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Paragon satyr?


Slightly Crazed
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Is there a reason why paragon satyr's are attacking my character when I enter the Weald? It cant be because its a paragon, because I have been there a million times with my tamer and they never attacked him. I thought it might be because of my characters karma (it wasnt negative, just nuetral) so i went and killed stuff untill I had positive karma and they still attack me. Is it because I have necro on that char?


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Somehow I think they are oversentitized to karma somehow - I won't go near one unless I'm tier 2 positive karma


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the paragon satyrs seem to have higher standards when it comes to karma just raise it a little higher and you should be fine


Slightly Crazed
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Weew I thought I was loosing it or something.... lol


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Paragons will attack neutral karma chars. Cu's will do it as well. They don't do it unless you walk toward them similar to the old demon AI that did that.


Also, there is a bug where fame/karma titles aren't updating on paperdolls occasionally until you logout and back in. I discovered this while closely monitoring mine as I sought Glorious Lord status before doing another Oaks spawn.


Odd thing about that. I went into the Weald this afternoon to kill a few swoops, or try it out at least, on my nox stealth mage. Well, as rarely happens, some idgit was working the spawn up so I eventually had to leave due to dryads popping on me (I didn't even go back for the corpse, no point) but while I was killing the Swoop, there was this stupid Cu there. Now, when I first saw him, I thought he was attack me and I'd have to Shadow Strike, but he seemed content with my Dread character standing there... So I start trying to fight. Every time I cast an EV, the Cu chomps it. like 3 seconds and the EV is down. Naturally, this makes EVing Swoop problematic, adding to my decision to leave...

But the odd thing; Why didn't the Cu attack me?

Now, I'd also like to say that we need to introduce a system of linking mobs in this game. I did oaks on that same character earlier, and as it turns out beginning to end I was the only negative karma character. That meant while everyone else was killing their choice of mob at the altar, any time I popped out to cast anything I would litterally be aggro'd by every mob for the for a screen and a half. If I didn't pick my locations very very carefully, I would ussually die fairly instantly as a dozen or so flamestrikes charred me at once.

I'd like to see it be that if you're killing a certain type of monster... I suppose its most relevant with posetive karma mobs... they don't say "Oh dear! The Glorious Lord Whatshisnuts is killing Steve! Well... I'm sure he has his reasons." As opposed to them going "Hey, Glorious Lord Whatshisnuts is killing Steve, but the Outcast Mustacheknuckler is whistling dixie over there! Get em'!"

I would like to see them defending Steve. It just makes sense, and Oaks is kind of easy for a posetive karma character /derail


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
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I had that happen a little while ago on my tamer while doing an Oaks spawn. I was fine one minute, but suddenly the para pixies and wisps started randomly attacking me. It shouldn't have been my karma cause I was still Illustrious, I left Ilsh after the spawn ended and went back after it respawned, did another, and the paras totally ignored me.

And as far as I know, Cus shouldn't respond to karma because they're grey. I think only the blues (pixies, dryads, etc) are sensitive to karma levels...

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Also, there is a bug where fame/karma titles aren't updating on paperdolls occasionally until you logout and back in. I discovered this while closely monitoring mine as I sought Glorious Lord status before doing another Oaks spawn.
Under the 2d client at least, I've never seen the paperdoll update it's status unless you manually close/re-open it. It doesn't really matter, but it's worth keeping in mind if you're about to do something that'll lower your karma dramatically (like, uh, Oaks).

The status window will correctly pop over to Lord/Lady without prompting though. It's re-drawn much more often due to your constant mana/hp/stam/weight/etc changing.

Re Cu's and EVs, that's actually the worst summon you can send at a Cu. Those things have a ton of energy resist. You'll wear 'em down eventually, but it's a whole lot of mana for very little effect.