No, you gain faster at lower levels than what you will at higher skill levels. About the only time I would suggest putting on items to increase your skill would be if your training ninjitsu. That is because about a year or more ago they changed the skill requirements for two moves, and one of those moves was what you used to train up to 85 if you didn't have stealth/hidding to use shadow jumping. Now if you don't have stealth/hidding you can train ninjitsu up to a little over mid-60's and then the gains pretty much stop and there isn't another move that requires 50-60 skill range except shadow jump which you need stealth/hidding to perform.
If training magery, it is actually better to equip a spell channelling weapon with a negative mage penalty (-26 to -29), so that you can still gain while casting lower level spells that require less mana.