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Why have the NEW books been removed?


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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I would like an explanation of why the books informing people of Siege's NEW guild have been removed.

The NEW guild is the lifeblood of Siege, a completely independent guild that has been helping newcomers for over nine years now. Since the books have been placed there has been a large increase in membership, people who may well have not returned as the low population can make it difficult for people to settle in there.

First of all you stop our rewards at EM events, now you take away one of the things which has been helping our population. Why not just go ahead and shut down the shard rather than this lingering death you are subjecting it to?


Stratics Legend
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Maybe it was just a mistake! Those books were a great idea...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Please have the books put back. You may find that this is another thing that most of the population on Siege agrees upon.

The one thing we can all come together about is helping NEW. Many vets showed up for the Intro to Siege night we held. Many more showed up for our 16 hour champion crawl with ALL the gold going to NEW members in attendance.

Please put the books back.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please return the NEW books. These books were very helpfull to newcomers to our shard. It is very sad to see them gone.


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The books were very helpful for newly arriving players.
This one thought that they were great idea.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Devs and EM's

Pleace lets have the books back, they had been a great help for the shard.

For the ones who not know what this are about:

Siege have a player runned young system, a 9 year old guild, Newborn on Siege, [NEW]

It was made of Luxor, year 2000, later I was running it and the last years Shalimar had been running it.

The guild have support from most of the shard and help new Siege players their first month here.

1. It gives a new player a place to hang out and find other new Siege players.
2. It gives a new player access to some basis items donated of the shard.
3. It halp a new player to get contact to the community and find the right guild to join.
4. It gives a new player some peace to train as most reds will leave a player with NEW tag alone or at least not loot them.

We got more than 2x the players join NEW after the books was placed, 70-80 new Siege players a month and in the long run it would help the shard grow.

The reason the books do help is, many new Siege players make a char and go to Brit or one of the other towns and find it emty. Siege players do not use towns alot, so this new player will just log out again and give up Siege.

A while ago, our EM locked down books about the guild on most towns and now the new players got a chance to know about the guild and a chance to make it on Siege.

We do not know why, but sadly all the books got removed, I hope EA will consider this and let us have back the books.


Stratics Legend
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Ummmm, how sure are we that they were actually removed by the devs/gms? Could simply be that they got wiped during the maintenance downtime without their knowledge.

That being said...GUARDS!!!



Slightly Crazed
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If I am not mistaken, they were gone prior to the server maintanence. Now there books were being placed there prior to the lock down. Shal was copying the books, and placing them at the bank every three days due to decay. The whole shard thought these were a good thing. I personally dontate LRC gear, and 110-115 PS to new as often as I can. I went through the new program, for without it, im not sure I would have stayed on siege. So please allow us to lock down books again in the banks.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I would like an explanation of why the books informing people of Siege's NEW guild have been removed.

The NEW guild is the lifeblood of Siege, a completely independent guild that has been helping newcomers for over nine years now. Since the books have been placed there has been a large increase in membership, people who may well have not returned as the low population can make it difficult for people to settle in there.

First of all you stop our rewards at EM events, now you take away one of the things which has been helping our population. Why not just go ahead and shut down the shard rather than this lingering death you are subjecting it to?
I agree, shut down Siege.:D


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ummmm, how sure are we that they were actually removed by the devs/gms? Could simply be that they got wiped during the maintenance downtime without their knowledge.
Had it been some server thing, the various books locked down in the Counsellor Hall should also have gone *poof*. Nope, this was done by the new EM, a GM or a Dev.


Seasoned Veteran
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Come shut it down yerself... *sniffs* ;)
I don't think you guys need my help. I logged on there the other day to see if I could find anyone. Only people I saw were at the Yew gate. lol.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think you guys need my help. I logged on there the other day to see if I could find anyone. Only people I saw were at the Yew gate. lol.

We are here. Do you have what it takes to make it on the "hard shard?"

Black Majick

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As someone who is starting chars on Seige, I gotta say these are a good idea. I personally have not taken advantage of any help from new. I want a challenge and so far seige is proving it. Only thing that will bumm me is RoT skill gain, but Ill get by it, I am sure.

The books were a good way for someone who was just seeing what the shard was about to see that there are decent folks out there, willing to help and that its notta gonna be nearly as bad as they thought. Put the books back. Didnt hurt anyone, in fact it helped folks.


Please, do return them...

For about a month on siege i had no idea (well save the FAQ) that NEW existed, many players dont read the forums...they hear of this magical place called siege where there is no insurance and very few rules, they want to try it...log on as i did, have a wander around as i did, dont see anyone as i did, log of and go back to prodo, which i did for a long time.

What harm does it do???

The small community that siege is would all (i hope) welcome new blood and fresh faces...Prodo shards have haven with a world of knowledge...Siege has NEW and they need to be told about it!


The players on siege support NEW and want the books there to help people who get tired of candyland UO get started.


You do have to remember people that there is no other guild on any other shard that has been able to do this (lock a book about it self down).

And NEW is not an official EA/UO guild, there possibly could be some type of legality if some wierd or rude happenings ever were to transpire in that guild.

Don't get me wrong, I love NEW and fully support the books, but I could see how some grumpy player, who wished his guild had books, could had complained about this and then the right GM come along and shut it all down.

Old Man of UO

We are here. Do you have what it takes to make it on the "hard shard?"
The players on siege support NEW and want the books there to help people who get tired of candyland UO get started.
It's pretty tiring reading continuous insults from Siege players who somehow think they are special or better than the rest of UO. Most of the "rest of us" have characters on Siege, just like most of you dedicated Siege players have characters on other shards. It's still UO.

I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.That would depend on your play style and how long you've played. So do try to be a bit more considerate to other people.


I don't think you guys need my help. I logged on there the other day to see if I could find anyone. Only people I saw were at the Yew gate. lol.
A lot of people are in factions. Hanging out in places where people can see you is a bad idea when they can kill you, put you in stat, and take all your gear.

Otherwise, banks and places people "hang out" on production shards tend to be heavily populated by thieves on Siege. So, anyone who knows anything doesn't stand around having their packs emptied one item at a time.

That is why NEW and other guilds are so vital on Siege. Because, to a newcomer, it does look empty. You have to be part of a group to find people because for the most part, people don't want to be found.

NEW would be great for you to try if you change your mind about Siege.

New players are always welcome and often really, really, love it.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
It's pretty tiring reading continuous insults from Siege players who somehow think they are special or better than the rest of UO. Most of the "rest of us" have characters on Siege, just like most of you dedicated Siege players have characters on other shards. It's still UO.

I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.That would depend on your play style and how long you've played. So do try to be a bit more considerate to other people.
Elitist is the the word and it's the number one reason I won't play that shard, no matter how hard any SP player tries to convince me otherwise.

And just so there is no confusion.

#2. Limited game play, and I don't want to waste my time on an empty shard and yes, you are empty. I just hit every bank on SP and only saw three people at Luna bank, two who were NEW.

#3. Consensual PvP. It does not exist in UO. Being in a rule set should not = "hey come murder my crafter!"

#4. One character per shard. Sorry, I didn't spend ten years making characters to have to not only start again, but choose only one.

#5. Kelmo. He smells funny.:hahaha:


Seasoned Veteran
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A lot of people are in factions. Hanging out in places where people can see you is a bad idea when they can kill you, put you in stat, and take all your gear.

Otherwise, banks and places people "hang out" on production shards tend to be heavily populated by thieves on Siege. So, anyone who knows anything doesn't stand around having their packs emptied one item at a time.

That is why NEW and other guilds are so vital on Siege. Because, to a newcomer, it does look empty. You have to be part of a group to find people because for the most part, people don't want to be found.

NEW would be great for you to try if you change your mind about Siege.

New players are always welcome and often really, really, love it.

FYI . . . NEW did help me out when I tried Siege several years ago. I did not like it.


Stratics Legend
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I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.
Guess that shows how little you have played on Siege. We all know Siege isn't for everyone. To us, that's a good thing. We really don't want the shard teaming with trammies, scripters and dupers...la

Old Man of UO

Guess that shows how little you have played on Siege. We all know Siege isn't for everyone. To us, that's a good thing. We really don't want the shard teaming with trammies, scripters and dupers...la
You would have to explain to me what you consider "little," since you know nothing about how much time I've played. I find Siege extremely boring these days and find no reason to go there any more. Almost as boring as I find you most days.

Siege has always had scripters and 3rd party program players... no matter how much you try to deny it Siege has those. But I'm not sure if dupers ever took hold there.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we respectfully keep this on topic?

If you don't like Siege that's fine, but open a different topic for the Siege bashing please. We just want our books back.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Guess that shows how little you have played on Siege. We all know Siege isn't for everyone. To us, that's a good thing. We really don't want the shard teaming with trammies, scripters and dupers...la
Say it with me folks, E-L-I-T-I-S-T...la



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's pretty tiring reading continuous insults from Siege players who somehow think they are special or better than the rest of UO. Most of the "rest of us" have characters on Siege, just like most of you dedicated Siege players have characters on other shards. It's still UO.

I find it not any "harder" than any other shard, just a bit different.That would depend on your play style and how long you've played. So do try to be a bit more considerate to other people.
Geez. Didnt mean to offend anyone. My post was not ment to be an insult.

And Siege is a lot harder to play than the production shrads if you really play it. Bank sitting is even risky.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Siege has always had scripters and 3rd party program players... no matter how much you try to deny it Siege has those. But I'm not sure if dupers ever took hold there.
Sure...we have some, but most of the script kiddies stick with the production shards because they can't handle the RoT gain system. Besides, if a player appears to be running scripts for PvP, most of the regulars can figure this out. It's nice to see the community basically put these players on ignore, and then watch those players go away...la


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Can we respectfully keep this on topic?

If you don't like Siege that's fine, but open a different topic for the Siege bashing please. We just want our books back.
Then take it where it belongs, because UHall isn't necessarily the place. While a Dev might read this post, it is not a guarantee. Submit it as feedback through the UO site and you won't open yourself up to other people's opinions.

And I find the topic relevant. To fix your issue, someone's time is going to be takean way from a prodo shard. As a prodo shard player, I say I don't want that to happen...la


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Say it with me folks, E-L-I-T-I-S-T...la

e⋅lit⋅ism   /ɪˈlitɪzəm, eɪˈli-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-lee-tiz-uhm, ey-lee-]
1. practice of or belief in rule by an elite.
2. consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group
I won't deny that...la

Midnight Rambler

I didn't even realize they were locked down initially but I support this whole idea. I too was helped out by NEW dramatically, which allowed me to stick around. Like others, that first few times I tried this shard (starting maybe 7 years ago) I couldn't stick, since I had no idea what was going on and didn't see anyone, at least no one that wouldn't drop me in a couple seconds.

It truly does clear up some misconceptions about Siege, and this ridiculous arguement that we constantly have to have that there isn't anyone around. Obviously it's a much lower populated shard, but hell, so is everywhere now. I started on Napa and it's a shell of what it once was in its heyday... Last time I logged on (a few months to check what I had left over there) I literally saw as many people at Luna bank than there were on Siege at the same time. Which was something like 9pm PST, so the population arguement doesn't seem to work anymore.

I do also find it slightly ridiculous that each Siege thread has to come along with an outsider who needs to complain that we are "elitist"...

Just because the shard isn't for you, which is understandable depending on what kind of game play you like, who cares? Don't play it and don't come and troll posts trying to bash the shard. It's pointless and even addressing this madness shows how much I'm procrastinating right now...

Back to the books, I say bring em back.


Seasoned Veteran
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Then it is going to take an EM's time to put them back.......and why the heck should NEW be shown special favor? You guys want the "hard" shard, then let it be hard...la.

P.S. If the books were wiped due to server maintenance, then it will take a Dev to figure out why and how to stop it from happening unless the EM wants to replace the books every single day...la


Stratics Legend
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They've been locked down since Valentines Day, so in all likelihood, it was a GM that deleted them...la

The Craftsman

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Agreed ... put the books back and ignore the mongbats trying to hijack this into another i hate siege thread.

Old Man of UO

I wonder if this occurred the same time as water barrels started to appear all over the shards. Doom is full of them since this weekend.

Flora Green

Then it is going to take an EM's time to put them back.......and why the heck should NEW be shown special favor? You guys want the "hard" shard, then let it be hard...la.

P.S. If the books were wiped due to server maintenance, then it will take a Dev to figure out why and how to stop it from happening unless the EM wants to replace the books every single day...la
The EM's on Origin currently have locked down books, complete with bright green lantern to draw you to the books (yipee!!), for a one time contest. The NEW books are a bit more important IMO and should be returned. Afterall, they serve a purpose to introduce new people to Siege. You don't like SP, you don't play it. Why are you even bothering with this thread?


Grand Poobah
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Aye, bring the books back pls!

As someone here already mentioned, we don´t have a New Haven for newcomers to learn about different things so [NEW] is a perfect substitute for that.

And if [NEW] had an increase in membership since the books were looked down then that is a very good thing for the entire shard so why remove such a positive thing?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then take it where it belongs, because UHall isn't necessarily the place. While a Dev might read this post, it is not a guarantee. Submit it as feedback through the UO site and you won't open yourself up to other people's opinions.
In that case, then just get rid of UHall, and in fact why don't you submit your bard question through feedback so we don't have to read it.

See how ridiculous that sounds?

Bring back the books!

Old Man of UO

Instead of posting here in UHall... has anyone actually ASKED your EM if he/she would put them back? That should have been the first thing to do!

Old Man of UO

SP'ers have just as much right to use UHall as anyone else.
Slow down your high horse a bit... That's not what I said. I am saying you MIGHT get more done by asking the ones who removed it or the ones who can put them back.

Old Man of UO

That's why I am suggesting that you NICELY ask the shard EM if he/she is willing to lock them down. Better have someone else do it... HEH


Stratics Legend
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So we can't post it here? When did you start dicating what can and cannot be posted on UHall?...la