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Help With Everything Chocolate..

  • Thread starter Lady Mystyka
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lady Mystyka

Hello there.. Recently returned to UO and heres a biggy question.. Im trying to catch up on every thing new .. I grew a cocoa tree and Im collecting cocoa pulp off it..
Whats the recipe to use this and where do I get everything I need to produce something ,in fact.. what am I trying to produce / Ive searched these boards and answers are vague .. Maybe I didnt search far enough back?
Can anyone bring me up to date so I dont feel so totally lost in this dept..
Thank you


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back.... there's no use as of yet for the cocoa pulp. Non-stackable cocoa liquor, vanilla, cocoa butter, and sugar occassionally gathered from the corpses of deceased paragons can be made into milk, dark, or white chocolate. Maybe someday the pulp will be processed into stackable chocolate components. *dreams of mugs of hot cocoa and marshmallows, spiked with a little rum and chocolate chip cookies*

Lady Mystyka

Ok Thank you very much.. BUT...I now see my gm cook CAN make the liquor out of pulp and can make the ccocoa butter out of the pulp so it definitely has its uses.. (saves alot of killing of paragons)
Only think I dont see is a faster way to get the sugar component..
Good news is I made a piece of Dark Chocolate.. BUT what good is it? just because? that type of thing?
Hmm oh yeah where do I find vanilla at.. Anyone know?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Regine posted a comment here about renaming bamboo to sugar cane...looks like we'll be able to grow/make our own sugar at some point.

Then all we'll need is a vanilla orchid plant with vanilla bean pods as a resource, and we'll be set ;)


I really want the vanilla orchid! That would be wonderful. I wonder if we would have to go through the whole curing process and extraction process to get liquid vanilla? I still want the vanilla orchid even if we do!