There is the wolves and sheep theory which applies to PvP MMORPGs. People will not pay to be sheep [which obviously does not apply to freeshards because users do not pay]. You have seen it recently with AoC and WAR, both with huge initial subscriptions and are now tanking. Seige is the least populated shard, and Darkfall looks like it is going to be an epic fail. In contrast look at the ongoing success of WOW. Its focus is on PvE and is still gaining subscriptions.
He is right. 100%!
And that is why EA/Mythic should
not convert the current shards to a classic ruleset. They just should not do it! I agree with that.
...what about those of us that actually enjoyed an open PvP playstyle? What about the players that enjoyed a game where death was around every turn, and we were not safe and sound in Trammel?
You know, I really, really, hate the terms Trammy, Care Bears, etc. Because I feel that those terms are incredibly hypocritical, because it was the very actions of those that use those terms that led to the creation of Trammel in the first place.
When I was young, my father would take me hunting...and one of the most important lessons I learned, is that you can only hunt game for so long before it either becomes extinct, or moves on to another area.
But I have started to gain a new appreciation for those terms while reading the responses to this thread. How hypocritical is it of those that would seek to prevent a classic shard from being developed to cry foul over the request for one single shard, while all of the other shards remain a Trammel dominant ruleset?!
You sit in your 18x18 houses, with your roof top gardens, wearing your neon dyed artifacts, and you scoff at those that want something different! How are you any different than those that preyed upon the innocent when UO was young?! You are preying upon those that do not share your idea of what UO should be.
How, you might ask, am I preying on these people?
Because in resisting this idea, you are causing these players that pay their subscription fees, just like you do, to play in a world where they are not fulfilled.
Ask yourself this question:
How would the existence of a classic shard negatively affect me?
Be honest with yourself. What exactly about the existence of a classic shard would affect you so greatly that you would make a stand against it?
Would you no longer be able to run Doom, and collect artifacts?
Would you no longer be able to participate in champ spawns, to get your precious powerscrolls?? Hell, the creation of a classic shard might actually make it
easier for you to do this!
Would you lose your house that you have spent years collecting items for?
Would you lose the millions and millions of gold that you have horded over the years??
The answer to all of these NO! Your UO life would go on exactly has it has since April 3, 2000...or the day you joined since then.
But what about us? What about the players that watched our world be destroyed on that day?? Those of us that remain, or those of us that would return, don't we deserve the same thing that you have?? Don't we deserve a chance to have our UO lives continue the way we wanted them to?
It seems to me that many of the people making a stand against this idea are being incredibly selfish...but why? I still do not understand the threat that this idea presents to you. I still do not understand why you feel it necessary to
enforce your playstyle upon those that do not want it.
I have heard the objections, but it all comes across as a smoke screen to me. A smoke screen of fear.
Are you that concerned that the population of your shard will discover that UO actually
was better in the past?? Are you concerned that you will have no one to show off your artifacts to anymore?
Explain it to me.
I am not buying the resources argument any more, because I do not think that creating a classic shard would take that many resources, and it certainly would not cause any subscriptions to be canceled. It can only benefit EA/Mythic, because it can only attract players that feel disenfranchised by the current UO rulesets.
So ask yourself the hard question. Why are you
really against this? What makes you fear this idea so much, that you would even bother to resist it?
I would hope that the group of players that once felt so strongly about having Trammel added to the game, because they wanted a different playstyle than what existed, can take the time to look inward, and understand that we are only asking for the exact same thing...only on a much, much, smaller scale...and we are not asking to force you to change your playstyle, the way you did to us.