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If I came back to UO after 3-4 years would I be too out of touch?

  • Thread starter darkblade70
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Kinda feeling a pull to play UO again.

I'm an ex Pre-Trammer, then did some touch and go over the years, but haven't been around for the last few expansions -- I think the last one I bought was the one where you got the Lord Byron(?) toy in the box... from the guy who made Spawn....McFarlan?

Anywho, I was on great lakes, had a few 7x'ers, etc.

Too late for me to get back into things? Servers dead? Anything fun left? Any PvP? Any news of a classic/t2a server?

Input appreciated.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Factions are fun to play again and the original uber ultra-expensive EM items have been made into replicas that can now be received by doing champ spawns. Plus EM events are back although from what I hear they can't make those uber items anymore only decorative items (whew). Also there's been several fixes to templates that you may have been used to when you played. Such as chiv being capped at 2/6 on mages, deathstrike requires hiding and stealth, special moves cannot be stacked with spells anymore, special moves require tactics to perform (which includes bokutos even when they also require bushido as well), and there are new super pets called greater dragons and dread mares (you'll know why they are called super when you run into one). There's also that new 3D client called Kingdom Reborn that includes an awesome new interface, where you can create custom macros, ect. Other than that there have been lots of bug fixes and a couple of mishaps with dupes and exploits but that's nothing new.


Babbling Loonie
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Definitely alive and kicking. None of the servers have been decommissioned. Population might be a bit lower than you remember, most people hang out in Luna at the moment because the there's an invasion event running in old towns (Trammel side only, Fel is safe). So be careful when you logon :D

Definitely lots of catching up to do...


Thanks... I didn't understand half of what you said because I think I am in fact way out of touch lol...

I don't remember being around for Chivarly...

I just looked at my account and my last login was in 2005, but I think that was only for a 2 week trial restart.

Lol it sounds like fun things are going on, I just feel totally clueless haha.

How are the server populations these days? Great Lakes good?


Are there any account restart offers going on right now?

Btw, I think all my chars are logged out at Brit West bank still. Would that mean they'd get whooped by invaders?

I don't even know where Luna is...


Babbling Loonie
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No free welcome back to Britannia program at the moment as far as I know.

WBB Tram? Then you might want to login a char that can take care of himself first and scout around.

The invasion for each town in Tram is triggered when someone steals that respective town's sigil in Fel.

When the invasion is beaten, someone will need to steal the sigil again to trigger it once more. So normally there are definitely several hours or days (if no one fights the invasion) when the town is not invaded.

Alternatively, you might want to wait for someone on GL to confirm if WBB is being invaded now before loggin on.

Oh, all the NPC townsfolk becomes corrupted when the town is being invaded and may attack/steal/run away depending which force is attacking them.


Lore Keeper
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I think you should have no problems whatsoever logging back in to WBB even if there is an invasion on. I do all my banking on the bank roof as always and so far i've never seen an aggressive mob at WBB even when Brit has been invaded. I think the spawn locations are closer to EBB so you should be safe enough!

You will probably find you've got loads of catching up to do but its all good though! I came back 2 years ago after having left in 2000 and there was quite simply, a huge amount of new content to explore which has been really good fun.

Good Luck :)


Great Lakes is alive and kicking. Still a strong population and several events to do.


I came back after 3 years. It was almost like playing a new game and I am :danceb: Loving every minute of it.


Seasoned Veteran
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I came back after 3 years. It was almost like playing a new game and I am :danceb: Loving every minute of it.

Yep, tons of fun for a returning player to have!

I returned in late 2007, looking for something fun I could enjoy from home after some unexpected injuries/surgeries. I wasn't sure if I would still like UO after so many years away, but once I logged on and rolled up Littleblue....definately hooked again, hehe. It's pretty inexpensive compared to other entertainment, too, so a good value if the Economy has squeezed your budget for fun!

I will always love UO for it's Freedom, Content, Value, and of course, Community. :)

Chad Sexington

Lore Master
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There hasn't been an expansion in over 3 years. The only thing that has really changed is fewer people. You should be fine.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Thanks... I didn't understand half of what you said because I think I am in fact way out of touch lol...

I don't remember being around for Chivarly...
Well .... If I remeber right, the McFarlan thing was LBR (Lord Blackthorns Return.) Most of the previously mentioned terms are coming from one expansion later (Age of Shadows.) If you have played Diablo 2 before/at any time, you will become familar really fast with most of the more important changes to UO. *g*

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Are there any account restart offers going on right now?

Btw, I think all my chars are logged out at Brit West bank still. Would that mean they'd get whooped by invaders?

I don't even know where Luna is...
Britain on GL this morning is peaceful; however, you should avoid Yew, Moonglow, and Magincia in Trammel if you log on this morning.

Ask the town cryers for news once you get back into the game if you need to know current status. Up to three towns in Trammel from this list might be invaded at any point: Britain, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper, and Yew. When a town is invaded, NPCs at the closest moongate may also be corrupted, so you also need to be careful at some of the moongates.

Towns that are "safe" include Luna and Umbra in Malas; Buc's Den, Cove, Delucia, Jhelom, Nu'jelm, Ocllo/Haven, Papua, and Serpent's Hold on either facet; and the eight faction towns in Fel (Britain, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper, Yew).

You might want to avoid Magincia on either facet for a while even if the town cryers don't announce it as being invaded. It's been leveled and some of the ghosts there are rather grumpy. If you do end up there though and can't leave via spells, there is big black and gold teleporter pad near the dock area that takes you to the Trinsic docks. The moongate to Magincia is currently one-way inbound only.


Would it make more sense for me to level a new char or should I do fine with my oldies?

Also, on that note, do skills level at the same speed? Are people still macroing to skill gain?


I returned recently after not having played for about 7 years. Trammel was about 5-6 months old last time I played. There's definitely been a lot to re-learn, but I have enjoyed it quite a bit...some good changes, some not-so-good changes, but on the whole, it's still a fun game, and the community, while sparser, is much friendlier than I remember it being (although you might not assume as much by reading these forums some days).

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have played Diablo 2 before/at any time, you will become familar really fast with most of the more important changes to UO. *g*
I don't mean to be rude or anything but would you please reiterate what the "more important changes" are that are related to changes in Diablo?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you waited another year, would you be any closer to getting in touch with the game? Now would seem like the perfect time to get back into the game. By the time you changed skills around and got acquainted with all the changes in the game, you will be ready for the soon to be released sometime in the near future expansion.

Kratos Aurion

I don't mean to be rude or anything but would you please reiterate what the "more important changes" are that are related to changes in Diablo?
Maybe a late reply but QFT... UO is nothing like diablo 2 (maybe graphics wise?) and yes I have lvl'd multiple chars on diablo to 99.

The only significant comparisons just now coming to the forefront would probably be imbueing which is just about the same as in every game that uses the concept. Stop hating and start playing to all the "uo is like" that or "uo stole that" sayers.


If you have played Diablo 2 before/at any time, you will become familar really fast with most of the more important changes to UO. *g*
I don't mean to be rude or anything but would you please reiterate what the "more important changes" are that are related to changes in Diablo?
They are referring the to fact that the expansion Age of Shadows blatantly stole most of the item ideas from Diablo 2, and with a single expansion made UO into a huge item-fest like Diablo 2, completely changing the basic gameplay. I mean, even a lot of the names were exactly the same. Also the randomness of the item attributes was very similar to Diablo. UO has continued to copy a lot of things from other games instead of making more original content. This is probably where the sarcasm in the above post comes from.