Hi, my name is John “Wilki” Wilkinson, and I’ll be your Stygian Abyss Designer this evening. Would you like to start off with a platter of our finest quests, or perhaps a glass of sparkling new content?
For those of you who don’t remember, previously I was a Designer for UO, and before that I was the UO Community Coordinator. After a year in the wilderness, I’ve wandered back into the fold, taking the opportunity to come back aboard and join the UO Team working on our new expansion, Stygian Abyss! I was a part of the original Stygian Abyss design team, so it’s very exciting to get the opportunity to help finish the project. I’ve spent this past week catching up on all the exciting things that the team has been up to, and I’m looking forward to jumping back into the fray.
I probably won’t be posting much on the boards until we get closer to release, but I wanted to say hello to all the familiar faces out there, and introduce myself to those who might not know me.
It’s good to be back, and I can’t wait to see all of you in Ter Mur!
For those of you who don’t remember, previously I was a Designer for UO, and before that I was the UO Community Coordinator. After a year in the wilderness, I’ve wandered back into the fold, taking the opportunity to come back aboard and join the UO Team working on our new expansion, Stygian Abyss! I was a part of the original Stygian Abyss design team, so it’s very exciting to get the opportunity to help finish the project. I’ve spent this past week catching up on all the exciting things that the team has been up to, and I’m looking forward to jumping back into the fray.
I probably won’t be posting much on the boards until we get closer to release, but I wanted to say hello to all the familiar faces out there, and introduce myself to those who might not know me.
It’s good to be back, and I can’t wait to see all of you in Ter Mur!