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What happened to the 11th Year Collection?



Wasn't it three weeks ago when the failed US "launch" occurred? I believe there were a couple posts inquiring about customer service support for related issues, then one post that was an "assurance" it was being worked, then, either nothing or I simply missed it. Any word?


Has it been 3 months since they were offered to us for a mere couple of hours? If not, then why are you even bothering to ask about them yet?

Sorry just couldn't help myself. :eek:


it is on the list of we are working to resolve with knowing how important it is to you we hope to resole shortly.

we did not even get a soon yet.

I still can not believe i missed the chance. Saw that it was up desided rather the buy from work will wait till i got home and it was gone.


it is on the list of we are working to resolve with knowing how important it is to you we hope to resole shortly.

we did not even get a soon yet.

I still can not believe i missed the chance. Saw that it was up desided rather the buy from work will wait till i got home and it was gone.
I think a lot of people thought they would have more than a couple of hours window to buy them and therefore didn't jump at the chance. I am sure they are regretting it now.

I didn't get the chance because I had my youngest grandson that night and it's darn near impossible to be on the computer with him because HE wants to type and move the mouse himself! So I can't kick myself for passing up the opportunity that I knew about because I didn't know about it until the next morning!


i know you spent at least 2 weeks after trying to get update .


Has it been 3 months since they were offered to us for a mere couple of hours?
Actually it's been closer to 4 months since they were offered in Japan as part of the package promotion there. I think it's been over a month since they were offered for sell in a set or separately on the Japanese game codes site. It's three weeks tomorrow I think since we had our short duration "window." For a week or so there were querries about lack of customer service support for some of the folks here in the US who did get in on our "window" but were disappointed in the result relative to what was described. The same week we did get a dev post stating they were working on the customer service end of the issue. I only asked because I can't recall seeing anything about re-offering the set as pledged :(


I always get accused of haveing no patience and having to have it now. my hubby screamed at me cause i bought 3 sets of colored bod books it was like your 9 mil dollar books. now it like if had not stopped to think would have a least 3-4 master tokens . AT least can not blame yourself as no way would I be on computer with the youngest of my neices and nephews around


your time frames are accurate . I just think that those of us who missed out are upset at lack of answer on a lot of things hehe i am still waiting on a simple anwer will chocolates and or their ingrediants ever be made stackable.


I just think that those of us who missed out are upset at lack of answer on a lot of things ...
Agreed. This one was poorly implemented, demonstrating both a lack of understanding the player base and a coherent plan for generation of revenue - but honestly I'm over it. What has me a bit torqued now is the seeming accompanying apathy regarding the issue as a whole. To be fair, I have no concept of the difficulties or time restraints and tasks that our dev folks need to perform. I am generally both patient and a "benefit of the doubt" guy. But seriously, if there's time to redecorate banks, which I do appreciate, there should be a few minutes left over to get this fixed.


your time frames are accurate . I just think that those of us who missed out are upset at lack of answer on a lot of things hehe i am still waiting on a simple anwer will chocolates and or their ingrediants ever be made stackable.
I am upset by the lack of answers, the lack of concern, the lack of caring what the player base OTHER than the Japanese player base, wants/needs.

I love UO but I can't remember in my 11+ years of playing having been treated so callously as they have in regards to this. Good gracious how much skin off their noses is it to weekly give us an update instead of (1) ignoring us or (2) waiting until someone starts asking about it to finally grudgingly give us a tidbit?


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Stratics Legend
thought it best to wait until the subject was brought up again, but I wanted to let you all know that I did, indeed, receive an answer regarding the purchase that I was able to make in that small window of time... there was a bit of confusion on my part which delayed the resolution until just yesterday

after a few attempts to point out that I was willing to wait for the tokens that I do have to function correctly I have accepted the refund of the purchase price, which is fine for me as I will now be able to buy them again when they are released and functioning as we were hoping they would, and I will be able to select only the items I really want


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I can say that I'm glad that someone got a resolution to the situation.

It just seems to me that there is a management problem in the upper levels of the UO group or perhaps who ever is above the UO group and they are not getting the resources they need to do the job or get the job done. You can't tell me that in ALL of EA/Mythic, that they can't get a web programmer involved and get ALL of the idiocy that is uogamecodes.com straightened out.

Frankly, I think they need to ditch the whole uogamecodes site and build a new one from scratch that actually works.

Better yet, why don't they ask whoever built the store for UO Japan to do this one, because they seem to be the only ones that have been able to make it work properly.

I'm really not blaming the current staff, I think their hands maybe somewhat tied over the situation, but the buck has to stop somewhere and I think some letters to someone who can actually have something to say about how things are being run are in order.

Get ready Jacobs. . .


Thanks for the update DevilsOwn on your resolution. Too bad someone from EA doesn't deem it necessary to update us.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Everyday I wait and I expect to see something on the subject..... in the mean time.... I just try to keep reminding myself this is EA games.... *rolls eyes* not the dev's fault .... Though I'm still annoyed with the way they treat customers here. Though I don't know why I'm surprised..... EA isn't the only one outsourcing all it's customer service to India.....

I used to love Belkin because they were based in America.... a subsidiary of Lucas Films Limited... But even they have outsourced to India... last time I tried to get some help with some macro's on my N52 I got some idiot over there telling me to uninstall the driver and reinstall it.... Was like look you I've done that like 4 times already doing it once more isn't going to work.... I got the impression he didn't have a CLUE what an N52 looked like or even did for that matter..... I finally said listen... What does your computer say to do If I say I want to talk to someone that has some knowledge about the product.... at which he tried to tell me he did..... I laughed... I've given up on the problem... and decided that anymore customer support is just a fairy tale... Or it's gone the way of the horse and buggy..... now we have the wonderful Web... and it should have all our answers... *sighs*....


Everyday I wait and I expect to see something on the subject..... in the mean time.... I just try to keep reminding myself this is EA games.... *rolls eyes* not the dev's fault .... Though I'm still annoyed with the way they treat customers here....
Actually, on this one I'm reasonably sure blame does not lie outside our team. EA would not be EA if they intentionally avoided "making money." In this case, someone is either lethargic (at best) or unwilling (at the worst) to provide something we've expressed interests in paying them for. While sure, they'll get around to it at their leisure, on the "business side" of the business, up there in "EA land," I'd postulate that if details of this were known, a head or heads would "roll." I don't want to see that, I think our dev folks do well at what they want to do, including what they want to do for us. They’re sincerely dedicated to the game and their developmental goals and efforts. Sadly, this doesn't seem to fit into that category.

Flora Green

your time frames are accurate . I just think that those of us who missed out are upset at lack of answer on a lot of things hehe i am still waiting on a simple anwer will chocolates and or their ingrediants ever be made stackable.
Oh I gave up on that long ago. I have asked repeatedly about ingredients stacking (as others have), including BEFORE the pub with new stackables went to Origin. No answer.


And another week passes without comment. Devs, can you update us please?


And another week passes without comment. Devs, can you update us please?
Unfortunately, it's not the DEVS that can do anything about this. It appears to be in the hands of the same incompetant MARKETING PUKES that have botched this whole thing since last September or October when Japan announced and US has been playing FUBAR ever since.

Whoever is the "Overall" Product Manager of Ultima Online needs to take the bull by the horns and either make this happen or post that it never will. Either way would demonstrate less incompetance on a daily and weekly basis with regard to this deployment than what we have now!

... as to the people who were responsible for getting this marketed and deployed, please look for a job in GOVERNMENT SERVICE. At least there Americans don't expect any competance from the people who work there.


Unfortunately, it's not the DEVS that can do anything about this. . .
You are probably right but shouldn't it be the job of the Community Manager/Director (insert the appropriate title here) to keep us informed about what is going on?

I don't blame the Devs for (1) treating us like second-class citizens in giving them to the Japanese first for what should have been ONLY 1 month sooner than we would have been able to obtain them; (2) the absolute incompetence in not making them available to us when we were told they would be which was December 13, 2008, or (3) the disaster that occurred when they were finally offered to us for a mere couple of hours (wasn't it 3 weeks ago now?). But I do hold them responsible for not, at the very least, coming here and giving us some information.

They could tell us that they can't tell us anything yet, or I would even accept the dreaded "soon", but to continue for MONTHS now to pretty much ignore us on this issue makes me very sad and angry.


Like I said... I don't know what kind of service you get from your DMV or state sentator's office... but these are the types of jobs where you can just float forever at the level of your "incompetance" and collect a government paycheck and pension, at least in California.

I expect much better from a private company which is trying to sell a service or product and compete with other private companies... and doesn't have a government mandated monopoly along with the power to simply take what they want via taxation!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jeez, if their having this much trouble getting a token to work, then whats the odds of the expansion getting released anytime this year. It's not like they've never sold tokens for sets before.


Jeez, if their having this much trouble getting a token to work, then whats the odds of the expansion getting released anytime this year. It's not like they've never sold tokens for sets before.
I won't pretend to know what it takes to offer the tokens online but if the Japanese site is having success why can't someone fron UOGameCodes confer with them to find out how to do it. One of the Devs (wasn't it Draconi?) conferred with the Japanese before the initial Japanese release of the Collection.

None of this makes any sense to me, NONE of it. Why didn't get them 3 months ago when we were supposed to. Why so much time went by with nary a word from anyone at EA as to why we didn't get them when we should have. Why 3 weeks have passed since the botched attempt to let us get them and no information has been given to us.

Flora Green

The devs may not be responsible for the token issue, but the community rep's job is to update the players. That isn't happening, as usual. However, aren't the devs to blame for the now VERY LATE anniversary items? UO's anniversary was in Sept, it's now mid March. They gift their parents that late? Would they dare present their spouse with an anniversary gift 6 months late?

For the record, I view gifts as nice little extras that I don't really care about. However, don't say they are happening and then not put them in.


. . .For the record, I view gifts as nice little extras that I don't really care about. However, don't say they are happening and then not put them in.
Very well put.

As for the Collection, those are NOT gifts, and that would be money in their pockets if they had actually gotten around to doing what they SAID they were going to do.

As I stated before I am dumbfounded by why they absolutely refused first to get them to us in the timely manner they told us we could get them, but even more so why they steadfastly refuse to acknowledge our inquiries and update us with information.

This seems to be such a haphazard way to conduct business. I know that my husband's R/C model airplane shop would not still be in business if he told customers that he would have the newest kits available to them in a month, then 3 months later didn't have them, no explanation as to why and had not bothered to update the customers in that 3 month time period.


Personally, I have floated between many of the MMOs over the years and come back to UO several times. This has been my shortest "return" and least impressive, I believe, because the economy is such that EA is simply trying to MILK the existing UO players for monthly dues while investing as little as possible in expansions and development.

That is the only answer I can come up with as to why you can't buy anything UO related in any stores and haven't been able to in YEARS, the UO Japan website has littlerally dozens of items players here would spend $$ if given the opportunity yet our "Codes" website looks like something a 7th grader set up for a school project and works even worse than that...

This collection not being released is just another example, and we keep seeing how EA is cutting staff. I think UO will continue to exist as long as members keep paying for what they already have, but as far as investment in improvements and expansions that time appears to be gone, not withstanding all the "Look what's coming" and "We're excited to announce" PR postings.

I probably would have spent $50 to $100 on various items if they had come out quickly while I was excited... now I'm just in the process of wrapping up my toons for cold storage yet again.


Do you think his customers would whine daily about the new kits not being in?...la
You bet your bottom dollar they would!!! And I don't think that I KNOW that!

I have known them to come in DAILY to see if a custom ordered part has come in even though they were told it would take 2 weeks and whine because it is actually taking as long as they were told it would. And if it went 1 week past when it should have been in without him updating them they would go to another shop here. Never would they wait 3 months on it.

If they read in an R/C magazine that a new kit was supposed to be out they would be hounding my husband DAILY on the phone or in person about it.

My husband has been very successful with his shop for over 20 years BECAUSE he believes that keeping your customers happy is what keeps you in business.

Maybe you should question something you actually have knowledge about next time?

Or better yet, quit trolling on threads you have no interest in just to insult other people?


Seasoned Veteran
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Go away, Troll... you don't want to fix the problem, you just want to get threads locked.

Perhaps they are just waiting till Sept. 09 to release them. But then, it will take 6 months to change the 1 in 11th to a 2 for 12th.



Calm down darlin. Nobody insulted anyone...Got chill pill?...la
Well I guess that would be in the interpretation now wouldn't it?

I don't know for sure if you are actually uninterested in the 11th Anniversary Collection and that's why you post what you do or if you just get a kick out of being on the opposite side of the majority on this issue.

Either way your opinion doesn't change the facts.

Fact 1. The Collection was supposed to be offered to us 30 days AFTER the Japanese got them. They got them on November 13, 2008. I deduced that to mean we should have been able to obtain them on December 13, 2008 (or thereabouts). It is now March 16, 2009. I'm sure you can do that math.

Fact 2. We went months with nary a peep from the powers that be as to why we hadn't been offered them yet.

Fact 3. We were finally offered them (insert exact date here but about 3 weeks ago) for a mere few hours and then they were pulled.

Fact 4. We have had a post a week asking about them and again nary a peep about why we still can't obtain them or when we might possibly be able to get them.

That is, in my opinion, VERY bad customer service.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
That is, in my opinion, VERY bad customer service.
And I suppose you have filed a formal complaint, as opposed to making posts in a message board? You know, the way customers usually get their point across?...la


And I suppose you have filed a formal complaint, as opposed to making posts in a message board? You know, the way customers usually get their point across?...la
UO only responds to canceled accounts. Filing complaints are like wallpaper to them. They get so many they circle file them because they ran out of places to keep them.


And I suppose you have filed a formal complaint, as opposed to making posts in a message board? You know, the way customers usually get their point across?...la
Your question just shows how ridiculous you are attempting to be.

Yes I have filed a formal complaint the only way I know how to for UO. If you know of a better way I am all ears.

If you get poor customer service you usually start by making a complaint against the company but that is usually to customer service. That is what we have done here with the semi-official UO boards. It's gotten us nowhere except to have you come here and make silly ridiculous comments.

The next thing you do is take your business elsewhere. Well since there is no other UO, I've done the next best thing, I have trimmed my accounts down by more than half.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yes I have filed a formal complaint the only way I know how to for UO. If you know of a better way I am all ears.
It's not really tough to figure out...la


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