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Client Error Crashes


UO Lake Superior News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now I know I'm not alone after tonights fiasco!

C'mon devs! This client crash thing is getting out of hand now. Some people tonight on LS were crashing several times in less than five minutes.

I've had it happen when -

Recalling when I'm dragging items
Recalling when someone is dragging items
Entering moongates
Entering into places that have a shimmery doorway

and just a multitude of things!

I've been away from UO for almost a couple months now. The crashes were happening then and are ramping up in frequency now.

Please, please, please just get someone on it and get it fixed!

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have almost 50% crash rate with recalls. When I leave my house on a noncombat character I don't stay gone for but a few seconds. No need for the random spawn or junk chasing a recalled player drama at my house.

The other time I crash is when using the Ctrl Shift to grab lifebars or items.

Could start a thread about how this takes us back to the old days. Just need the 5+ minute wait to relog.


why fix client crashes?

Lets just make the game crash more. It could be exciting! Never knowing are you safe? or dead? Will you relog just in time to see your screen go grey. It is fun and exciting to find what/who killed/looted you, where is a healer? Then when your alive it is easy to find your body. Just recall again!! Maybe you live maybe you die but it is like gambling with your uo life. Gambling is fun isnt it? That second time there really isnt anything to lose but insurance. It adds a great sense of excitement!!


UO Lake Superior News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I get plenty of spontenaity in UO without crashes. That's not something I complain about.

What I have problems with is the inability to stay logged in period.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was there on LS last night doing twisted and most everyone was crashing it really does need addressed

Stupid Miner

I was there on LS last night doing twisted and most everyone was crashing it really does need addressed
Yea, i crashed 3 times at that spawn... and only once was because of the teleporter, the other two times were for absolutely no reason! :D

The amount of crashes i had was greater than the amount of monsters i killed! Could anything be more fun? Sure it could! I could gouge out my eyeballs!!! :lol:

Green Meanie

I crash all the time when someone/thing dies on my screen and occasionaly when recalling with other ppl around