I had this post in the poll thread for this:
I want the guildstones back as a decoration that can be added in the HQ or Guildhall, whichever you prefer to call it. One of the nice things about guildstones was that it added a kind of "presence" to the game. Something that really made the headquarters the headquarters.
Currently, all new guilds only have their titles and abbreviations above their characters to make their guild known. Nothing else.
Guilds need some kind of decoration specifically for their guild, a symbol. And that was what the guild stone really was for me. I didn't like having to go to the stone, so what I just want is my guild symbol back
It could be a craftable house add-on. When used you could select a number of designs for the stone, color options for the stone, and of course it should only be useable if you are a GM of a guild.