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POLL: What brought you to Ultima Online?


It's My Birthday
Stratics Veteran
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So we all love (or have loved) Ultima Online. I'm curious as to how we all discovered this unique game... So what brought you here?

Feel free to share your nostalgia! :D


Id never even heard of MMORPG's before hand...i didnt even know ultima was one!!

I just saw it in a shop one day and after reading the back and looking at the pics i thought...yea thats my kinda game(loved zelda).

I didnt read about needing the internet though lol i had it installed on my comp for about 3months before we got the internet.

All i can really say is GODDAMN LUCKY I DID!!!


I played Subspace (still do) and came across this hawt MMO, so I played beta, bought the game, got PK'd a lot and quit after a few months. Mind you I was only 13.

When Samurai Empire came out I decided to take a look at UO again, since I loves me my sammies. I liked this expansion a lot so I bought the game and have enjoyed every bit of it ever since :)

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Back in the late 80's I played Ultima on NES console, so I learned alot about the history of it..........weird part about those was, the moongates only appeared at certain moonstages.....thus the name moongate.

And there was a trammel and felucca........Anyways, I played an online racing game, Motor city online....it got canceled, and I was offered UO or the Sims.....choice was obvious.


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My good friend recommended it to me as he was a huge Gemstone(a text based MMO) fan and was keeping an eye on UO for a while. He helped beta test it and when it released he told me what it was. I tried it out and got immediately hooked! :D


Stratics Legend
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A guy I worked with sent me a link to the old PKHQ. I loved reading the stories and wanted to know more about the game. He ended up explaining it to me, but my computer at the time couldn't run it (ROFL). So when I switched jobs and got an upgraded laptop, I ran out and bought the disk...this was about 8 years ago now...la


Babbling Loonie
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I selected others. All my Diablo 1 battlenet buddies were eagerly anticipating UO to be released at that time.

Everyone was asking "Are you going to try UO?"

"You mean the persistent online MMO RPG!? Thousands of players online at the same time? Not just a max of 8 players that kept dropping out? How the hell can they keep thousands of players online? A virtual world that you can shape and change? Of course!!"

Besides, I have been playing Ultima since my Apple II days and loved it!


Stratics Legend
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my reason is not listed

it was the death of Legends of Kesmai

I stay because it has become home

Lord Patapon

There was a chronicle in a french gaming monthly, called Generation 4, for about a year, when I was like 10 or 11.
The reporter talked about what happened to his character each time he logged in, and talked about the friends he had, their adventures and such ... and that was it.
I just wanted to play SO MUCH after this, even if it really looked dangerous. (I remember him talkin about his friends getting murdered and looted in town by gangs of reds, using exploits and such, so I guess this was really way before T2A.)
This was ... well, unheard of. And now, I have it. Woot :D

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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A friend of mine who was an avid gamer picked up UO on a whim I guess. After a few days of playing she started telling me about it at work, and got my curiosity going. So one night on my way home I dropped in to walmart and picked up a copy of the latest expansion (Renaissance) and installed it that night (I worked 3-11) I played until server down that first night, running around taming/killing/collecting anything I could get my hands on. I was hooked almost instantly.

I played for 4 years after that, and then was lured away for a while by SWG and RL time constraints. UO never faded from my mind, so about 2 years ago I just happened to hear about a welcome back to Britianna deal where I could play 2 weeks for free to see what I'd missed. Mostly for nostalgia sake I reinstalled UO and logged in, and like a crack head picking up that pipe after months of sobriety, I was hooked again.


Crazed Zealot
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I wasn't early to the MMO scene ... I was late to the MUD scene and decided I wanted to leapfrog all the cool kids.

Ironicly, when I tried MMOs a second time, I came back to try UO again for the exact opposite reasons - because I wanted to experience the accumulated history, deapth and polish of a well-worn world rather than starting in a brand new game.


Someone from the States sent me the 97 UO Box.
He said I was going to enjoy it...

He was right.


Seasoned Veteran
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Saw Ultima II being played (on an Apple?) years ago, and have been a fan of the series ever since.
Legacy Ultima Games brought me to UO, but it was my brother (who, like Kula, was/still is playing Subspace) bought me UO on the day before Thanksgiving 1997.

Besides being my personal choice for favorite gaming these past 25 years, it has also been my primary motivation for computer upgrades.

Ultima III - Commodore 64
Ultima VI - IBM 386
Ultima VIII - Compaq 486
Ultima Online - IBM Pentium 133
Ultima KR - Dell Dual Core 2GHz w 512MB vid card

Der Rock

So we all love (or have loved) Ultima Online. I'm curious as to how we all discovered this unique game... So what brought you here?

Feel free to share your nostalgia! :D
what me brought to UO ?


Game Time Code

i think :)

Rotgut Willy

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My answer would be a combination of the available choices. I played MUD's early on, as well as the ImagiNation network which had several graphical online games. I also played several other graphical multiplayer games that didn't live long. In addition to that, I was already an Ultima fan. So Ultima Online was the natural next step. As soon as I heard about it I applied for a beta account and was soon playing. I played for several years, then took a few years off (resubscribing for a few weeks here and there about once a year) before playing a few PRS'. And finally, came back to the OSI servers about 7 months ago and have been here ever since.

No matter how hard I try, I always end up coming back to UO. I've played EverQuest, Asheron's Call, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan and many others. None of 'em keep me coming back though. Not like UO.

The Home Guild

in feb 98 i was online chatting and my father in law came over with a few disks..beta for uo.. he was liek mike you gotta check out this game... but of course i wasn't into playing online games..i was to busy flirting and chatting on messengers. he said come on i'll give you a free acct and you see if you like it. Well i created a char and proceeded to try it out in the fel lands killing **** with my crappy sword and found myself still playing till 7 am when i had to goto work.. that night i was tottaly addicted.I haven't quit since.Yet he quit after aos.. to much change for him.


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I was killing time at a Kmart while waiting for our charter bus to arrive to take us to our minor league football game and was looking to see if i could find another game like Baldurs gate when i came across UOR on the shelf, when i turned it over it had alot of people sitting around a "public execution" and said they were all real people playing....I had to try it so I bought it and couldnt wait for our game to end that night so I could get home and try it.


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The MMO I was playing at the time (Meridian 59) was closing down the same time as UO was being released. Also I was a long time Ultima fan.

I guess I really had no choice :p

It's just too bad Ultima Online does not have much, if anything to do with Ultima any more, other then the title.


I'd previously played all the Ultima games, along with Savage Empire (my very first computer game), Martian Dreams and both Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss and Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of World. I loved all of them but I wasn't sure I would like an online game. I didn't get in on beta but I started the day it was open to everyone else.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I started watching my sons play console games when they played on our main tv, when they started playing pc games I watched those too sometimes, I enjoyed seeing what they could do. When they started playing UO I decided 'this one, I want to try too!' So here I am years later.


I was killing time at a Kmart while waiting for our charter bus to arrive to take us to our minor league football game and was looking to see if i could find another game like Baldurs gate when i came across UOR on the shelf, when i turned it over it had alot of people sitting around a "public execution" and said they were all real people playing....I had to try it so I bought it and couldnt wait for our game to end that night so I could get home and try it.
Ahh Baldurs gate...how i loved that game!


Stratics Veteran
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I know this is going to sound like I made it up...

But I was in a MediaPlay store and was wandering around looking for something to kill some time.

There on the shelf was an actual UO box!!!!!!

No kidding, an actual UO box sitting on a shelf in a store..... no lie.

So I bought it that day and install the game on my computer from the actual physical disk that came in the box!!!!!

Seriously, I'm not making any of this up.

Stupid Miner

My brother got it ~98 i think, and i would watch him play a lot (I was 8 lol). Was always funny watching him get PKed, then he got mad at me lol.
Eventually created a character on Atlantic who was unbelievably incompetent... i think i was a swordsman tamer bard with just about every single skill you could think of on there somewhere.
Didn't start playing seriously (on LS this time) until just before AoS came out... probably a 6-4 months before it. Started with a fencer named Ivan... turned him into a necro fencer. Quit for a while. Came back and made Stupid Miner and I've been playing ever since.
So I've actually been around since about the beginning but i only really started playing since just before AoS.


Back in may of 97 I went to the computer store for a new game. There was Diablo, and Ultima Online. I asked the clerk - which one is better do you think? He said "well, in diablo you just run through dungeons clicking a lot. In Ultima Online, you create a life for your character." The rest is history lol.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I know this is going to sound like I made it up...

But I was in a MediaPlay store and was wandering around looking for something to kill some time.

There on the shelf was an actual UO box!!!!!!

No kidding, an actual UO box sitting on a shelf in a store..... no lie.

So I bought it that day and install the game on my computer from the actual physical disk that came in the box!!!!!

Seriously, I'm not making any of this up.
Believe it or not, that was the same way I've gotten every copy of UO (except for AOS and the 3rd dawn Beta) I've ever owned. You wouldn't believe how surprised I was 2 years ago when I went to my local gamestop and they had not 1 but 2 boxes for the 9th anniversary edition on the shelf. Wish I had grabbed both of them when I had the chance.

Chad Sexington

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The heavy xbow wielding, corp por shouting, black pearl stealing, wtfmen: Ronald McDonald, Greybeard, and Nighthawk.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Been an Ultima fan for at least the past 14 years. Only thing that took me so long to sign up for UO was lack of an internet connection.


I hated Ultima. A friend tried to get me to play it.

I was always an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons fan with a table of 10 - 12 every weekend, miniatures, grid-board, great storylines, all the good and bad dice roles with people laughing like crazy for our 24 hour jaunts into fantasy land. But I always envisioned something like that on computer.

I had reserves when my cousin suggested Ultima Online. Once I saw the graphics and system-play, I was hooked and asked where to get the disk..."Wally World," of course.

All my Dungeons and Dragons stuff is packed away though in case of a major power grid failure. I could still do something similar with candle-light, pen, paper, and dice. As long as I have a web connection, you can not get me away from UO at all.

Phineas le Monge

I used to play Ultima and it's sequels on an old Commodore 64. When I finally decided to join the 21st century, I spotted a UO box (don't remember which one) on Ebay and bought it. I would play awhile, quit a while - but finally decided I REALLY love this game and I'm never leaving again! There is no game anywhere that can touch all the choices, playstyles, etc.,-the richness and diversity of UO - that is the UO Universe. Long live UO!!:p

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I selected others. All my Diablo 1 battlenet buddies were eagerly anticipating UO to be released at that time.

Everyone was asking "Are you going to try UO?"

"You mean the persistent online MMO RPG!? Thousands of players online at the same time? Not just a max of 8 players that kept dropping out? How the hell can they keep thousands of players online? A virtual world that you can shape and change? Of course!!"

Besides, I have been playing Ultima since my Apple II days and loved it!
Same for me basically. I was in a Diablo guild, and everyone in it signed up for the UO beta. I was the only one selected :)

I have been in Sosaria ever since.

Schuyler Bain

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A roommate and I had been playing Diablo and Duke Nukem via a LAN for a year or so and he read about this new type of game in development. It was a RPG, but you could pick and choose your skills and build your avatar anyway you wanted. The cool thing was that this game was online and even when you were not playing the world went on without you. I was very interested in playing a game like this. My roommate was about to move to another state and we saw this as a great way to continue our game nights and keep in touch.

I followed the development for almost a year until launch day arrived. I had talked two coworkers into given the game a shot as well and I can only assume we picked Lake Superior because of the ping, but I really don’t remember. I logged in to Britain and was promptly nailed by a PK. Soon after I met some great people and a great guild and the rest as they say is history. My old roommate never picked the game up and my coworkers played about 2 weeks and never came back. I was lucky enough to beta test T2A and I continued to play for almost 7 years before taking a break.

I have beta tested and or played pretty much every MMORPG to come along since, but have never found UO’s equal. I recently found my way back a few months ago and was excited to see some familiar faces and have been pleased to find UO still holds the same appeal it did that first day. Changed, no doubt, but still the best MMORPG on the market (My opinion of course)

Dr Poth

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Must be back in 99 or 2000 I found T2A in a bargin bin for £2, so I bought it, knowing very little about it, apart from the fact it was a MMORPG, then found out someone I played TFC with for Half-Life had been playing it for about year or so, and he helped me get into it then.


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I think I just posted my origin story in another thread, but here's the short of it. I voted for 'Just picked it up out of curiosity' as my brother played beta and up until Renaissance, but I had only watched him briefly. Some time later I was walking through Staples, and in their bargain bin I saw UO:R for $9.99, which was the same as a months subscription. I figured you couldn't beat that price so got it and was hooked up until AoS, which I still played for a couple years but it wasn't and still isn't the same. I recently came back as the friendships I've made meant so much, I just couldn't stay away. I mainly craft and cook and fish on the laptop now, but that's what is great about UO. There is always something new to do.

Kallie Pigeon

I had a friend whose brother played from the beta. We used to laugh because UO was such a huge file compared to other stuff and took up so much room on the average PC's in those days. It was "Who would play a game that takes 500 Mb of space?" After watching a bit the answer was "Me".


Our first account was a gift to my husband from his mom many years ago lol. Hooked us both the day he got it. Best gift he ever got.


Stratics Veteran
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I started playing UO for real several months back because of the memories I had playing on one of my friend's accounts.

Back in 99' or so, one of my friends and his older brother had an account. When I'd go to his house, I'd make a newbie thief on my friend's brother's account so I could play. This one time, working as a team, I was able to loot a house key and pass it off to my friend. He booked it, and what ensued was the most intense thirty minutes in gaming I've ever experienced. When it was all said and done, we had us a new house. We weren't all bad, though - we took a few things, gave the player back her key, and that was that.

The week after that, we stood on a bridge as we saw a player steering his boat under it. When he got under the bridge, we jumped onto his boat, piloted it out to the middle of nowhere, stole his sword, and killed him while he tried to fight back with a fishing pole. Granted, not as epic as the previous weeks' adventure, but it was this open ended play-style that attracted me.

Oh. And then there was that one time him and I somehow ended up with a flying boat. That was what finally made me settle down and buy the game. With this flying boat, we were able to fly up to large towers, jump onto the roof, and loot them. Granted, it was evil, but we ended up with ( what I now realize to be ) some crazy, crazy rares. I want to say they were server birth rares or something. I remember there was this large stone table that was made up of six pieces or something, and a bunch of other miscellaneous items.

So yeah...I was drawn in by open ended game play where anything was possible. Nowadays, this stuff isn't really possible, and even if it were, things are different now. Back then, the only thing you lost if someone robbed you was GM armor and potions, things which could easily be replaced, unless it was a true rare. If houses could be robbed nowadays, it would suck big time, because stuff is so much harder to get.


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I remember seeing an article about the beta in a gaming magazine. Being a child of text muds and consoles, I didn't think too much at first.

But then, oddly enough, I saw a screenshot. And somewhere in the text around that screenshot, it mentioned the fact that when you change your equipment, your characters appearance changes! I was all, "OMG!! I GOTTA GET THAT!"

So I made a fisherman and a lumberjack... And that's how I got started.


Always Present
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My son enlisted in the US. Navy way back in 92. As he studied nuclear stuff he became a nuclear engineer and nuclear submariner. But as he studied more and more on how to prevent a meltdown of a nuclear powered sub...he also became further and further away.

He stumbled onto a beta testing of a game that was going to go online. It was called Ultima Online. He played UO from beta. . and was really into it all in '97 and he kept writing about it or talking about it when he could call home.

So next thing I know I am gifted with my very first computer Windows 95 and a CD for Ultima Online... and my son said...we can hang out in this game world mom bs talk see each other...he even taught me how to use a mouse and the computer and HE on leave made for me my very first character...he even named her. He made her an archer warrior...and named her Queen Zen. He said "that is sooooooooo you mom" and we hung out later on in the NEW expansion pack ...........the lost lands. We hung out in Delucia together while he was under waters half way around the world. :) My son was my UO mentor even showed me how his mere miner, sneaky miner...with fight skills..killed or foiled pks. :) He taught me a lot about UO, the best mentor one could have in UO for myself that is.

So a mere game new at that...helped connect a navy submariner with his family in .....a pixel world. :)

His sisters tried it too...but they each accidently killed a *blue cow* in Delucia got guardwacked and said that Ultima Online was way too violent for them..........he neglected to tell his sisters NOT to kill *pets* lol he did tell me that...we laughed thought it was hyterical that the girls got guardwacked but um then NEVER did play again...they were so shaken by being pixel guardwacked for...cow killin a tame cow each girl...we never got them back to UO.

LOL I am still here............son got married he has NO time for UO he gave me his acct. some yrs. ago...so I pay for his chrs keep em alive they are been my chrs. now for years. ie I had 2 accts early on. :)

So yeh...a family member my son so we could *hang out* while he was in the US NAVY...he got me into UO back in the day...I bought that then new *expansion* back then first one lost lands, and been here ever since.

*feels UO OLD* :D

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I played Ultima 6 back in 1990/1991 and LOVED it, snagged 7 (complete) in 1994 and have been an Ultima fan since.


Grand Poobah
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My friend was into Diablo at the time and was in a guild called NA (Northland Army). This was sometime around late 1999 or early 2000 around the time of the Trinsic invasions. He encouraged me to join up and I did.

I went to Best Buy and bought a copy of UO T2A and was excited to try it out. First character was the UO Archer template and I loved it. Make my own bows and use them. My goodness I actually enjoyed chopping trees when I first started! lol.

I remember my first pk was because there was a newbie thief who was trying to snoop me. I warned him 3 times before I attacked him. He turned gray when I attacked him but I was still oblivious to the rules and it didn't register. I remember thinking my character was slowly turning gray even though I was still blue, lol. Much later I tried PvP with him despite how horrible archers were at PvP. I remember managing to kill someone once and his friends reaction was "You got killed by an archer??"

Then to earn gold I decided to make me a thief only to steal from Nobles and Adventurers. I remember thinking "This is fun, maybe I should try stealing from players for better items." Since them my thief was my main character.


My friend Tyranissa Wrath recommended the game in 2000, started playing in october, have been playing ever since :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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I was an ultima fan. Even more so, a Origin Systems fan.
I bought the first Ultima for the Apple ][ and it came in a zip lock baggie!

I also played other Origin games in the '80s.
Ogre and some others.

I had heard of UO but it was not till 1999 when I bought The Second Age.
I've been here ever since.


Back when UO came out the internet was resourceful, but not nearly as resourceful as before. I was still getting the majority of my information from gaming magazines, and for some reason the next Ultima game required an online connection. This was very confusing for me.. it took me a few days to grasp the whole MMO concept. I still remember the first time I logged in and saw other people chatting and moving around, I was just totally blown away. I thought to myself, man it will be hard to top this. And it sure was for many years.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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I used to play the old ultima games when they were comming out.
I never even know they were making UO.
Then a friend in scouts told my about it. i was like 12 or 13.
The concept alone blew my mind. He got into beta and I watched him a couple time. I had dreams about moongates poping up in my backyard until charter was released. Not sure how he got it, but i came home from a hikeing trip in scouts and my pops handed it to me. Life was never the same.


Babbling Loonie
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My husband. All of a sudden, he was glued to his computer. It was join him or become a UO widow!


Played Ultima since the old monocrome AppleII days in shcools while the teacher wasnt looking heheh, played most of the Ultima series over the years and joined UO many years ago, not sure what version it was back then, but no trammel when I started. Really started to have the money/time play UO after AoS though. I don't complain much and have loved UO in all its incarnations!

Asahina Yajinden

I first heard of uo from a friend several yr's ago.
we used to get together and play rpg's weekly including, D&D, shadowrun,mechwarrior, gamma world.

..... anyway as life goes on people move and whatnot not having anyone to game with, i was jonesing for my fix and , this same friend said hey you know how your always wanting to play oriental D&D well theres this game uo that now has the samurai expansion u should check it out.
i didn't even have a pc...so i had to buy one then get internet service.

I did and it was love at first feel.... anyway 4 yr's and 2 acct's later here i am.


Way back when...A couple of my friends started playing and I watched...Well I had to get into the game...

Still paying too after all these years...amazing...

No matter what happens to UO..the memories I have with the friends I have made..played with..and died next too..will live on for as long as i breathl.

amazing game it is..


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Xavori and Magical Bubba...

I wonder if anyone, even LS'ers, remembers those guys...

Ahhh....Silk's Tavern. Good times.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The heavy xbow wielding, corp por shouting, black pearl stealing, wtfmen: Ronald McDonald, Greybeard, and Nighthawk.

Hey, wait a min...but you couldn't have known these people, without first getting UO yourself. Or at least seeing someone else play on Baja...

Same for me basically. I was in a Diablo guild, and everyone in it signed up for the UO beta. I was the only one selected :)

I have been in Sosaria ever since.
BChatter by any chance?

I was an ultima fan. Even more so, a Origin Systems fan.
I bought the first Ultima for the Apple ][ and it came in a zip lock baggie!

I also played other Origin games in the '80s.
Ogre and some others.

I had heard of UO but it was not till 1999 when I bought The Second Age.
I've been here ever since.
I loved autodual too! Saved up my pocket money to buy a joystick just to play this game. I would design vehicles on a notepad when I was in school - ultimately had the weight and space for every component and weapon memorized. The teachers saw me busily scribbling away thought I was taking notes hah!

I loved travelling to different arena championships in my itsy bitsy 5000 dollar Arena Turtle and laying waste to the 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, Unlimited, Championship classes with my twin MGs.