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Nostalgia - What is Your Favorite UO Memory?

  • Thread starter Morgana LeFay (PoV)
  • Start date
  • Watchers 4


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I made my first million in UO doing just that! And this was when a million was unheard of!!

What did you go to once it was changed??

Personally, it was leather bustiers.

I never really understood how I could make plate armor from hides, but hey...I had a constant supply on hand!
Yup, bustiers for me too, also fancy shirts and robes when other people cleaned out the tanners. Then I switched to vendoring, constantly harvesting resources to keep my vendors fully stocked with metal and wooden weapons, platemail sets from iron all the way to val, heavy archer suits, light archer suits, leather suits, studded suits, potions, house add ons. I was one of the few vendors that could make pentagrams :D

It was a different kind of fun talking to customers, meeting people, but really tiring to restock several times a day hahaha

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

We are worlds away. In your world, I would be a pauper. You would be one in mine as well. *smiles* All I would have is my name...
In the end, all we have is our name, and those that remember it.

Tell me, do you think yourself a pauper? I do not.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Running through my own firewall over and over to build up resist.

Killing Earths for days to buy a silver vanq bow off a vendor. Broke 5th shot with it...........ahh new skill to train.

SE of Trinsic in the swamps lost in ghost form and knowing my body decayed long ago. Guy in a swamp shack rezs me about the time I was going to quit the game and gave me GM leathers and a weapon that made a world of difference.

Mining with an excuvator pickaxe with my combat miner when I wasn'tmaking repairs at the Hammer & Anvil for tips.

Being able to spend a all day Sat. taming and selling Forest Ostards to players.

Dieing at the City of the Dead and finding out with the old slow connection I couldn't make it back to body in time before it decayed.

East of Brit below snakes pass guy fire balling me from a house. Bagged sword and whipped out Heavy crossbow and dropping him. His buddy showing up not believing his friend was killed in his house. Dropped him also after he Noxed me. Ah the early days of Tram.........yes Tram.

Stanton Of Pac

Lord, there are so many. The time a PK was trying to use the bank at Empath Abby and his friend fired off his bank command macro; which went, "Bank RECSU RECDU GUARDS I BAN THEE!" Note the "GUARDS" command in there: I would have liked to have been around when the Red finally rezzed to see what he did to his buddy.

- One time a Wisp made it all the way to the West Bank of Britain. A couple of newbies went over to have a look, one said, "Is it tough?", the other replied, "I'll find ou-OOOoooOooOOo". A few more had a go at it: by the time it was over it was Wisp 3: Idiots: 0.

- They had a Guards Parade by the bank once. Seems like every Guard in Britain was marching around the Bank, with marching music.

- The guy who accidently locked himself down in his house. You read that right. He had to wait 6 hours for a GM to show up, get convinced he was serious, and release him.

- The guy who used to bring escorts to Buc's Den and attack them so they'd call up mercenaries who'd slaughter ever PK in town.

- The time the server glitched and everyone mounted was riding around on a pig instead of a horse.

- The night I GM'd Swords on my dex monkey 4 times before the server stopped going down and reverting back to just beforehand.

- Speaking of server glitches, I used to have a Group Photo of all my characters standing by the Delucia Inn. There was a weird spot that if you stood there you'd insta-log but your character would be left standing there. You could log back in with another character and take screenshots of the whole gang.


Crazed Zealot
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Early: I used to run a tavern close to Trinsic. During the Trinsic invasions there was a lich lord spawn right outside the tavern. Anyhow, one of the characters affiliated with the tavern killed one of Keeonean's Lieutenants who wasn't supposed to have been killed. Rather than ignore the death, the player who played Keeonean, in league with the Seers and IGMs (The EM's of those days), decided to take revenge against the assassin. They spawned orcs and undead on our tavern for 3 days straight before Keeonean himself came along and killed all the players except for mine in revenge for his LT. It was probably the most defining roleplay moment of my UO life.

Early early memory:
A different tavern, a different village. We were among the first on Napa to get recognized by the Seers and IGMs, which led to a HUGE backlash. The roleplayers learned to avoid our town quickly, but we adopted most of the people who killed us, making new roleplayers in the process. The change also fit the vision of our little pirate-town.

Late memories:
The Catskills Militia is a lot of fun. In fact, most of my associations with the United Pirates on Cats has been good.

Leading the alliance on Peerless and Doom runs is great fun. It really makes me happy to see someone tell me "I've been playing for 11 years and I've never done THAT!"

The Home Guild

I think it was for me ...Buc's den[Atlantic] with all the reds..shadow elf,muhammed,bugs bunny,sentinal,shadowsmith,malkor[m@b]guild we had fun pking or chasing blues and reds to the log cabin outside the tele at bucs.


Here's a couple longwinded stories for those that wish to read!

1. My first monochrome! This was during my first few days in UO. A friend got me into the game, and from him I got the impression that I would be a very weak fighter, so I started with a Tailor and possibly Blacksmith/Fletching/Fishing. I started my char in Trinsic(my home city).

One day we decided that we would walk to the ‘big city of Britain’! Well, along the walk, the genius that I am decided I could use some feathers from that bird over there, so I attack it (with a sledge hammer or skinning knife or what ever weapon I had in my hand). No Armor, low Strength/HP, low/no fighting skill(and I would swear that mobs were harder to kill back then, maybe because of lower damage output, but that may just be my imagination). Well, needless to say, I got my first view of UO, monochrome!

Being a good friend, he proceeded to grab my stuff for me for when I ressed. Little did we know at the time that that action cause him to go grey. Of course the first people we come across proceed to do what you to grey chars. At the time we thought they were arseholes. Later when I realize why they killed him we had a good little chuckle about it. He’s a game jumper so he’s been gone from UO for a long time.

2. My first house! This was back before Trammel, and housing was at a premium. I found a small house that was late in the falling cycle, back when houses needed to be refreshed. It was right outside of the sand stone walls of my home city of Trinsic, between the 2 rivers that needed to be crossed to get to the moongate from the main entrance.

I stayed up all night(char hidden to not draw attention), even sleeping in front of my computer monitor for when it fell. Right before it fell someone else showed up to wait. I came out of hiding to ask if he was going to place a house. I was relieved when he said no and that he only wanted the black dye tub and other loot. I agreed to stand back while he looted on the good merit that I’d have the opportunity to place.

When he was done I tried to place, no luck. I moved all the stuff, no luck. I tried and tried, no luck. All of a sudden, it stuck! I swear my heart skipped a beat then. I was sooo nervous then.

It was a wonderful little house. I ran a little vendor out of it for a little while. I got PKed while in it. They were chain-lightning & using a summoned deamon to keep opening the door for their ebolts, which were coming a little to quickly. I eventually upgraded into Trammel, but I’ll never forget my little Two Rivers house.

3. My noble steal! This was back during the Undead invasion, lead by Jou’nar, on my home city of Trinsic. Having a house so close to Trinsic at the time was sooo nice. I would use different chars for the battle. At one point however, access into Trinsic was restricted due to the Undead fortifying themselves inside. The only character I had inside the city walls was my… rogue…

With little fighting skills, what could he do to help my beloved home city? After a little observation, from the shadows, of course, a plan of ‘addition by subtraction’ unfolded. I lay in wait for opportune times. When the real heroes of Trinsic would corner Jou’nar, I would make my way into his pack.

I figured that I could help Trinsic by reducing Jou’nar’s ability to damage my home. Whether he used reagents or scrolls, if he had fewer to use, then Trinsic would suffer less.

Well, when I first retrieved my hand I notice that it was full of destructive spell scrolls. That must be his ammo. I continued to attempt to reduce Jou’nar’s potency, hopefully, by acquiring scrolls by the dozen. Flame Strike, Chain Lightning, Energy Vortex, Earth Quake.

For fear of confusion by the heroes of Trinsic, I decided to hand out ‘some’ of my acquisitions to them as a sign that they are my allies not my marks. I did this when ever I could. I like to think I helped by reducing the amount of damage wrought upon my home by Jou’nar, at least.

Toward the end I take count my ‘possessions’ and I notice that I now have two Valentine’s Day bags. I check the first one and it’s mine, with my Whispering Rose. I check the other, and to my surprise...

...I had stolen Jou’nar’s Whispering Rose! I thought that was pretty unique! For the longest time I had it on display at one of my multiple houses over the years. It was pretty sentimental for me. Alas, it is no longer around as the house that it was last in fell due to an unnoticed credit card lapse. As they say, however, easy come, easy go!

Those memories stick out more partially because times were tougher before Trammel. I have probably experienced +800% more since the introduction of Trammel. Good memories since Trammel have a tougher time sticking out, because they are not as rare as pre-Trammel. At least that is my rational.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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So many memories, here's my top 5.

1) Starting a tamer, I stabled my pets (a few sheep and a dog) in yew with the NPC. I had no idea NPC's names would change after server up. I ran around yew for days looking for the NPC with the name I remembered because I wanted my pets back.

2) Trying to cast spells by saying the words, despite the fact that I had no spell book, regs or magery.

3) Someone giving me a recall rune for WBB and telling me I could use it to travel around quickly with it. I kept double clicking that rune and typing in city names, but it never took me there. (Must have been broken lol)

4) Being killed by about 10 rabbits that I tried wrestling at the same time, in newbie clothes with no skills, and no armor.

5) My first real sucessful theft(s). I followed some guy from the moongate to his house while he was moving, and stole a few rares from him because he was too heavy to run away. On his second trip he brought along a x-bow to defend himself with. I snatched it out of his pack first thing leaving him defensless, then I lifted a few more rares out of his pack. Third trip (was this guy thick headed or what?) he brought 2 friends along, and they murdered me on my first attempt, then laughed at my ghost. Little did he know that I banked his rares each time while I was waiting for him to reload for another trip.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I cannot post my true best memory of UO. It is way too personal. I was going to, but I think it best not to do so. But, I will say this...I needed the person that entered my life after 5 years of play...and I regret what happened to us in real life.

But, my favorite UO memory aside from that?

We had separated from the Regulators, and we had just constructed a house, a 2 story stone and plaster on a beach near Trinsic. The Protectors of Virtue was born, and we had our first guild meeting.

That night, we discussed many things, and at the end of the meeting, I stood outside the Guild house, just gazing across the sea...and imagining what lay ahead of us! There was a dolphin there, and I spent almost an hour just watching that creature, as it swan back and forth, making sounds...as the waves crashed on that beach.

I was there. I lived that moment. And it was in that very moment that I knew, Sosaria was more than just a game world...it was something that had become a part of my very soul. And I knew that I was bound to it, until the day I died, or the day that it died....

...and we are both still here.
That post sent chills down my spine.

Mook Chessy

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1998 Chessy... finally getting the Glorious Lord tag after hours in the oger Lord room, only to have Einstein pk me 3 seconds later!!

The next day I returned to once again become GL, only to die to Mandrake!!

Funny thing is over my last 11 months on Siege I get the same rush...


My most vivid UO Memory is from the night before trammel went live. I think we had the whole guild online all day, few of us had agreed to play from server-up to server-down, and we would rummage to every dungeon and other fun spot in the game. The last hours into the night we just hung around the guild house sparring and chatting a bit.

What made this day so special was the feeling of an era coming to an end. It was this odd bittersweet sensation in the back of my head, that when I saw that "Disconnected" gump, everything would change, for better or worse, and an urge to suck in as much of it as I could, in those dying hours before it went down.

Not that anything happened that wouldn't happen on any other night, but those few hours in the dead of that night really became the point in time where the magic died for me. Just a few months later, most of the guild had quit playing, the guild folded and the house collapsed. That night was the last night out with "the gang".

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

My most vivid UO Memory is from the night before trammel went live. I think we had the whole guild online all day, few of us had agreed to play from server-up to server-down, and we would rummage to every dungeon and other fun spot in the game. The last hours into the night we just hung around the guild house sparring and chatting a bit.

What made this day so special was the feeling of an era coming to an end. It was this odd bittersweet sensation in the back of my head, that when I saw that "Disconnected" gump, everything would change, for better or worse, and an urge to suck in as much of it as I could, in those dying hours before it went down.

Not that anything happened that wouldn't happen on any other night, but those few hours in the dead of that night really became the point in time where the magic died for me. Just a few months later, most of the guild had quit playing, the guild folded and the house collapsed. That night was the last night out with "the gang".
That post sent a chill down my spine!

My guild gathered that night as well. Some were happy about Trammel going live, others of us knew what it meant. And just like yourself, most of my guild quit shortly after, and for some, it was there last day altogether.

That was where the magic died for me as well.


My friend (who brought me into the game) told me about red players who would kill me on sight. So every time I saw a red name approaching, I would run like crazy for 15 minutes. These were red healers...in tram. I missed the part where he said only in fel.

Tina Small

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My friend (who brought me into the game) told me about red players who would kill me on sight. So every time I saw a red name approaching, I would run like crazy for 15 minutes. These were red healers...in tram. I missed the part where he said only in fel.
That reminds me of my first house, a 7x7 on the Isle of Fire on Great Lakes. The first time brigands spawned and came up to the house, I absolutely freaked out. I saw not just one red name, but three of them!! I had no idea at the time there was any such thing as a "red" NPC. All I knew was "red" means "RUN!"



That reminds me of my first house, a 7x7 on the Isle of Fire on Great Lakes. The first time brigands spawned and came up to the house, I absolutely freaked out. I saw not just one red name, but three of them!! I had no idea at the time there was any such thing as a "red" NPC. All I knew was "red" means "RUN!"

LoL me too...I forgot about the Brigands!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My friend (who brought me into the game) told me about red players who would kill me on sight. So every time I saw a red name approaching, I would run like crazy for 15 minutes. These were red healers...in tram. I missed the part where he said only in fel.
Haha. That reminds me of when I first started playing in late 1999. My friends and I were wandering around outside Minoc and this blue text appear at the top of the screen, it said "PK coming". We actually thought this was some warning in the game that a PK was actually coming so we ran like hell to the city.

Later on after playing more I realized that the "text" was actually that pop-up of an approaching player. Since it was blue, I then realized that it was simply an innocent blue player who was coming our way and not actually a pk :lol:


I'd have to say my favorite memory in UO would be the day I met the guild that would introduce me to some of the best online friends I'll ever have. We've all gone our seperate ways now, but....

I remember, I was on Ravahan, who was in his first incarnation as a paladin mage wielding a big ass hally. I was just barely out of my [young] status, walking down the road to Britain I think, when I saw this guy getting mobbed by a bunch of red humanoids (brigands)! Well, naturally, being the paladin I was, I stopped to help. We fought bravely, and eventually prevailed. The gentleman who's name escapes me took me back to the D&D (Destroyers of Destiny) guildhouse, where I was promptly sworn in.

In the next few weeks, I met Time, Karkotrunk, Gandolf, Seifer and many others. Due to some drama, Seifer founded K*V (Knights of Virtue). I still carry around a bunch of runebooks I made for the guild called "Handy Dandy K*V Runebook", which originally had a rune to all the players houses and a few more common meet up sites.

Specifically, I think it'd be killing Ettins in Despise with Kark and talking in party chat... Or perhaps the first time I went to where the Lich Lords were in Ilsh (before they could use necromancy and turned into giant pains to kill) with Time and Seifer, and Time had to actually send me a screen shot to prove he did more than 100 damage to one.

These days, you'd think he was slacking.

On a less nostagic note, but more funny, one time we filled the room Seifer logged out in with tamed and released dragons. That was a hoot! (Seifer wasn't happy!)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My best UO memory:

The first time I left the west city gates of Trinsic back in 1998, 1 day after I subscribed to the game. I was equipped with stuff people had left on the ground by the bank, and had no fighting skills whatsoever. When leaving town and entering the woods, I heard the forest environment sounds and I felt like I never should feel in any MMORPG again: Very tense, curious, excited, adventurous and a little frightened at the same time. After a short walk, I heard some eerie sounds, and then I saw a skeleton walk towards me. I was horrified and ran towards the city as fast as I could.


A few of my favorite screen shots I had sitting around.

This's the one I mentioned earlier. I'm the guy in a straw hat and a deathrobe. I guess Gandolf was with us for that one, too.

Below, we see my first kill point on my assassin.

Next, a corpser got up and walked into my house, through the wall, and attacked my tamer. This was back before corpsers even fought back at all.

Finally, while sitting around in Haven smithy, a guy walks by herding like a dozen mongbats. Probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in-game. Unfortunatly, the screenie doesn't do it justice.... Still, there's a funny bit where it looks like one of the mongbats is riding a horse.


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My first overland trip.

After fighting for several weeks north of Minoc, I decided to be daring and make my way over to Brittain. Following the road and tracking my progress on the provided hard copy maps from the manual...

...and running intot eh swamp in the middle loaded with all sort of meannies.

Now that was excitement!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Hard to say.... there are so very, very many memories since the day I first set my pixel feet in Sossaria....

I suppose first and foremost would be my first "death" .... I recall I was making a few gold by lumberjacking and fletching... I would spend the day in the woods cutting logs and making bows... and on this particular day I was somewhere further than I'd ever been before ... I had ventured somewhere beyond the mountains of Brit.....On the road to Yew.... as I was chopping I heard the most bizarre noise... It was like a foreign language almost... some weird chant almost didn't know what it was but I knew it was coming near.... Now being an archer (and having the worlds worst internet dial up slower than ever)... I found that typically my character shot at things WAY before I ever saw anything at all.... well she did.... She fired a shot into the woods... And a short time later all was gray.... Then it came into view.... it was a Gargoyle... I watched as it swooped down and dropped my poor horse instantly.... the packy didn't have a chance.... I have no idea how long it took me to return to my "corpse" but when I got back it was bones and there was no sign of this villain who had killed me.... probably a good thing as I am sure I could not have killed it.... funny how later the laugh of the Lich Lord would give me chills.... and send me screaming into the woods....

My second most treasured memory comes from here... I had established my first ever house south of Yew in Trammel... after ages of living by boat.... I'd finally saved the 5 million gold it cost me to buy a home.... for a tiny small tower ..... but now I had spent the majority of my UO life alone.... without a guild... I wanted more out of the game... and it was here that I had read a small post about a tavern and how all were welcome to story night at the Tales and Ales (GL near Yew Gate tram) it wasn't too far... and right in my home of Yew... for once I first set eyes on the city I knew Yew was my home... I spent the next two days anticipating what it would be like at this tavern... and on that particular night I sent my Smith (One of the only two human characters I had.... though WAY before "elves" were "elves".... in my eyes Willa was a woodland elf long before you could see her pointed ears).... But I sent Krom my Smith to the Tavern.... as a place like that was NO place for Willa... That night Krom met Alexander McQuinn..... and I learned about the Role-play community of Great Lakes for the first time ever... And from that day to this one the community is still where I call home... That was the first day of my "life" in UO.... and the first time I really felt a part of UO.... from that day forward my vision of UO was forever changed..... and though I have seen many friends come and go... even my dear Alex.... who taught me all I know.... I know my home is always Great Lakes...

I have many other memories.... some of Ophidian Mound and the hours spent training my peacing, magery, and even my archery there on more than on character ..... and the one time I arrived there to find someones fully trained Nightmare had gone wild on the mound and was killing everyone there must have been 20 ghosts on the mound by the time it was finally killed.... what a hoot.... Or the time I thought I was all that with my first ever Dragon slayer bow.. and going out after an abandoned WW near brit... HItting it with my bow and doing next to NO damage at all.... and it hit me with a fireball halving my life instantly..... I recall running all the way to East Brit bank .... the Wyrm hot on my trail..... and the 20 or so people there scattering like a cloud of nats.... all screaming "Guards!"...... Way back when dragons were dragons and it took a guild to kill them....

Or the long time it took before I learned that the Circle of Transparency wasn't a spell..... how many people laughed and called me Newb.... before I learned I had the ability to see threw walls all along.... and never knew...


Sadrith Mora

Nostalgia is fun... I enjoy thinking about the moments of the past. There are quite a few memories i will always treasure. I've seen lots of people come and go over the years in UO, which is something that happens frequently in online games with all the choices available today. People are what make the game what it is, and some leave powerful memories behind only to realize later just how special the moments were.

(Like the old saying: You don't know what you've got until it's gone.)

I've been fortunate to meet a few people like that. One of whom i already described in another thread. A charming young lady at a magical time in the game when we were both still fairly new and experiencing things together back in the early part of '98. We had lots of fun creating memories that will always remain. We had big plans to save for a larger house, and have a grand UO wedding someday. But an unexpected end wasn't far in the future. The day she logged on to tell me she was going to have to close her account was simply heartbreaking. Her last day while we were standing at Vesper bank left us both in tears as we were sharing our final farewell's. She gave me a few items to remember her by that i still have to this day which have extraordinary sentimental value to me.

When they made changes to the original music for the game, it didn't take long for me to turn off the music in the gaming options. Not sure how long it's been since i've played with the music on, but it's been years. The other day after downloading the original music again for Vesper & Ocllo, i spent some time wandering around the areas again listening to the music on my media player... And it darn near killed me! lol

Vesper used to be a fun place to bank. There were lots of people around most of the time. Macro's flying through the air, discussions about pk's at certain spawns that just wiped out their hunting party, then vowing revenge.
Mages fizzling away working their skills, then fighting over the next stock of reagents that spawn at the local shops there. One mage opening gates to locations for a fee to make some gold. On and on. All the while hearing the original vesper theme playing away in the background with that excellent violin work 2/3 of the way through that can really stir the emotions. Oh, and before i forget, there were even leaves on the trees back then, and no protruding gravestones around except at the local cemetaries. :p

Well, after re-visiting Vesper again, the bank was completely empty. Not a soul around. The sound of that horrible new music that somehow replace the original theme made me want to THROW UP! I shut my game music back off and re-fired the media play with the original theme. Ahh yes... The old memories began racing though my mind again, but left me with a heavy heart.

I took a stroll across the north bridge where i purchased my first house in '98 only to see an empty street with the exception of one lone remaining house. I guess the owners either re-located, or left the game. It's not exactly an attractive area to want to live anymore anyway...

*Recalls to Ocllo*

The first time i visited Ocllo in '98 i was blown away by the music as i entered. Mysterious yet peaceful. I had to own a home there someday, and eventually did in '99. It became my new home. The bank, magic shop, smith, and tailor shops were always active. The atmosphere to me was spectacular. I always enjoyed recalling back there after hunts or engaging pk's because it was a peaceful type environment for some sanity again.

But of course it wasn't always peachy. One day while purchasing reagents at the local shop, i got conned into using the magic unlock spell to open someone's magic locked box. He claimed to have no magery skill and needed help. Well, i did and it flagged me gray. He called the guards, and i got wacked!

He looted all my reagents i just purchased, took my armor suit, potions, regular bag of reagents, a rune to a new house i recently built in Yew valley, and yes, the key to that house.

By the time i was able to rez, get to the bank, slap a suit of armor together, grab my spare key and recall to the house, he was already there and gone.

But i didn't really lose too much. The house was new and needed more stocking to be functional anyway. He took anything worthwhile and left it bare. I was still pretty angry for a while afterwards though...lol

Ok, so i recall to Ocllo again the other day, and hear some jungle type music playing in the background. It really isn't all that bad except that it doesn't fit the island the way the original theme did. It just doesn't, imo. Well, i shut my music option back off, and fired up the original on the media player. Started walking around and there wasn't a soul there either. Very quiet. Kinda sad really. Nobody at the bank or any of the shops that used to be so active. There was however a smith bod on the ground near the smith shop, so there must have been at least one person there earlier collecting bods, then leave.

Began wandering around the dead forrest area. Lot's of houses that used to be there are gone, including mine. (Which was declared improperly placed anyway after the house placement changes came later) Very depressing scenario now when thinking back to how vibrant the town used to be in the past...

Well, i'll stop there since this post is getting very long. :) I would however like to see the Vesper and Ocllo themes restored to the towns if at all possible. Not just for me, but for any new players to be able to experience the original music which is more meaningful and enjoyable while playing than the later changes.

Thanks for reading and take care.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also remember being able to get drunk enough that you fell off your horse when dry heaving.

Having a GM show up in person to my house to give me my first SOL speach. For a short time any wood chest facing east just placed in a house deleted its contents at server up. Teach me to reorganize things and try out my new furny dye tub.

First epic fight with a demon. Started on the Fire Temple and ended 5 screens west the temple walls. Also three trips to the nearby healer. Went back to Shame after checking that off the "to do list". Seems two earths gave up the same amount of gold with less an arguement.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

First epic fight with a demon. Started on the Fire Temple and ended 5 screens west the temple walls. Also three trips to the nearby healer. Went back to Shame after checking that off the "to do list". Seems two earths gave up the same amount of gold with less an arguement.
It is amazing how much easier Demons seem now, isn't it?

Even today on my non-tamer characters, I tend to be really cautious fighting these, even though I drop them in a couple of hits max. It's just hold over I guess :)

I remember on one of the first days of the game, a friend and I were in Trinsic. A player in a death robe came up and wanted help. He said he died to a dragon. We were really excited because we had not seen a dragon yet. So we went out to help him. We never saw the dragon ... not in color anyway! :)


Crazed Zealot
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It is amazing how much easier Demons seem now, isn't it?

Even today on my non-tamer characters, I tend to be really cautious fighting these, even though I drop them in a couple of hits max. It's just hold over I guess :)

I remember on one of the first days of the game, a friend and I were in Trinsic. A player in a death robe came up and wanted help. He said he died to a dragon. We were really excited because we had not seen a dragon yet. So we went out to help him. We never saw the dragon ... not in color anyway! :)
That reminds me of the memory that got me to stick with UO after the first week...

So there I was, back in July 98, a one week old character and exploring the world. I was a tailor, so even after a week of game play, I had money to spend. But since I had everything I'd ever need in a suit of crafted armor and a halberd, I didn't have anything to spend that gold on.

Anyhow, I was exploring around the Vesper area when allofasudden a blue disk appeared in front of me. Now I knew that these were gates, but I thought that the only thing that could go through these gates were players. So imagine my surprise when out of this blue disk pops an ancient wyrm!

Now I didn't know what an ancient wyrm was, but I suspected it was bad. But ever the valiant one, I decided to charge it anyway.

After I found a wandering healer, I looted myself (nobody looted me, shockingly enough) and died a dozen times with about 20 other people trying to kill this thing.

Now THAT was fun!


My favorite UO memory is during the early days of Age of Shadows. I had been playing since shortly after Rennaisance was released but between the time of UOR and AoS never really had a direction or focus in my playing. UO was just something to do to pass the time with. No real connection to the game or its players.

One evening I was standing at the bank listening to and watching the other players and a guy was there opening portals to an auction house going on that evening. I distinctly remember that I did have 51,000 gold to my name but what the hey, just something I'd like to see, so I stepped into the portal and went.

To keep things short I marvelled at what was offered there, from the rares to the stockpiles of resources and BoDs to the new player crafted runic gear. The latter getting my attention, since they had a special row of seats near the auction stand for the proud crafters of the runic made offerings. They were kind of like rock stars at the time.

Basically it pretty much changed my UO life. I built a blacksmith and tailor, got heavily involved in the crafting aspect, ended up opening a second account for BoD runs, earned enough to build a 3 story 18x18 crafting hall, had lots of visitors and made lots of friends in the crafter community...and eventually yes, had a few of my weapons and such end up at the auctions with the Ohhs and Ahhs and drawn out bidding wars. I had realized the dream of that time at my very first auction.

The auction houses are gone now, and I took a long break from Samarai Empires til now, just returning to the game. But that focus is still with me from that first time I entered a blue gate to an auction house that changed my UO life. I didnt have any money that first night, couldn't buy anything offered, but what I did leave with that night changed my UO life forever...which in a very real way, was the most valauble thing there.


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killing people and looting them dry
then finding them later at their house and then I would sneak in and loot the house

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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read in a previous post, saying spell words outloud expecting them to work, im sat there reading it and nodding!

my best memory, 1997, got invited to the wedding of gawain and waylah the wild in minoc. i had to find a present and as i was worth about 100gp i went looking around. i found a black pearl under a tree and was convinced that such a thing would be rare and worth lots i gave them that. we all sat on the chairs in minoc awaiting the gm. after a while we got bored so i started a game of i spy. anyway the gm dutifully appeared and the service began. then a guy put a purple bottle in my trade window and i naturally accepted. i asked what it was and he said a party popper so i double clicked it expecting pretty colours but it said i should throw it so i did! screen was full of explosion and it killed everyone but the guy that gave me it and all i could see was him saying 'blimey'! still laugh at it now with a friend that was there with me!

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

my best memory, 1997, got invited to the wedding of gawain and waylah the wild in minoc. i had to find a present and as i was worth about 100gp i went looking around. i found a black pearl under a tree and was convinced that such a thing would be rare and worth lots i gave them that. we all sat on the chairs in minoc awaiting the gm. after a while we got bored so i started a game of i spy. anyway the gm dutifully appeared and the service began. then a guy put a purple bottle in my trade window and i naturally accepted. i asked what it was and he said a party popper so i double clicked it expecting pretty colours but it said i should throw it so i did! screen was full of explosion and it killed everyone but the guy that gave me it and all i could see was him saying 'blimey'! still laugh at it now with a friend that was there with me!

I remember on my first day in the beta (this not an especially good memory) a guy runs by me in Britain spamming "Gold Bug found! Hit TAB three times then double click anyone to transfer their gold into your pack!!"...

...of course, I fell for it. Got guard whacked! :D


I've been away from UO probably 8 years now and just started again.
1. When selling/trading houses didn't have a gump I used to try to sell my friend's house for $100k or something. Sometimes people would respond with an offer of say $30k + some blessed blue sandals. I'd say okay, take their money and recall away :p (I was like 13 or 14 at the time)
1a. My friend was doing the same thing another day and succeeded. Back at Moonglow Bank the victim was cursing a mile a minute. My friend recalls to the bone knight room to get away and train. The victim shows up there 5 minutes later. More cursing ensues.

2. The bone knight room
2a. Spending all night in the bone knight room until Pac's server downtime at 4AM only to wake up at 7AM to go to school for many months :p

3. Being amazed at a silver indestructible kryss of vanquishing

4. Stealing from lich lords with my thief as people got extremely angry.

5. One time a guy blocked me in as an Teritheran warrior sliced me in two and being unable to find a rez for a day.

6. Another time at the Teritheran Keep, my computer decided to restart on me while fighting a warrior. I thought well there goes my Kriss of Power. To my surprise, after I logged back in, I was greeted with colors and a Teritheran corpse as opposed to the greyscale I was expecting. I promptly thanked the mages ontop of the hill.

7. Saying words of power and doing the casing animation in real life :p (remember, I was in 7th and 8th grade)
Or a friend saying "I shall smite thee with my plastic serraded butter knife of vanquishing, plus 9 points of damage."

8. (on a player run shard) Being called a cheater because I had the best ping and looting the best stuff from a quest monster. (also because some people didn't know that you can hold enter while dragging a pile of something)


I suppose I have more than a few. I guess I can pick out some... :popcorn:

:sword: The final battle against Dragar the dragonlord on Chesapeake. We literally had almost a hundred people, horsed and not, lined up in the fields around spirit wood and other places; then the gates opening and the entry to his lair in the depths of Ice Isle mountains through his secret teleporter. It was, I have to say, the most impressive of all the events we'd had up to then, largely because it really looked like a well-organized army ready for battle (of course we know "well-organized" means nothing in our game, but still.) I have to say the Seer that ran that event still has my utmost respect. Not to mention, in the story arc I got to meet the lovely Dragon Zephyr and had a nice conversation with her while we waited for the dozens of other questers to figure out where she was (lol.)

Watching Juo'Nar being stopped by a Monk, alone, in the road leading to Trinsic while everyone else cowered in the walls watching. He turned him for several nights, it was enlightening to watch the interactions. :fight:

Walking the road outside west Britain, early 98(?), and coming upon some laughing, glowy creatures in the dark I'd never seen before, running my a$$ off and being scared to death hoping they wouldn't find me behind the tree I was hiding. :eek: Finding out later they were the Lich Twins and then being curious enough to go see if I could find their "home", only to find the Yew crypts instead.

My first concert with my guild, the Songsmiths, in Paxlair back in.. 98? I think. :violin: I would have to say, even though one of our troupe was killed by a firebomb (he only had 6hp, pretty simple to off him), it was my defining moment and something I never will forget. I truly determined that I loved being a Bard that night, after playing the songs I had written and just enjoying the night with everyone at Luigi's in camaraderie. Mayor Winfield still has some of the pictures (as do I, I think I even have the logs from it as well.)

I still play that song now and then, partially in memory of my guildmaster who has moved on to better things I presume, and partially in memory of simpler times.

I do remember that my guildmaster put the song up on his website at the time, and put together a small score to go with it --- however, he totally mistook the tone of the song, which was meant to be light-hearted and make you laugh at a foolish bard. I never had the heart to tell him he got the tone wrong :party: :thumbup:

And then there's the evening I spent with a lovely Seeress at my house, talking about small things and sipping water or wine. No expectations, just relaxing and chatting about the weather. How much I miss the simpler parts of UO sometimes.

:sad3: :sad4: