This message just arrived from
EM Seppo and EM Pallando
EM Seppo and EM Pallando
Robert the Ranger has requested the following announcement be delivered:
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
With spring beckoning,
it is time for cleaning;
Gather all around,
at the Skara Faire Grounds.
Meet an old friend,
Many new too to befriend;
Gather all around,
at the Skara Faire Grounds.
Come set a new trend,
or a merry time expend;
Gather all around
at the Skara Faire Grounds.
I cordially extend an invitation to everyone to attend the Spring Bazaar at the Skara Faire Grounds this Sunday, March 15th, from 6 PM to 8PM (PST). (7-9PM MST, 8-10 PM CST, 9-11PM EST)
To make this bazaar a success, it is critical that we find tenants for the 40 stall slots we have available at the faire grounds. We have 10 stalls available for renting for a period of thirty minutes starting at 6 PM. Be sure to reserve your stall beforehand as there might be none available on the day of the bazaar. The stalls may be used for a variety of things, may it be selling your wares or recruiting for your guild.
- There are four time-slots available for each of the ten available stalls at the faire grounds:
6:00-6:30, 6:30-7:00, 7:00-7:30, 7:30-8:00. - In order to reserve a time-slot you have to contact EM Seppo. An up to date list of reserved slots will be made available.
- Please be respectful of others at the market to make it an enjoyable event for everyone.
- You may not exceed your reserved time-slot.
- If you do not show up during the first five minutes of your reserved time-slot, you may forfeit your reservation.
* -- Reserved -- (6:00 - 7:00)
* Champions tournament sign-up (6:30 - 7:00)
* Skara Faire Grounds Personnel Recruitment Booth (7:00-7:30)
* Champions tournament sign up (7:30 - 8:00)
For more information or to reserve a booth, Robert the Ranger will be at a table on the roof of West Britain Bank most of today (Thursday).