sucks. NEW helps the whole shard... Who the hell complained??


Seasoned Veteran
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Question about NEW. I thought membership was limited to 30 days.

Then why on UO.com is your oldest NEW member 60 days (not counting guild leaders)?

And before anyone says that it must not be up to date, it reflects a NEW member as of March 12.

I'm asking because this was one of the reasons offered up in defense of having a book locked down.


Old and in the way
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To the best of my knowledge the thirty day thing is a guide line. Some folks need more time to work characters as time is limted for many. Some are kept as helpers for a time. Others need a little more time to find a home.

I ,myself, left NEW before my 30 days some 6 years ago. I could not wait to get started on my own bit of Siege history.


Seasoned Veteran
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To the best of my knowledge the thirty day thing is a guide line. Some folks need more time to work characters as time is limted for many. Some are kept as helpers for a time. Others need a little more time to find a home.

I ,myself, left NEW before my 30 days some 6 years ago. I could not wait to get started on my own bit of Siege history.
That makes sense, but from another guilds point of view, that could look very much like favoritism. I think removing the books was the right thing to do for all considered, however, perhaps when players start on SP a book outlining some of the differences between there and prodo shards could be placed in their pack. Just a thought, but if I was going to ask for something, that would be something to consider. I'm against the devs spending any time on SP personally, but if one wanted to do it, this seems like a one and done.


Old and in the way
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That makes sense, but from another guilds point of view, that could look very much like favoritism. I think removing the books was the right thing to do for all considered, however, perhaps when players start on SP a book outlining some of the differences between there and prodo shards could be placed in their pack. Just a thought, but if I was going to ask for something, that would be something to consider. I'm against the devs spending any time on SP personally, but if one wanted to do it, this seems like a one and done.

I can understand that. Just realize. Siege is often the last stop for many players. One day a player realizes that the game has lost it's luster. It has become a grind and logging in to do the same thing every day has become dull. The player has done most everything and logs in mostly as a habit. Friends are getting fewer... Why not try to reinvent your self and play a almost totally different yet very familiar game?

I am not saying this would ever happen to you. It did happen to me. I would have been done some five years ago... *nods*

Do not discount what Siege does and means for UO.


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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NEW membership is generally around 30 days, but it is not a set amount of time. Those who are in for sixty days or more are generally people who stop playing for a while or are only on sporadically. Periodically, the GM will prune the roster and remove the ones who have been inactive. Eventually, though, everyone must leave, and as Kelmo says, many leave before their thirty days is up as they want to strike out on their own or they find a regular guild they want to join.

Bottom line is that this is just a typical example, all too common everywhere you tread in life these days, of one or two people ruining something for the majority. I don't know who the people are who objected to the NEW books, save one, but I do know that virtually everyone else on Siege supports NEW and its aims. Most guilds and many individuals make regular donations of cash, equipment and power scrolls that NEW needs to keep the newcomers supplied.

And as to the basis of any complaints, they are simply not valid. NEW is an INDEPENDENT guild. The rules that need to be accepted before joining state that members must not steal from or attack other people (except in self-defence), must not loot other people's kills or generally get involved in regular guild's conflicts/problems, and they must keep their guild tag showing at all times. Lady Shalimar, the current GM, does not care whether you want to be a rabid PK, a thief, a crafter or a paladin. All they have wanted for the past nine years is for their temporary members to stay on Siege.


Babbling Loonie
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I haven't been around since last Friday what happen the books decay when uo got patched?


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No, they were removed on purpose. Explanation is in the thread on Siege


It's My Birthday
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Too bad. Instead of complaining, the other guilds could have worked with NEW to recruit candidates as they are coming out.

There needs to be something more than a message board or even locked down books for guild recruitment.

It would be nice if the devs could work up an official Guild Recruitment Board of some kind that could permanently live in taverns, all interconnected through the ether-net. :D


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It would be nice if the devs could work up an official Guild Recruitment Board of some kind that could permanently live in taverns, all interconnected through the ether-net. :D
Yes it would be nice, I think it's a good idea.

I'll refrain from my thoughts on why it won't happen.


This is too bad. NEW is one thing Siege has going for it.

But I dont know why its decline would surprise anyone.

With the new Faction Arties...most noobies have 0 chance ever surviving.
Faction Arties are making your shard an item vs item shard.

With the decline of people on the shard you get a decline of people to sell items too...leaving mostly vets who dont need a noobies loot.

Siege should implement some sort of selling to vendors.
Maybe only offer minimal gold. But atleast some way for noobies to earn money and buy stuff.

One of the things ruining Siege is the Elitists who refuse to take any change or ideas for their shard.


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But atleast some way for noobies to earn money and buy stuff.
Ummm, there are plenty of ways for new players to make money, while training the skills in their templates. Resources are like gold here and sell rather quickly...la


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One of the things ruining Siege is the Elitists who refuse to take any change or ideas for their shard.
I have yet to meet any elitists on Siege. In fact I would say everyone I have met with the exception of 1 or 2 has been more than willing to help me with something I needed help with even if they were in an opposing guild/alliance/faction.

To name everyone as an elitist because they like the ruleset is not really accurate.

Rico is correct, resources are bought up quickly on Siege, a new player selling leather or ingots or logs can easily make enough to place a house within a week.

Anon McDougle

One of the things ruining Siege is the Elitists who refuse to take any change or ideas for their shard.
I have yet to meet any elitists on Siege. In fact I would say everyone I have met with the exception of 1 or 2 has been more than willing to help me with something I needed help with even if they were in an opposing guild/alliance/faction.

To name everyone as an elitist because they like the ruleset is not really accurate.

Rico is correct, resources are bought up quickly on Siege, a new player selling leather or ingots or logs can easily make enough to place a house within a week.
how can you meet anyone on siege 99.9 % of people have and use hiding 99.9% of the time this is why it looks like a ghost town !!!

ban hiding from siege !!!!


Slightly Crazed
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Devs and EM's

Pleace lets have the books back, they had been a great help for the shard.

For the ones who not know what this are about:

Siege have a player runned young system, a 9 year old guild, Newborn on Siege, [NEW]

It was made of Luxor, year 2000, later I was running it and the last years Shalimar had been running it.

The guild have support from most of the shard and help new Siege players their first month here.

1. It gives a new player a place to hang out and find other new Siege players.
2. It gives a new player access to some basis items donated of the shard.
3. It halp a new player to get contact to the community and find the right guild to join.
4. It gives a new player some peace to train as most reds will leave a player with NEW tag alone or at least not loot them.

We got more than 2x the players join NEW after the books was placed, 70-80 new Siege players a month and in the long run it would help the shard grow.

The reason the books do help is, many new Siege players make a char and go to Brit or one of the other towns and find it emty. Siege players do not use towns alot, so this new player will just log out again and give up Siege.

A while ago, our EM locked down books about the guild on most towns and now the new players got a chance to know about the guild and a chance to make it on Siege.

We do not know why, but sadly all the books got removed, I hope EA will consider this and let us have back the books.
Freja.. for once I REALLY agree with you. I even poped back over there and was going to place a house there again after reading one of these books. I think they were a very good idea.


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Ummmm, how sure are we that they were actually removed by the devs/gms? Could simply be that they got wiped during the maintenance downtime without their knowledge.

That being said...GUARDS!!!

Rico thats the funniest thing I have ever seen you post. I spit soda through my nose


Stratics Legend
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how can you meet anyone on siege 99.9 % of people have and use hiding 99.9% of the time this is why it looks like a ghost town !!!

ban hiding from siege !!!!
That's odd, I meet new players all of the time. I run into existing players all of the time. Guess you just don't have a clue as to where players are on Siege. Unlike the trammy shards, we don't do a whole bunch of bank sitting...la


I would like an explanation of why the books informing people of Siege's NEW guild have been removed.
I stealthed onto Siege and stole them.

They are now being held for ransom. :lick:

Anon McDougle

how can you meet anyone on siege 99.9 % of people have and use hiding 99.9% of the time this is why it looks like a ghost town !!!

ban hiding from siege !!!!
That's odd, I meet new players all of the time. I run into existing players all of the time. Guess you just don't have a clue as to where players are on Siege. Unlike the trammy shards, we don't do a whole bunch of bank sitting...la
odd i seldom sit at banks i wonder the lands on foot or mount from one end to the other and i see few if any folks i have heard of the legandary friendly seige community and i will continue to seek it out but get the feeling that unless i develope the ablity to see hidden people that it will not happen


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Now Rico. . .that wasn't very friendly. . .

Anon, you're most likely to find people in Luna, put your stuff in the bank so Rico can't steal it and hang out for a bit.

Anon McDougle

thank you for the spelling lesson now how about a tour of siege ?? i currently live at the scholars inn in moonglow when and were shall we meet la?


Grand Inquisitor
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Regardless of what NEW is all about, EA and any employees related to them such and EM's, should not be advertising or supporting any one guild over another.
Besides I am pretty sure Siege players can advertise well enough on their own, after all anytime someone brings up Siege the "Come to Siege" campaign committee shows their faces.

You don't need EA to advertise your shard for you.

The previous EM was wrong to have locked them down in the first place. And now that it's been corrected everyones throwing a hissy fit...
Had they never been locked in the first place it would not have been an issue.


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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The previous EM was wrong to have locked them down in the first place. And now that it's been corrected everyones throwing a hissy fit...
Had they never been locked in the first place it would not have been an issue.
The previous EM has explicit permission from "the boss" to do it.

And now, apparently because of the complaints of just one or maybe two people and contrary to the wishes of almost everyone else on the shard, it has been rescinded.