<U> All my macros are gone after a UOA update. HELP!!!
Sometimes there are client patches that will make your UOA macros all seem to go >poof<. In many cases, UOA will display a message to the effect that the data stream has changed. Some cases, like a recent patch will NOT warn you.
What to do, what to do ...
1. Log out of the UO client and quit it completely.
2. Open Windows Explorer and you should locate your character macros in folders under this path:
c:\Program Files\UOAssist\UOA-Settings\<account>\<shard>
3. For whatever character you need to "adjust", select the appropriate folder and copy it.
4. Then paste it one level UP ... in the following folder:
c:\Program Files\UOAssist\UOA-Settings\<account>
5. Restart UOA/UO and go have fun.
Soooo, in my case
c:\Program Files\UOAssist\UOA-Settings\<account>\LakeAustin\Spin Nakor
gets copied and pasted ... thereby being in:
c:\Program Files\UOAssist\UOA-Settings\<account>\Spin Nakor
Hope this helps!