Yeah, tell Draconi that he's right; the loot definitions definitely need updated.
Besides (As Draconi noted) the creatures that only allow one item, having the properties artificially capped for effectively lose the luck bonus is silly as well.
Then, there's the matters of
- some old items still being on loot tables (some of the Pagan-style necro regs, only some of which will be used in the Mysticism system),
- items that no longer spawn, or spawn non-magical (question balls, magical statues, etc.),
- the absence of SE & ML items on creatures not from those expansions (not to mention in treasure chests from maps & SOS)
- Some creatures routinely showing more items when corpse opened, than actually present (paragon golems, for example), and some showing "corpse" icons in the corpse,
- gold drops really needing rebalanced (similar to the dread spider issues of 2007)
- oddball cut corpse for resources issues (the odd fish steaks from sea serpents, the fact that all but 1 ML creature, and all SE creatures, give ONLY normal leather, etc. Note that the naturally spawning centaurs & Oaks spawn centaurs give spined leather, but the Twaulo spawn ones in the Twisted Weald give normal leather).
The whole loot system needs a balance pass."
Just to add on to this, why is it that Tokuno home styles may be built anywhere, but that Tokuno loot only shows up on corpses in Tokuno? After all, the loot that is generated on monsters in Ilsh, Fel, Trammel, and Malas shows up on monster corpses in Tokuno--why doesn't this work in the other direction?
As long as we're talking about loot found on slain monsters, could we PLEASE remove the very lowest levels of loot from the game, such as rings and bracelets with one or two ultra low mods on them (e.g., "HCI +6%", or "Magery +3")--or even no mods at all(!), and other worthless "treasures"? After all, think of the needless lag that is caused by the generation, collection, and storage of items like this--not to mention the affect of cleaning out a treasure chest in a public place (like in front of New Haven Bank) and discarding all of this worthless junk all over the ground. I am not advocating getting rid of all low-level treasure, such as daggers, pieces of armor, bones and body parts, or torches--after all, some of these materials are used in crafting (tailoring bones), and others can be collected by newbies and sold to NPCs for much-needed starting cash. All I am suggesting is getting rid of stuff that gets an ultra-low randomly generated intensity assigned to it, that really helps nobody in the game.
Finally, (and this might be better placed in another thread), I am wondering how the slayer weapons were arrived at and placed into the game--specifically, we all know that there are demon slayers and lizardman slayers and ophidian slayers, but why are there no slayers for other monsters that appeared later in the evolution of the game and are not covered by a Super Slayer of some kind? It sure would be nice to see a Changling Slayer!