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Nostalgia - What is Your Favorite UO Memory?

  • Thread starter Morgana LeFay (PoV)
  • Start date
  • Watchers 4

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

With all the talk about a classic shard, and the latest thread about what brought players to UO, I started getting a little nostalgic (me? right?)

So what was your single most favorite memory from UO? It could be anything, from the first day you logged in, to a player run event, to PKing someone, to running a thief.

I am not going to post mine just yet...I really want to hear your stories!


I'd really like to plan an in game event around this. I'd like to find a tavern, and swap stories with anyone that is interested. UO is still a game about its players and their characters!



Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
For me, it was when I first turned my thief into a mage thief. This was when there was still perma-gray status after stealing (you always flag gray to the person you stole from and while you appear blue to others, you are still a criminal until you die). Beforehand I was simply known as a steal/run thief who couldn't fight.

The first target after I made the switch was unpleasantly surprised :D
To sum it up, naked mages!


Many a year ago, just after UO-R launch, I joined a friend inworld. We took a long walk to explore as we didn't have access to recalling.

As we were making our way down the road towards Skara, avoiding wandering orcs, we saw a grey name appear south of us...and a frikking daemon came up the road at us. My friend was stunned, and I was paralyzed with fright, and we didn't know what to do. I think I even muttered some colourful obscenities!

The daemon approached, flying at us, and we sat there preparing to die.

And, yes, the daemon was a polymorphed player having fun with us. He laughed, and stopped to chat with us. We were so new to UO we had no idea a player could do that.

One of those UO memories that will stay with me forever.


Slightly Crazed
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Some of mine are sparring with friends at Minoc bank.

Once we were there sparring and this new guy comes up, still had the young tag on. One of my best friends in game tells me watch this! He runs over screen, to the small area out of the guard zone near the bank, casts Deamon. Comes running back yelling

"Were being Attacked".

Sets the deamon to follow the new guy, he takes off running with it hot on his heels. We chased after him all the way to Vesper before it disappeared. I have never laughed so hard.

It turns out that I started a great friendship that day with "the new guy". Even after 9 years I laugh just thinking about it. And we are still friends and guildmates.


Kratos Aurion

For me, it was when I first turned my thief into a mage thief. This was when there was still perma-gray status after stealing (you always flag gray to the person you stole from and while you appear blue to others, you are still a criminal until you die). Beforehand I was simply known as a steal/run thief who couldn't fight.

The first target after I made the switch was unpleasantly surprised :D
To sum it up, naked mages!
Speaking of which I remember when thieves were considered the most notorious players to watch out for (aside from active pvp outside of guard zones).

The good ol'days :lick:

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I have to drop in here, and say...

I had a wonderful time playing my thief back in the day. There were two of us, and we would often play in the same room, so it was easy to communicate. (Can you imagine how effective a pair of thieves could be now that we have so many voice communication apps?).

One of us would steal an item, then hand it off to the other one!

I recall one night, we were thieving in Trinsic, and we had stolen about 3 items from one player, and he eventally recalled to Yew. By chance, we just happened to run into him there. He saw us coming was not happy to see us! He had a wand of harm on him, I lifted it and handed it off to my companion. We proceeded to kill him with it, since he was the aggressor to us!

That night was one of the funniest experiences I have ever had in UO!

I do miss thieves...sometimes.

But I can also remember having someone lift my black pearl from me in Wrong, and going black and white because I could not fight back...I wasn't a huge fan of thieves that night! :D


Seasoned Veteran
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As with all things UO, for me, I am unable to decide on a single favorite.
Too many to mention, but here's what immediately comes to mind today ~

1) Placing my first House. It may be less of a big deal now, but back in 1997? it was such a rush.
It still stands to this day, and is old enough so that the 'built on' date of the information area on the house sign is blank/empty.

2) Trick-or-Treating with my daughter, and then Caroling a few months later.
This was long before rewards from NPC's were given, and beggars were a-scriptin.
My daughter (then 8) got such a kick out of dressing us for the part(s).

3) Server reset wars at the Britain Graveyard


I'd go back to my first house back in 98 down in orc valley south of Yew... and the orcs that "broke into" my house and destroyed all my furniture:yell:

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

1) Placing my first House. It may be less of a big deal now, but back in 1997? it was such a rush.
It still stands to this day, and is old enough so that the 'built on' date of the information area on the house sign is blank/empty.
That is beyond cool!

I know this is weird, but I can remember placing my first house...a 2 story wood and plaster on the beach near Trinsic.

And...this is what make it weird...hearing the sound of a wooden door open in UO still sends a little chill up my spine! :D

Duke X. Winter

1998- walking around Southern Britania, looking for the nearest town (gate hopped...) and I ran into a goat I figured I could kill on the way....I saw grey, it walked away. Not my best day, but my best memory.

Second best memory is weeks after that. I met a woman on my shard named Pantrea. She started to teach me the ins and out of the game, and even got me a horse (which was a big deal back then). So one day she has me fighting a cougar, and she says to me "Do you eat" (eating was also a big deal) and I responded (not understanding it was important) "sometimes...but most of the time I just stare and drool."

She never let me forget that.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I cannot post my true best memory of UO. It is way too personal. I was going to, but I think it best not to do so. But, I will say this...I needed the person that entered my life after 5 years of play...and I regret what happened to us in real life.

But, my favorite UO memory aside from that?

We had separated from the Regulators, and we had just constructed a house, a 2 story stone and plaster on a beach near Trinsic. The Protectors of Virtue was born, and we had our first guild meeting.

That night, we discussed many things, and at the end of the meeting, I stood outside the Guild house, just gazing across the sea...and imagining what lay ahead of us! There was a dolphin there, and I spent almost an hour just watching that creature, as it swan back and forth, making sounds...as the waves crashed on that beach.

I was there. I lived that moment. And it was in that very moment that I knew, Sosaria was more than just a game world...it was something that had become a part of my very soul. And I knew that I was bound to it, until the day I died, or the day that it died....

...and we are both still here.

Sorcha of Sonoma

Going bavk to the days of Jou'nar and the Trinsic Invavsion.

I took my Journeyman Provoke (was like 69 music 67 provoke) Bard, Sandoval to Trinny. I had found an access route, and was walking the walls getting close to the bank. I saw a spawn of Lich Lord - Lich - Lich - Rotting Corpse - skelly mage (or some such) and I decided since I had LOS but I knew the nasties couldn't get straight to me I tried to provoke the LL. Literally as Jou'nar (who was a seer run character) pops in I started the provoke and targetted the LL - then thinking What the hell - here goes nothing" I made Jou'nar the second target. Success! so for the next three days (until an emergencyu patch) I was provoking undead on the RPC's. Later on I was accepted in the Counselor program, and one of my trainers was the man who played Jou'nar on Sonoma. We bacame good friends when he figured out I was Sandoval.

BTW Sandoval was born as a throw away - I rolled him for the purpose of enticing Artists out of Moonglow so I could kill them for Black Sandals. (He was a fencer so I could kill them with my newbie dagger)

To this day I know it is at least PARTIALLY my fault that barding difficulty came to uo.

And I still play with Sandoval :)
Though now he is a chiv archer provoker

(110 Fencing was moved to my Tailor)

Kallie Pigeon

Placing my first house was a biggie. Helping a friend place a house. Gming my first skill (swords), hanging with my old guild doing dungeon runs and treasure maps especially after Trammel. My guild was a group of mostly mature individuals who wanted to have fun without causing problems for others.


Great Lakes -

I was at the bone wall in deciet once, training my fencing. There must have been 12 of us at least, all wedged into about 2 tiles. A couple PK's ran in and casted an energy field right behind us, while the other started lobbing explosion potions. We all died in a panic of twisting avatars trying to move out of the way, but there was no place to go, lol. We all vowed revenge, and for the next couple hours, Deciet had turned into a huge battle field on every level.

That was a fun night.


Crazed Zealot
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Great Lakes-

Newb plus 23 days, I was lumberjacking to train arch and fletching and had found a Grizzly Bear Grey in Yew just after logging in, tamed it too. Then I headed into the woods to the south.(started with the Ranger temp)

Watched two newb PKs being coached offscreen in the fine art of player killing and then being sent to "get" me. They seemed a bit stiff and actually talked to me for a couple of seconds before attacking.

They got me but the Bear guarding me got both of them, I took my stuff and theirs. Never saw that bear again, but what a chuckle.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great Lakes -

I was at the bone wall in deciet once, training my fencing. There must have been 12 of us at least, all wedged into about 2 tiles. A couple PK's ran in and casted an energy field right behind us, while the other started lobbing explosion potions. We all died in a panic of twisting avatars trying to move out of the way, but there was no place to go, lol. We all vowed revenge, and for the next couple hours, Deciet had turned into a huge battle field on every level.

That was a fun night.
WOW I REMEMBER THIS, Though they did it quite frequently. Oh the

What about getting PK'd On the Bridge between Brit and Trinsic. How many times could i fall for that UGH!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are any number of good memories ... discovering fishing, buying my first home, my first showdown with an ancient wyrm, but oddly my favourite UO memory of all did not actually take place in the game itself. It was stratics on the night Inu was found shouting "kingdomreborn! kingdomreborn!"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are any number of good memories ... discovering fishing, buying my first home, my first showdown with an ancient wyrm, but oddly my favourite UO memory of all did not actually take place in the game itself. It was stratics on the night Inu was found shouting "kingdomreborn! kingdomreborn!"
I know what you're saying there! I had been following the Inu the Crone plot very intently, and that was definitely a high point. I had a lot of fun with that, and when it died down I didn't play nearly as much, but with the hopes of SA coming soon I have started to play more.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Getting killed by a specifically pesky rabbit...8 times, on my first day back in 09/97.

Got disgusted, determined the character was a puss for not being able to kill a little rabbit, logged out and made another. Rinse / repeat.

Decided rabbits in this game were hella tougher than real world. There I was..big bad human with a shield and a practice sword..and this little itty bitty rabbit was continually kicking my ass.

I then tried a little bird, same result. Little feathered ******* chased me right into a building, cornered me and dirt napped me.


Tina Small

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My absolute favorite memory is of a hunting expedition on Baja with several of my guildmates. We went to the Sorcerors' Dungeon in Ilshenar and had a blast spending an hour or so on a Saturday evening right before Halloween 2006 exploring the dungeon from top to bottom. It was a special evening that I will always remember because it was the last time I remember us really doing something together as a guild.

I've got lots of other wonderful UO memories tucked away. What makes them all so special are the folks behind them. I think no matter which game we might have all been playing together or what we were doing, we would have had a good time. UO brought us together, indeed, but it was and always will be the people themselves who give my UO memories their magic.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

UO brought us together, indeed, but it was and always will be the people themselves who give my UO memories their magic.

This phrase should be the tag line of Ultima Online!

It should be on the log in screen.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I have two that spring to mind. They both involve community. *smiles*

The first was the odd creation of a PK guild on the Catskills. It started on the old UO forums. A music thread done horribly awry. *chuckles* The result is that a bunch of non PvP oriented folk created characters on the Catskills shard and we all choose 80's musicians names. Punk Rock PKs I believe was the name.

We spent weeks training at Vesper bank, Fel side. Up to a couple of dozen of us at times whacking away at each other at times. Created a bit of a curiosity at the time. Great times! We played together for a few months. I drifted away after some time. PKing was just not in my blood at the time.

I will remember the experience fondly...

The second happened a couple of years later. This was shortly after the UO forums shut down. Many came to Stratics after that. I was a bit shy and intimidated by the Massive Game Site! I barely posted on UO...

I wound up at the smaller and some what friendlier Ian Storm forum. Stratics was a bit fussy at the time about the "invasion" of all of the UO forum folk. That is another story...

The Ian Storm forum was wonderful fun. We enjoyed one another company so much we started playing together on different shards. That was a blast! The Home shard folk would plan some event or some such and the rest would make new characters and we just had a blast.

Yet the problem was the crew was always mismatched. Vets and noobs. One of us had the crazy idea to start on a shard that almost no one had characters on, Siege.

Now, some few did have a head start on Siege. Very few. A few of us created the vanguard and headed to Siege. *tips hat to Freja and Rico for the help* We even joined NEW. Heh, it did not last and none of us made it to our graduation. NEW was a tremendous help in getting started. That too is another story. *smiles*

The Siege vanguard set out to build a town. Build it we did. We built the town with boards, ingots, wool and blood. There were vast open areas were towns could be built. (still are *winks*)

As we few toiled with the land others came to join us. We grew, and got noticed. *smiles* There were times when we got raided so many times an evening we stopped re equipping. We felt we were supplying the shard with our stuff!

We built a boom town! It grew to vast proportions and took up an incredibly huge area. Ian Town was a huge success! We managed to become influential and ran many events. Some lasting days. *nods*

Yet... I grew weary of the pastoral life. I had all the success any man should want. We were one of the top guilds on Siege. I wanted more... My folk were not warriors. My dream became convoluted and the lust for power... That too is another story.

*stokes pipe and opens a fine ale*

Ian town is a ghost town now. There are some few citizens remaining. I have returned to my home. This is my favorite and my most heart breaking memory.

*puffs pipe and ponders*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oo, another great memory.

I was in a well known RP type of guild called Golgotha. They put together a huge guild war in Occolo. Golgotha, PAS, and ZOG. At least I think PAS was in the war. I think it was a 3-way war.

It was a huge battle, it was awesome :D


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Sorry. My post was rather long...

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

*stokes pipe and opens a fine ale*

Ian town is a ghost town now. There are some few citizens remaining. I have returned to my home. This is my favorite and my most heart breaking memory.

*puffs pipe and ponders*
Perhaps one day, we will all be reunited in a classic shard.

In the meantime, we should make a plan to meet in game. Drinks are on me!

I have many memories like the one you posted here, and I turn some of them into stories, but some of them are far too near and dear to my heart to do so.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Perhaps one day, we will all be reunited in a classic shard.

In the meantime, we should make a plan to meet in game. Drinks are on me!

I have many memories like the one you posted here, and I turn some of them into stories, but some of them are far too near and dear to my heart to do so.

My Dear, those are the stories that are interesting. *sad smile*


Oh geez. Was thinking the few days we had tinker traps with area damage. Sit em next to somebody at the bank open it and watch em die.

But still one of my favorite times was when me and Ballyhoo, looted a large tower. This was back when you could still move before resing, so that you could walk inside a house then res. Then open the doors for your buddies.

Well we found this large tower, was two dragons on the roof. Bally went up to tame the dragons, i stayed down and looted the chests. Not sure what all i got do remember getting like 1k in ingots. Bally finally got the dragons tamed. We was just gating out on the roof as the owner comes walking in the front door. We gated out, then i asked Bally do ya think he seen us? Bally said of course he seen us! We never did run into the guy or anything after that.

Oh and also doing the same, on Buc's Den. With another guy, we went into this small house, i got to loot the left side and the guy with me looted the right side. It was there that i found my red plate helm. I of course didn't say anything to the guy about finding it, figuring he'd kill me for it if he knew. I also later got a red plate chest, traded it for a castle deed back when they cost 100k. And i was never able to find a spot for it. Sadly a GM took my red plate chest, i paged once asking if red scims was legal. The gm searched through my bank box and seen the plate. I thinking it was from that old dye bug said it was from that. But guess it was from a event.

I still have my red plate helm. I used to wear it at server down, one time a counselor seen me and told me to turn it in. I told em no, they said i was being rude. I let Ballyhoo hold it along with my santa gloves. Cause the counselor said "A GM WILL BE SEEING YOU!" Never did see a GM after that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I grew to vast proportions and took up an incredibly huge area.
Aww Kelmo, don't be so hard on yerself...

I^A lives on in the Misfit alliance, sire!

*edit* Kelmo, all in fun, look for your typo :)


Babbling Loonie
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First couple of days into the game -

1) hanging out at the tailor, figuring out skull caps gives the most return
2) figuring out provisioners bought skullcaps too
3) figuring out a couple of tricks to make them buy more than 20 pieces
4) figuring out bolts of cloth can be sold back at the same price even when you use 48 of the 50 yards
5) hanging out at the smithy, figuring out wooden shields gave even better returns if I can find miners selling ingots for 4 or 5 gp each
6) hanging out at the mage shop, scribing scrolls at 20 gp per level per scroll
7) figuring out later on that best money was from making femate plate using leather (before it was changed)
8) using the fetch command to make my horse carry a crate of ore that was too heavy for me (pre pack horses/coloured horses)
9) when my horse went wild and stablemasters stopped selling horses, I casted creature summonning and used the creatures summoned to do the same (had to retrieve the crate before the summoned creature timed out though)
10) dumping all the keys from the boxes I made into a keyring to act as thief bait. One finally did, when he opened it up, he had hundreds small little keys in his backpack. He was a good sport, and we laughed about it. He never stole from me again hehe
11) chasing down and killing another thief with my DP'd newbiefied butcher's knife
12) introduction of crafter's mark


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*shakes head thinking Kellymo still don't get it*
*smiles* I saw the damn typo when you posted. I still hate you and that dog. Do I have too hate your editing ability now? Tell us of the Chess beat down, Ru.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I grew to vast proportions and took up an incredibly huge area.
My a$$ seems to be following your model these days! :)

I need to keep it from snacking when I am not looking apparently!!


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
*smiles* I saw the damn typo when you posted. I still hate you and that dog. Do I have too hate your editing ability now? Tell us of the Chess beat down, Ru.
Ohh! That reminds me. For a while there was a NPC on Siege. omleK an undead sheep herder in Trinsic I believe. The sheep are still there. That was freaking classic.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*smiles* I saw the damn typo when you posted. I still hate you and that dog. Do I have too hate your editing ability now? Tell us of the Chess beat down, Ru.
I lost to a dev trained by a grandmaster chess champion...whoowah!

And I got my head cut off and locked down in Nu'jelm...score!

Then I spent the rest of my days hiding in shame.

Thanks for breaking my hiding streak.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ohh! That reminds me. For a while there was a NPC on Siege. omleK an undead sheep herder in Trinsic I believe. The sheep are still there. That was freaking classic.
I know who did that :)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

7) figuring out later on that best money was from making femate plate using leather (before it was changed)
I made my first million in UO doing just that! And this was when a million was unheard of!!

What did you go to once it was changed??

Personally, it was leather bustiers.

I never really understood how I could make plate armor from hides, but hey...I had a constant supply on hand!


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
My a$$ seems to be following your model these days! :)

I need to keep it from snacking when I am not looking apparently!!
You can say ass, even on Uhall. Just don't direct it. *chuckles*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
btw, it wasn't a beatdown, it was an ass-up nose-down faceplant. With a kick in the ribs for good measure.

Seriously, I got eaten alive...


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
I lost to a dev trained by a grandmaster chess champion...whoowah!

And I got my head cut off and locked down in Nu'jelm...score!

Then I spent the rest of my days hiding in shame.

Thanks for breaking my hiding streak.
This is an honest thread about memories, sorry to out you. That was history. Be proud.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Perhaps one day, we will all be reunited in a classic shard.

In the meantime, we should make a plan to meet in game. Drinks are on me!

I have many memories like the one you posted here, and I turn some of them into stories, but some of them are far too near and dear to my heart to do so.

We are worlds away. In your world, I would be a pauper. You would be one in mine as well. *smiles* All I would have is my name...

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I could make a long list on this subject. I remember when I was a noob at one time and I was rummaging through stuff that old friends had given me. One of the items I found was a blue tent deed. For some reason, I gained the idea to try and place me a blue tent. Unfortunately, it went POOF and magically transformed into a telescope of some sort. From then on I was much more careful when tinkering with high value objects.

Duke X. Winter

Well, not generally. I'm much better with words. With words I can make things sound...nicerer. I like words. They add a much gooder touch to everythings.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made my first million in UO doing just that! And this was when a million was unheard of!!

What did you go to once it was changed??

Personally, it was leather bustiers.

I never really understood how I could make plate armor from hides, but hey...I had a constant supply on hand!
Ooo, I was so excited when I made my first million! I think I sold my awesome 2-story stone and plaster house for 1 million and a black dye tub. It was my best transaction back then :D


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I would like to preserve Morgana's attempt at a friendly and even poignant memory thread. If you have issues with me, take it to private.

Duke X. Winter

Erm. I think you misinterpreted my meaning, Kelmo. It was in jest and nothing more. If I had a personal issue with you, I'm sure it would have been more pointed and obvious, and less laced with humour, and words like "lewt" and "nicerer". But take it how you want it bro.


Old and in the way
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