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Sak-Flax? Possible resource-Flax

  • Thread starter Lord Zephyrus
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lord Zephyrus

For many a moon the flax plant has existed in sosaria. But unlike cotton and wool which were readily avalable from the enviroment the only source to get flax has been a tailor shop. I was wondering if it would be possible for the flax plant to give the flax resource maby even a special color of flax to encourage people to grow it.. Just a throught but i hope you like it. Oh and wouldent it be like super awesome if we could grow cotton and get the resource from it too. Maby even a special color of cotton or just regular. I just had this as a crazy thought, but i think it sounds pretty good.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like that idea, but then again I always thought the NPC sold flax looked like a magical wand...imagine if it came in different colors! Oooh, the deco possibilities. =)

Flora Green

I hope that flax becomes a resource plant at some point, but I'd settle for the drop rate being adjusted. Either the game hates me, or flax is a rare drop. I gathered 36 seeds the other day and received NO flax. I have a TON of cypress trees, however that no one buys.


I like that idea, but then again I always thought the NPC sold flax looked like a magical wand...imagine if it came in different colors! Oooh, the deco possibilities. =)
It would be really nice if the flax produced flax bundles. Aside from making cloth, I use one as a hairbrush and one as a scrub brush in my bathroom deco. You just can't turn them, but they still look neet.