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[UO Herald] Client Update

UO News

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We have updated the 2D client and the KR client.



  • Removing the winter season overlay
  • Fixed the crafting gumps in KR to show the academic bookcase, hitching rope and hitching post



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The snow is very pretty, but my eyes get tired after a while from the glare. So...glad the flowers will get back to blooming. :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like the clilocs got patched too... not something i'm good at checking, though.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
*sighs*..... ah spring..... I'll miss the pretty snow.... but I'm happy to have it gone as well.... it's only special in the winter time.... if it was around all year it wouldn't be nearly as special...

Thanks again for the snow!.... and the return to summer.... but you think sometime maybe we could have a fall? and a spring too?? I know I'm asking alot... but spring and Fall are really my favorite times of the year..... And I think it would be really special if the seasons changed in UO... helping to really make it feel more like a real world.... (Though if we were going to do that then we would have to make it very real and keep with the time of UO so winter, summer, spring and Fall would each be only about a week long....)...

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm glad the snow is gone. I was getting sick of it. It was nice for the holidays, and most of winter, but spring's approaching here and I've had enough real and virtual snow for one year.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gargish Stone Leggings
Female Gargish Cloth Kilt
Soul Glaivem

This item cannot be used with a free trial account.
You cannot invite a trial account player to your faction-aligned guild.
You have been kicked out of your guild! Trial account players may not remain in a guild which is allied with a faction.
You cannot join a faction as a trial account player
Trial accounts cannot turn in a bulk order.
Trial account players cannot offer protection to another player.
Trial account players cannot be protected by another player.
Trial account players may not travel into the Felucca dungeons or Lost Lands. You have been relocated to an area that should provide a taste of danger, however.
Trial account players may not enter the Felucca dungeons or the Lost Lands.
Trial account players may not place, trade, receive, or own a house.
Trial account players do not have access to that level of house security.
Trial account players may not donate pets to the zoo collection.
This Quest Giver has no other quests to share. Free trial accounts cannot repeat quests.
You cannot randomly steal from your own pet.
obsidian dagger

and some other stuff


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gargish Stone Leggings
Female Gargish Cloth Kilt
Soul Glaivem

This item cannot be used with a free trial account.
You cannot invite a trial account player to your faction-aligned guild.
You have been kicked out of your guild! Trial account players may not remain in a guild which is allied with a faction.
You cannot join a faction as a trial account player
Trial accounts cannot turn in a bulk order.
Trial account players cannot offer protection to another player.
Trial account players cannot be protected by another player.
Trial account players may not travel into the Felucca dungeons or Lost Lands. You have been relocated to an area that should provide a taste of danger, however.
Trial account players may not enter the Felucca dungeons or the Lost Lands.
Trial account players may not place, trade, receive, or own a house.
Trial account players do not have access to that level of house security.
Trial account players may not donate pets to the zoo collection.
This Quest Giver has no other quests to share. Free trial accounts cannot repeat quests.
You cannot randomly steal from your own pet.
obsidian dagger

and some other stuff
What is the "other stuff"? :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kinda makes sense the Gargoyle stuff was removed.. was prolly just for a client test anyway.


"You cannot randomly steal from your own pet."

Does this mean you can't steal from a packy in Fel anymore to gain in Stealing?

I sure hope not. That would be some really crappy timing....

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You don't 'randomly steal' from your pet to train stealing, you 'target steal'. And if you want to save your sanity you steal them from a bag in the pet's pack so that when you've stolen them all you can re-pack them with uoa's organiser agent. If you use uoa that is. :)


Here's a novel idea.

Patch notes should go in the patch screen, and not just the Herald.

So who do I go to for my paycheck?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Trial account players may not travel into the Felucca dungeons or Lost Lands. You have been relocated to an area that should provide a taste of danger, however.
This one caught my interest... :D


- me too, tjalle. Just wish it wasn't spoilered, heh... burninator activate :flame:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm glad the snow is gone. I was getting sick of it. It was nice for the holidays, and most of winter, but spring's approaching here and I've had enough real and virtual snow for one year.

My sentiments exactly plus I was tired of wearing shades to play (that's dedication) =P

Kudos on fixing the trial accounts!


We have updated the 2D client and the KR client.



  • Removing the winter season overlay
  • Fixed the crafting gumps in KR to show the academic bookcase, hitching rope and hitching post

What snow? living on Artic island never noticed lol