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[Alchemy] Returning Player Observations



Hi, Just got back into UO after 8+ years absence, and had some thoughts.

I remember back in the day, (1998) Explosion potions were fairly so-so.

I am working up an alchemist, and boy have they changed.

With alchemy at 85, and 45% enhance potions on my gear, I am doing between 60-100 damage to one target with Greater explosion pots, depending on the monster. This is awesome; but according to the "Alchemy FAQ Sticky" greater explosion pots do 11-20 damage. I assume this is unaccurate.

I've read elsewhere that alchemy gives a bonus to enhance potions (30% at GM) that isn't effected by the 50% cap on enhance potions you can get from gear.

So obviously, at best, 80% enhance potions bonus to 11-20 damage is not the numbers I am seeing.

Did they just raise the base damage of explosion pots? or are there other skills giving me more damage that I am not aware of?

either way, im really pleased with the changes.

Greater Conflag potions are really nice too, mine atm are doing 15-20ish damage a tick, and seems to be lasting around 10 seconds... fun stuff

Justin Dreisden

I too have had some questions about explosion potions. Have you tried using them against other players by actually targeting them? I tried it on a guilded member and I was unsuccessful and you cannot target blues either. I believe I tried this in Felucca as well with no success.

However, does anyone know if you can target warred enemies and or reds with these explosion potions? Anyone have numbers on what sort of damage they we inflicting?


My Alchemy is getting close to GM, its at 95.8 right now... once I hit GM I am going to run some tests, see if I can get some accurate numbers... or at least up to date numbers.


Got GM Alchemy last week, and here is some rough numbers. This is with a total of 80% Enhance Potions (50% on gear, 30% for GM Alchemy)

Against an Artic Orge Lord:

Greater Explosion Potion = 80-105ish damage (one target, not multiples)
Greater Conflagaration Potion = 20-30ish damage a tick, didn't count the number of ticks yet, but seems to be batting around 8 or so. (one target, not multiples)

On a side note, with 2 targets caught in AOE, (targets being a "brigand" and a "chicken") I did 106 damage to one, and 77 damage to the other with a greater explosion potion.

Kelly Daze

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can you see if one of your guildmates will let you use one on them? I want to add alchemy to one of my templates but I would like to know what type of damage you do against a player.


Ok, ill answer your pvp questions on pots as i run an alchy thief,

to a 70fire suit single target, you can expect to do around 30-40damage per explosion and aroun 7-12 per tick of a conflag. This is all with 80%EP.

you cannot target guildies or allies with either. You can target anyone else (reds and oranges you auto flag) i believe, have to double check, that you need to flag on a blue before you can target.(given that your blue of course)

Kelly Daze

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, ill answer your pvp questions on pots as i run an alchy thief,

to a 70fire suit single target, you can expect to do around 30-40damage per explosion and aroun 7-12 per tick of a conflag. This is all with 80%EP.

you cannot target guildies or allies with either. You can target anyone else (reds and oranges you auto flag) i believe, have to double check, that you need to flag on a blue before you can target.(given that your blue of course)
Thanks for the reply. Do you have fun with your alchy? I am thinking about using alchy. I am not sure about the rest of the template but i think it would be a fun template to play.


as far as my mage/alchemist, i love it.

if you use explosion pots against, say, an artic ogre lord... who has low resistances to fire, its like a free flamestrike. that you can spam.

in pvp id imagine having healing pots heal more health would be vital. though ive not pvp'd in ages... so im at a loss for the fads of now. If i did pvp, id prolly find a way to make an archer with alchemy and get a balanced bow, that sounds fun to me. paralyzing blow---toss a couple of explosion pots---all while thwack thwack with arrows. fun stuff!


Thanks for the reply. Do you have fun with your alchy? I am thinking about using alchy. I am not sure about the rest of the template but i think it would be a fun template to play.
Its F***in hilarious!!!

Love it! seriously love it!!!

At the moment i couldnt think of a more fun additional skill for a thief!

The extra heal, the extra hp..silly amounts of damage (if you can trap the person...but thats for a diff thread :p)