I deduced that you are talking out of your ass from what you post from here on../
Yep...the famous "Morgana Board Warrior" move. Insult your foe.
LOL. Wow. Great logic there! Also...superior come back!! YAY for Morgana!!
You were the one that opened this aspect of the discussion. Perhaps you should not attempt to operate from a false sense of superiority, when you have zero experience to back it up.
Um...like your experience in putting together Video Games? I have a nephew that produces Video Games. He is quite knowledgeable about it. He backs up precisely what you have been told: In a perfect world, all code is carefully archived, and meticulously (as much as can be) guarded. Today.
It wasn't like that so much even 4 years ago, he says, much less a decade ago. Things were far less rigid, in terms of controls, he says (he has been in Gaming for over 12 years, so he knows that of which he speaks).
If you actually do programming, and disagree with that notion, then I will let you take that up with people that truly know. There is absolutely no way that at 18 years old (ten years ago), however, you were compiling and debugging code for major corporations, and safeguarding the integrity of said data, all by yourself, or even with others, more than likely. I could be wrong, but I am guessing I am not...
So truly, you also have zero experience working in 10 or 12 year old Game Code, as you couldn't have been writing code for MMORPGs, as they had just come out...
And since that requires College...and you had, by your own admission, just finished High School...you are clueless about what state UO code was/is in. You are no more informed about that fact, than I am.
But Fertbert knew it very, very well. Way better than you, or Kaleb, or me, or anyone that iisn't a UO Dev.
If you need that made clearer, please let me know.
He (my Producer Nephew agrees that all programmers
should do exactly as you say they should...but he also mentioned that Communism worked very well, in theory, too.
So you are arguing with seven year old information.
Got it.
Time for another Deduction Lesson...ready?
7 years ago, there was no Classic Shard. 6 Years ago...same exact story. 5 years ago? You guessed it...no Classic Shard, even amongst lots of clamoring.
4 Years Ago? Gosh dangit...still no Classic Shard, nor hope of one, at all. 3 years ago? You are catching on! Still absolutely not one Classic Shard. 2 years ago? No mention of, and still no Classic Shard. Hmmm.
Last Year? No Classic Shard.
This year, so far? No Classic Shard.
It seems to be a Trend, wouldn't ya say? You've done statistical analysis, I am thinking...I haven't, but one would think that a fairly definitive conclusion can be drawn, particularly given the exposure of all parties to other outcomes, and their possibilities.
So, deduction would indicate that the reasons for no Classic Shard are just as valid, based on how many Classic Shards we have today as opposed to 7 years ago, or so.
I am operating on current data, as well as historical.
After all, every good student of logic uses both logic
and emotion to make a well balanced choice...
Not just Emotion, like you are.
Your text posted here would indicate otherwise. Your smug approach to this has basically exploded in your face.
Really? Oh no!! My Face!! my Face!!!
Oh wait...that was you trying to get me to believe something that isn't true!! Oh tricky you!! Board Warriorette!!
Your original goal, no doubt...but I hope that the mods and admins here will see through your blatant attempt to derail the discussion with hyperbole and logical fallacies.
Actually, no. I did not come in to derail anything. And if people like your previous ally, until she disagreed with you (Tina) and you said she was a sheep for agreeing with someone like me, Aesaidai, and others can't get through to you, I am sure I won't be able to, either.
But as I pointed out, I won't call you Lazy, a Liar, Ignorant, or any of the insults you have slung thus far...not my style.
I will with absolute conviction say that your posts are amazingly myopic, your point of view is beyond "Sort of Skewed", and although articulate, your posts contain almost no logic, from what I am able to discern; rather, a blatant disregard for any reality that differs from what you want reality to be.
In other words, you are just exactly like every Classic Shard fanatic that has preceded you here in the Hall, almost to a "T".
I never made the claim to know Fertbert, and don't care to. It was your name dropping that brought him into this discussion...nothing else.
Wow. You called him a Lazy Liar...you do know that, right? You "Deduced" he
must be lazy, because he didn't want to do "More Work"...Duh!..Remember?
Me telling you what I heard, right from the mouth of a Dev...someone that in 11 years you have never spoken with...me telling you that does not give you any right, at all, to cast aspersions on people you do not know.
When your Father took you hunting, it's too bad you folks didn't spend more time talking about "Manners"...really...
Then why ask me my experience in these areas?
If you didn't want to discuss coding, you should not have brought it up.
I didn't ask you if you knew how to write code for Computer Programs. But you knew that. I can write Basic Programming (or could). I programmed games on tape, on Radio Shack computers, and wrote my own Stock Market game. I knew how to resolve basic syntax errors...I learned about sub and gosub...but that wasn't the question, either.
I asked how many Computer Games you have been a Developer on, in the last 10 years, for Publicly Traded companies...particularly MMORPGs.
YOU are the one claiming it would be easy...for sure not
too hard.
Yet...you have zero experience in reviving ten year old code, for Publicly Traded Companies...Gotcha. Makes total sense, now.
It's the same exact baseless claim as the rest of your posts.
I have no desire to pursue a career in game development. It is unstable and the pay is not on par with legitimate development or administration jobs. No thanks.
Yeah...this was your most telling post yet.
You will post here every 15 minutes about this great injustice done to you and your sister, all those years ago...you will try to convince all of us of the HUGE potential that awaits the Hardy Travelers if the Non-Lazy, Visionary Devs and Corporate Bigwigs would just get off their a$$es...you just KNOW it will work, because UO was VERY successful ,back in '98, when everyone could kill everyone!!
But...you won't actually go
Do anything about it.
Because the pay is sub par with "Legitimate" jobs. Too bad that Draconi, and Leurocian, and every one else had to settle for "Sub Par" jobs, when you have a "Real" job, eh, Morgana?
Although amusing, your lack of foresight in aspersion casting really shows a lack of breadth and depth, of experience, in the real world.
My nephew made $165,000.00 last year doing Kid's Games. He worked from home. He doesn't consider that "Sub Par".
Yeah...what am I telling you anything for?
You have it all figured out. You probably make twice that much, work 4 hours a day, get daily Full Body Massages at lunch, and have a Limo pick you up, and drop you off, every day.
Or so you would have us believe?
Sounds to me like you have no idea what you are talking about...and are spouting nothing but opinions backed by minor name dropping. For that matter, in my eyes, you have exposed yourself as nothing but an emotional troll that deserves nothing more than my indifference.
Good evening.
You meanie!@!
Yep...it is obvious that I have no idea. I mean...to you.
*Goes and Checks the Server List*
Nope...still no Classic Shard!! Look at that!
Until such time as a Classic Shard pops up on that server list, we can safely
Deduce that at least so far, Fertbert has been 100% correct.
Hereinafter, he will be referred to as:
Fertbert, The Prophet.