Warrior of Time
Is Grim going to be permanent in the Labyrinth.
Eh, not really, you have insane 1 hit kill minotaurs... and then some dumb named drake, doesn't exactly add a challenge while you're getting 1 hit area attack killed.Grim adds an element of danger when doing Meraktus.
If you're fighting Grim and Merkatus himself at the same time, then you did something terribly wrong. The closest Grim spawn, while close to Merkatus' fortress, isn't close enough that you can't choose to fight one or the other.Eh, not really, you have insane 1 hit kill minotaurs... and then some dumb named drake, doesn't exactly add a challenge while you're getting 1 hit area attack killed.![]()
The Furry (or is it Flurry?) is a named air elemental and spawns in the long building just before Miasma It spawns with 3 other air elementals when you walk over the trap. This trap does not move (and pretty sure the other ones do not move either). But the trap does not spawn the creatures every time, and Furry only spawns about 1 out of 10 times. Furry actually gives better loot than Miasma and is easier to kill.The Grim is part of a "trap" spawn. Essentially, if you cross the square the trap is in, the drakes spawn, and may or may not include Grim. Then, it relocates to another part of the dungeon, so the trap conceivably could be triggered again.
Flurry (a named elemental - air or snow) spawns with air elementals as well, but closer to the entrance.
Why? Pyre is a cakewalk as long as you're one on one with it. Hell, he's easier than Swoop is now.I'd rather take on the minotaurs, Grim & Flurry at the same time rather then Pyre.
heheh Guess they're just more intelligent.Minotaur scouts shouldn't be able to reveal you if you have 120 stealth and GM hide either. It is ridiculous.