I have a Legendary smith on Chessy and have gotten over 5000 bods. I have yet to receive even a single large or small Valorite bod. I mean how rare are these things? To head off the usual questions...I've been to every smith on the shard. I've let the six hour timer run and I've done 100-200 in a row trading them in for a new bod and still no Valorite. I've been playing a different shard for the past year and havent kept up on getting the bods on Chessy. So was it just bad luck that I've never gotten even one?
If it's just bad luck, then you and I are both cursed with it.
I did Smith BODs since the day they began, several times a day, every single day for YEARS and years and years. I have yet to receive a valorite small. (That's on my GM Miner, GM+ Smith) Oh, maybe *one*, tops...but I am uncertain.
I have found something interesting, though: my 83.1 Smith with 35 Mining consistently gets at least twice as many high-end and colored BODs as my more experienced one. The difference is so striking that I have his skill locked at those numbers, on purpose.
(I've found that the same holds true with Tailoring, by the way: 75 skill garners better BODs than Elder - go figure)