Shaaaaaaaard! You need to pop in to say more than just "hi"! Where have you been? How is life going? Any more green mail boxes?

How about house improvements? I miss you regaling us with tales of your adventures and mishaps in life. Come back, Auntie Em......come baaaaaaack. *HUGE HUGS*
Hmmm, more than just 'Hi', huh?
Hail and well met, Babblers!
Where have I been? No where really exciting. My neice's wedding last month was cool. My daughter came out from the west coast to visit and go to the wedding. A nice two week visit that was over too soon.
How is life going? DUH! Life suxxors! I got laid off from my coolio job. I've just kinda been hanging out and not looking too hard for another job, cause that's how you find them.....
Any more green mail boxes? Nope, just the same one but it's starting to fade a bit. Might have to overhaul it.
How about house improvements? Nothing other than the new fridge being delivered on the first of the month, cause ours gave up. Nice to have a beverage fridge and a deep freeze to take up the slack while the main is offline.....
Tales of adventure and mishaps? Hmmm, no mishaps I reckon. I do have a doe leaving her baby in our yard some days like she did a couple summers ago. I guess I'm sort of babysitting. I only have two or three pairs of hummingbirds using my feeders this year. Last year I had at least five pairs, maybe more.
On a UO note, word filtered to me about the Avalon Town Hall being made into a momument. That was cool. I owned that tower for a long time and had a ton of fun there.
Ummm, OK, I'm done for now. I'll try to be better about visiting.