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Somehow I deleted my one of my main characters....


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday...One of my main characters got deleted when I was trying to delete a 'throw away' slot character. I'm not sure what happened or how it happened. From what I saw I deleted the 'throw' away character slot and then clicked "Yes" delete but what happened was one of my main characters got deleted.

I know for a fact when toggling through Multiple UOKR clients I've had characters not even on that account show up on the character roster. I'm wondering if something like this might have happened...

Anything is possible and I could have done something incredibly stupid but I just don't see me clicking on my main character and hitting delete.

Has anyone had any experience similiar to this?

Is there any protocol for retrieving deleted characters. Any petition I could file?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Paged a GM told me I was SOL.

Tough breaks....I got some work to do.:popcorn:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday...One of my main characters got deleted when I was trying to delete a 'throw away' slot character. I'm not sure what happened or how it happened. From what I saw I deleted the 'throw' away character slot and then clicked "Yes" delete but what happened was one of my main characters got deleted.

I know for a fact when toggling through Multiple UOKR clients I've had characters not even on that account show up on the character roster. I'm wondering if something like this might have happened...

Anything is possible and I could have done something incredibly stupid but I just don't see me clicking on my main character and hitting delete.

Has anyone had any experience similiar to this?

Is there any protocol for retrieving deleted characters. Any petition I could file?
I think it's possible tho I dont really know. But when I played WoW and got in a fight with my girlfriend and she got so mad and deleted all my characters on my account (6 characters) I was able to create a new character on the same account and went to the same server (Gorefiend PvP) and paged ingame support. An ingame support representitive just "put" all my deleted character back after confirming my CD key.

I dont know, I mean I THINK before server down you should be able to indeed get your characters back as the server hasnt really saved yet. Well servers just came back up so 9 out of 10 Id say you are SOL...

Sorry for your lost.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They used to restore characters but that was back when they gave a crap and actually had ingame support...like years ago.

BTW, sorry for your loss.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The main difference is Blizzard seems to care about their customer base, where Mythic / EA will string you along with false promises and gaudy content.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you tried calling customer support? You might actually get something accomplished like that despite what the GM told you.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I actually did the same thing in uo once.. it was my own stupid fault that I deleted the char but I paged and called customer support with no luck. Although my sister was playing my WoW account once and accidently deleted my lvl 60 char with like 700 gold on him.. I got in contact with the GMs and within days I had the char back with all her gold, items, and armor.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It think the real difference is that WoW is still relatively new and popular whereas UO has aged into a lazy grumpy old man :p
When UO was new and popular, of course they would. I bet when WoW becomes old and not so popular anymore they would be the same as UO is now.

But that really does suck. Seriously try actually calling tech support if you really do want to try and get that character back. They can restore lost characters, just depends on whether you get in contact with a lazy support tech who doesn't want to go through the loops or a responsible support tech.


If you're on Pac and need help getting anything back for your char let me know. I may be able to help out with some stuff depending on what it is.


I once almost deleted my main after xfer'ing a char with the same name over to the same shard: when I went to go delete the xfer'd version I did a double take and decided to log into each first to make sure the one I was about to delete wasn't my main-main lol.

So ya I could imagine how you would accidentally do it. What I don't understand is why they don't restore deleted characters. They clearly have the capability.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yesterday...One of my main characters got deleted when I was trying to delete a 'throw away' slot character. I'm not sure what happened or how it happened. From what I saw I deleted the 'throw' away character slot and then clicked "Yes" delete but what happened was one of my main characters got deleted.

I know for a fact when toggling through Multiple UOKR clients I've had characters not even on that account show up on the character roster. I'm wondering if something like this might have happened...

Anything is possible and I could have done something incredibly stupid but I just don't see me clicking on my main character and hitting delete.

Has anyone had any experience similiar to this?

Is there any protocol for retrieving deleted characters. Any petition I could file?
This comes up every so often.

There should be a 24 hour wait for any character that is more than 400 skill points.

You click delete and there is a 'restore' button for 24 hrs. After 24 then its gone.

Simple simple simple solution. No reason why you couldn't wait a day to delete an experienced character to protect against accidental deletes by you or your S.O. or whatever.


Yesterday...One of my main characters got deleted when I was trying to delete a 'throw away' slot character. I'm not sure what happened or how it happened. From what I saw I deleted the 'throw' away character slot and then clicked "Yes" delete but what happened was one of my main characters got deleted.

I know for a fact when toggling through Multiple UOKR clients I've had characters not even on that account show up on the character roster. I'm wondering if something like this might have happened...

Anything is possible and I could have done something incredibly stupid but I just don't see me clicking on my main character and hitting delete.

Has anyone had any experience similiar to this?

Is there any protocol for retrieving deleted characters. Any petition I could file?
Wish I would of seen your post sooner. I play 2-d and I was deleting a Char I didn't want today. I highlighted the name of the one I wanted to delete and I made sure it was that named highlighted and I'm 99 % sure it was that chars name in the checked box (Ive second guessed my self so many time now that I'm not 100% sure) and it deleted the Char above that one. :(!! Oh May I have worked on her for years now :( I lost my E uni , all my double slayer bows, my candle of love and I don't know how many years of Holiday gifts and tokens. *sigh*
I Feel for you, I have lost things that can I can never get back twice in the last year due to game glitches and just my flat bad luck
I hope you have better luck in the future.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wish I would of seen your post sooner. I play 2-d and I was deleting a Char I didn't want today. I highlighted the name of the one I wanted to delete and I made sure it was that named highlighted and I'm 99 % sure it was that chars name in the checked box (Ive second guessed my self so many time now that I'm not 100% sure) and it deleted the Char above that one. :(!! Oh May I have worked on her for years now :( I lost my E uni , all my double slayer bows, my candle of love and I don't know how many years of Holiday gifts and tokens. *sigh*
I Feel for you, I have lost things that can I can never get back twice in the last year due to game glitches and just my flat bad luck
I hope you have better luck in the future.
Sorry to hear that Millie:(

That happened to me about a year ago, I was deleting an unworked character from my main account, so that I could transfer a character from Atlantic. Thought I had correct one selected, wound up deleating the only Archer I've ever built up. I was so upset I couldn't even bear to play the game for about a week.

The character I deleted was 115 Archery (just ate a 120 scroll), 120 Bushido etc. Had about 20 mil gold, all my best bows and 30-40 tokens on him, as well as wearing a suit that i'd paid about 50 mil to build.

Even now, at least a year later I haven't been able to bring myself to start a new Archer.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok great, all these horror stories are going to make me either never delete a character, or xfer all the unwanted characters to an off shard to delete them there.

Sorry to hear about ya'lls bad experiences. :(


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This comes up every so often.

There should be a 24 hour wait for any character that is more than 400 skill points.

You click delete and there is a 'restore' button for 24 hrs. After 24 then its gone.

Simple simple simple solution. No reason why you couldn't wait a day to delete an experienced character to protect against accidental deletes by you or your S.O. or whatever.
Brilliant idea.

It has been brought up before, too, but this really does just need to happen, like right away.

Losing a character like that is just a friggin drag, no matter how you look at it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The main difference is Blizzard seems to care about their customer base, where Mythic / EA will string you along with false promises and gaudy content.
Blizzard does not care about their players/
They only care about their monies

The Home Guild

Happpend to me.. my nephew decided to watch me play and saw me type in my password..so i come home from work and notice 3 chars deleted.
I asked why and how and he said he wanted to make a new char and since he couldn't he deleted. :( those chars were 120'ed!!!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thankyou everyone for your feedback and support. And most of all...understanding. This is the biggest issue that gets me is 'time' spent building and acquiring items and proper gear that is lost. It's never so much about the items or the skillset (though that will cost me) as it is about time.

Sorry for you loss Millie. Just know that your not alone and I too am almost certain that the character highlighted was not the one that was deleted. My issue happened in UOKR and I am a huge supporter and fan but as I stated earlier I have seen character names not associated with that account appear on the character roster. So this leads me to believe there is indeed some room for error and that what happened was not a result of my own stupidity or negligence.

Theo_GL is right some system needs to be put in place to allow retrieval. I know somewhere within 24 hours of it happening EA had access to that character and someone somewhere could have done something to help me out and make it right.

Instead the response I received from a GM was your SOL. Can't help ya buddy. What I should have received was you need to "log out for 15 mins and come back and I'll see if I can't locate that character on our servers" or "this is the email/petition you need to fill out within 24hours". Something but it is frustrating when you know the character is not completely 'gone' and some legitimate mistake happened on either side and there is no help to be found.

Connor thanks for the offer but I'm on Sonoma and I'm not exactly hurting when it comes to gold and resources. I do value my time though.:D but I do appreciate the offer. Your always offering to help other players if they're on Pacific when they post about their troubles. I've seen it in numerous other threads.You offered me the same when my 'blessed' Crimson vanished last year. Thanks for your support Connor your a good man.:)

And about customer service and money. The two go hand in hand. If someone or some entity all they care about is money then they had better provide great service to keep their customers happy and the money comming in. It's not rocket science.

All in All. If there is a bug I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else and I'd like to see some protocol opened up where some help can be had for people in the same situation as myself and Millie.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This comes up every so often.

There should be a 24 hour wait for any character that is more than 400 skill points.

You click delete and there is a 'restore' button for 24 hrs. After 24 then its gone.

Simple simple simple solution. No reason why you couldn't wait a day to delete an experienced character to protect against accidental deletes by you or your S.O. or whatever.
Amen... 100% signed!!!! Great idea, should be VERY easy to implement, and would save a lot of frustration and heartache. Would also prevent your chars from being permanently deleted if you get hacked. Man, why in the world has this not been put in place?!?!?!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Madrid - if there is any way at all that I could help you out on Sonoma, please let me know!
Thank you Dor my fellow Sonomian that is very kind of you! I do appreciate the offer. I'm off to a pretty good start and it shouldn't be too long before I'm back fighting my old enemies Dread Horn and Meraktus:

Good to see we have so many big hearts here in UO and on Stratics...at least where the players are concerned.:)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This comes up every so often.

There should be a 24 hour wait for any character that is more than 400 skill points.

You click delete and there is a 'restore' button for 24 hrs. After 24 then its gone.

Simple simple simple solution. No reason why you couldn't wait a day to delete an experienced character to protect against accidental deletes by you or your S.O. or whatever.
Amen... 100% signed!!!! Great idea, should be VERY easy to implement, and would save a lot of frustration and heartache. Would also prevent your chars from being permanently deleted if you get hacked. Man, why in the world has this not been put in place?!?!?!
I have started so many threads for just that & more Account security in the last 3 yrs, I can't count them all. They (EA) just keep ignoring the one thing that would help so many people. Be it they are hacked & someone tried to delete all their chara on them, or a Glitch or mistake on a chara deletion we do our selves. This ONE thing would benefit soooooooooo many players/people.

Stanton Of Pac

I actually did the same thing in uo once.. it was my own stupid fault that I deleted the char but I paged and called customer support with no luck. Although my sister was playing my WoW account once and accidently deleted my lvl 60 char with like 700 gold on him.. I got in contact with the GMs and within days I had the char back with all her gold, items, and armor.
Different game engines. WoW keeps a backup of characters for just such an error; in UO when you delete the character it is GONE. I think that UO GMs used to be able to build characters from scratch but that got abused so they stopped allowing that.

Having the DELETE button on the character selector screen makes me a little paranoid. I know there's a confirmation gump but still: Would rather have it over on the Account Management Menu with a 24 hour delay for added protection.

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Having the DELETE button on the character selector screen makes me a little paranoid. I know there's a confirmation gump but still: Would rather have it over on the Account Management Menu with a 24 hour delay for added protection.
i 2nd that. logging into your account page on uo.com to delete chars would be a good idea. or having a 24 hour wait period where you could reverse the decision is also a great idea. i think password protection on deletion would be a good idea too so no one else could easily delete your chars if they break into your account. even have the option of have a separate pw for char deletion so it's not the same pw as your account.


Millie & Madrid -- My heart goes out to each of you. geeeze.


I just tested this on a throwaway account and it deleted the chars
I wanted to. So not sure what happened to the previous posters.
I do agree they should have a 24 hour timer to prevent hackers from
deleting chars.
I had also deleted 2 chars from my main accounts over the weekend
with no problems before I had read this thread. Getting ready to bring Gargoyles into the fold.:D


Madrid - If you need something please let me know. If we can; we will HELP :)

Best of luck!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They used to restore characters but that was back when they gave a crap and actually had ingame support...like years ago.

BTW, sorry for your loss.
I have never heard of ONE case where they restored a charactor. Not even when a person got hacked. They just have never done that. Why would you just flat out lie like that? Gahhh.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have never heard of ONE case where they restored a charactor. Not even when a person got hacked. They just have never done that. Why would you just flat out lie like that? Gahhh.

Here's a clue, go troll on someone else coz you're simply insignificant to me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The main difference is Blizzard seems to care about their customer base, where Mythic / EA will string you along with false promises and gaudy content.



Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This comes up every so often.

There should be a 24 hour wait for any character that is more than 400 skill points.

You click delete and there is a 'restore' button for 24 hrs. After 24 then its gone.

Simple simple simple solution. No reason why you couldn't wait a day to delete an experienced character to protect against accidental deletes by you or your S.O. or whatever.
Good point I agree. They should have kind a step-between period before going from frozen character to deleted character.